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well hopefully I can give you the secret to sticking to a diet. I am a counsellor and hopefully this will help please read all of my answer even if it is long and if you are really struggling with eating far too much.
The problem is usually not about the diet...you most probably know heaps of different diets you could go on (weight watchers, jenny craig, csiro diet etc) the difficulty lies on the self control necessary to maintain a diet. Keeping busy doing voluntary work even will help you to distract you during the day, especially in an environment where you can only eat at certain break times. The secrets are usually 3 fold to maintaining the self control.
1-cognitive-what you think, changing what you think is important - keeping you mind focussed on other things other than food - saying positive affirmations "I will only eat 3 small meals a day, in between I will fill my stomach up with heaps of water and diet drinks." Saying these positive affirmations and affirmations of your own will help.
2- behavioural, keeping you body active is a way of keeping your mind focussed on other things. Look at you behaviour , what triggers your eating, is it watching tv, is it sitting at home all the time, is it lack of work. Restrict your eating to a certain place, such as at the table at a set meal time. this will help resist the temptation to eat in the lounge, or snack around the house. I will only eat at the table whilst in this house.
3- is the most useful - external measures, environment is a big help or restriction to your eating patterns. Where you are, do you walk by Mcdonalds all the time, do you have money in your wallet all the time (to tempt you to buy fast food). If you dont have the self control and have spent most of you life trying to find it then you need to change your focus, use outside measure to beat your self control problem.
*lock yourself in a room during certain hours of the day,
*give all your money to someone whom you trust who will pay your bills for you so that you dont have any money to buy fast food,
lock your fridge, kitchen, and or cupboards and dont keep the key yourself cause you know what will happen, cant trust yourself. *
*Handcuff your hands behind your back during certain hours of the day or get a friend or flatmate to be your body guard and to keep you out of the kitchen.
*Find youself a good fencing mask, or hockey helmet, attach some wire mesh to it and put a padlock on it so that you cannot possibly get any food into your mouth. then get a friend to unlock it at meal times and to supervise the amount you eat and drink whilst it is unlocked. This works wonders however it does need constant supervision just in case you need emergency treatment or Resusitation - CPR.
You need to find a measure to keep you away from food, lock yourself up, etc... until your stomach gets used to eating a more reasonable amount of food. It usually takes about 3 weeks of locking yourself up before your body realises it doesnt want any extra food and your stomach will shrink.

Your stomach is stretchy so if you are keeping stuffing big amounts of food in it then it will ask for the same amount tommorrow and the next day and the result is that you will find it difficult to resist it tommorrow. A dietician also said once that often our bodies can confuse the message of need for food for need for water. We drink far too many juices, fizzy drinks and so our bodies get programmed to ask for food in order to get water cause it is not getting enough water. IF you dring enough water you can also fill your stomach up so much that it will assist with eating cravings. You have just recieved $200 worth of therapy for nothing so please done ignore this, number 3 is what most people who are having constant obesity issues need. People who are near their goal weight should not use this method.
Some people have such a weakness with food that they have to live with locked cupboards permanently.

2006-06-14 03:31:24 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diet & Fitness

7 answers

Ignore Krista - she's full of baloney.

2006-06-16 10:37:42 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I'm not sure where your #3 ideas came from, but in my opinion, people need to get out of their house into an environment thats promotes healthy living. They need to understand what the food they are eating do to their body so they know when they slip up, how much they need to work to reverse the affects. They also can't have it forced on them to lose weight by wearing a hockey mask, losing weight is something they have to do for themselves, or they will just gain it right back by going back to their original eating habits.
Many people may confuse your term of diet drinks for sports drinks like gatorade. Thats actually bad for you. Unless you are exercising for more then an hour at a time, you don't need sports drinks. The only good drink besides milk and water is juice, and that should be in a limited amount and 100% natural because the other sugars lead to diabetes. Other diet drinks, like protein shakes, are also not good unless you are exercising becaue protein builds muscle, and even though protein will make you feel full, the shake largely goes to waste because your body can't use it, so your not really providing your body with nutrients for the day. Better to promote fresh fruit and vegetables for meals instead.
You should also get some facts straight on water. It doesn't fill the stomach for very long, because its so easy to digest. It does however help with the digestion of other foods. Think of the intestines as a river. The more water there is, the better you can see which fish you need to get out of it because its of use to you. Water helps spread out the nutrients during digestion, so your body can get more out of the food that your eating. Also, hunger is a sign of dehydration, like you mentioned earlier and the best way to avoid eating is to drink a glass of water and wait 30 minutes, if your still hungery then it is real hunger. Your body needs about 4 liters of water a day for a healthy adult, obese people should drink more then that. The easiest way to do it is to drink it while at a computer or in front of the tv where its right in your hand. Hope this helps you.

2006-06-14 11:04:45 · answer #2 · answered by Krista 5 · 1 0

Pad lock my face???!!!! Ok, whatever. I can tell you that I overcame obesity by learning how to react to food. I have to understand that the INSTANT gratification of food now is not worth the LONG term good feeling of being healthy. I think it's partly a maturity thing, and if you have someone watching over you (what a great friend to duct tape my mouth shut!!) then you will never do it for your self. I've quit drinking ,smoking and weight issues and it was by understanding that no food (drink, drug, cigarette) is going to fix the problems that I have and it will NOT make anything better, just worse. I leave duct tape and ball gags to the bed room :)

2006-06-14 10:43:47 · answer #3 · answered by peepqueen78 2 · 0 0

How fortunate we are as Americans, where we have problems eating too much instead of not being able to scrounge up enough food to subsist on. I'm not being sarcastic, weight problems can result from improper diets. You might want to look up marasmus and Kwashiorkor
... Kwashiorkor is a form of malnutrition caused by inadequate protein intake in the presence of fair to ... Kwashiorkor occurs most commonly in areas of famine, limited food supply, and ...www.umm.edu/ency/article/001604.htm - 13k - Cached - More from this site - Save

2006-06-14 10:45:39 · answer #4 · answered by palaver 3 · 0 0

Hey, I am not obese, but thank you anyway. I am thinking already of the weight I am Slowly gaining. Marriage does that, somehow..I just got some exercise tapes in and I need to get off this computer and go check them out. I hope I never get to the stage of having to lock my cabinets or myself up, but you know? Peanut M&M's are my downfall.

Thanks, again for the reminder. If I had $ 200.00 I might send it to you!

2006-06-14 10:42:21 · answer #5 · answered by bettyboop 6 · 0 0

Okay, first of all, what kind of counselor are you claiming to be? A sadistic, serial killer counselor. Your ideas are completely off the wall and I think you need a counselor (a REAL one) for yourself. Crazy

2006-06-14 10:47:54 · answer #6 · answered by redsgirl 3 · 0 1

hmm u need diet and exercise tips

2006-06-14 10:40:11 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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