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do you ever think that he loved her more?

2006-06-14 02:59:31 · 11 answers · asked by Siri 4 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

11 answers

Nope never do. What was before is in the past and should have nothing to do with the here and now

2006-06-14 03:54:09 · answer #1 · answered by Julie 5 · 2 0

yes, it's natural

but you have to think about it, accept he DID love her, and forget about it otherwise you will drive him away with you insecurities about it.

isn't it the same for you tho? haven't you loved someone before him? i bet he thinks the exact same thing. we should take a leaf out of the guys book and stop needlessly obsessing!! he is with you because he WANTS to be with you.

don't ask the questions you don't really want to know the answers too. believe me, you will feel much better if you leave the past in the past where it belongs.

treat everything on a need to know basis only!!!!!

2006-06-14 10:05:51 · answer #2 · answered by Jan 6 · 0 0

I do, and I compare myself to her. He told me once that he dates really skinny girls that are a size 0 (his ex was a size double 0) and I'm not fat, but I'm definitely not a size 0 so that makes me a little self conscious. Plus, he has a child with his ex and now we're having a baby together so sometimes I do wonder if he'd rather be with her or how she acted during the whole pregnancy and stuff like that. It's natural to wonder, but don't let it get out of control!

2006-06-14 10:05:36 · answer #3 · answered by ericalsmith2004 4 · 0 0

Don't dare think about it. Put it out of your mind. Walk, Run, do something else. Threw it out like garbage, if you don't, it can eat you alive from the inside out.

Be confident, be proud, be loving.......and if he did love her more it won't take long for him to love you more for the confident, loving person you are.

Good Luck

2006-06-14 10:10:38 · answer #4 · answered by KTR 3 · 0 0

Yes I do. But I try not to think about my boyfriend's past. It can only lead to feeling insecure. Its best to leave the past (yours and his) behind. We all have our history with other people and if we dwell on the past then we can't focus on our future with this new person!

2006-06-14 10:04:37 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Nope. I feel I have a lot to offer and dont worry about people in the past. We all have people in our past. You cant put those kind of thoughts in your head.

2006-06-14 10:04:27 · answer #6 · answered by JustMe 6 · 0 0

yes my insecutrities always lead me to think like that. But when he talks about her all the time seems to make it worse. His ex is dead by the way so I feel uncomfortable telling him to stop talking about her so I just suck it up.

2006-06-14 10:19:00 · answer #7 · answered by Dream cocoa 4 · 0 0

i'm not sure coz till now i still refuse to go on a date.. maybe i'm not prepared 4 that yet..
yah, i think i wont mind about his ex coz i feel like if the ex realy that good, they wont broke up n i wont be with him right now... right?

2006-06-14 10:06:51 · answer #8 · answered by lemon 1 · 0 0

ya sometimes, but he always tells me i am more special than her.. and that he loves me in way that he never loved any other woman b4...

2006-06-14 10:04:45 · answer #9 · answered by Baby GurL 1 · 0 0

Yes I do and I still feel that way all the time.because I feel he still does..

2006-06-14 10:04:01 · answer #10 · answered by kutiepye28 3 · 0 0

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