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12 answers

I dont believe so. Back when I was a child, we got the belt for doing something wrong. As years passed child abuse became a big issue. Laws were enacted to protect children from abuse but in reality the real child abusers still exist! We have now created a generation of unruly, out of control children. Some of the atrocities such as Columbine, teen suicide, parents murdered by their children, ETC are a direct reflection on this! I watch this show on television where people bring someone in to teach them how to raise their children. Makes me laugh!!! The "spare the rod, spoil the child" philosophy isnt working people!!! I am not saying you should beat your child but I DO know that when your 3 or 4 year old child has done something wrong the old "drop the drawers and givem one good swat on the bare butt" philosophy worked for me. I think I have only used this method twice but I have never had a problem with my child not respecting me. From that point on my son and I have had excellent verbal communications. I have never layed laws down and when he had questions he wasnt afraid to ask. My son is now 29 years old, has never done drugs, and has accompished much in his life. I am VERY PROUD of him! I remember when came home from school one day and asked if he should smoke marijuana because his friends wanted him to. I told him it was his choice but he had two avenues to take. I told him he could either grow up to be a leader or a follower. I also told him to think about whether he thought this person was his true friend. My son made his own mind up on the matter and chose wisely.

2006-06-14 02:40:05 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Children need to learn some Discipline. How we do it will affect if it actually works or causes Defiance! Society has Rules, that the Facts. So, we need to lead our Children in understanding rules early in life. A few Rules you may want to think about;
We can not have everything we want! (Teach, sometimes need to go without, to get something better later)
We need to take care of what we have! (Teach, we break things then we not get something else because we having to re-buy what we already had)
We care about other people and what they Believe/want to learn! (Teach, we not all have the same interests in life, just because one person want to be a Astronaut, it not mean everyone does, we respect each others Dreams and Goals).
This just some examples, but, Discipline and Rules come from Time and Attention. Spend time with our Children and Teach them and they will learn, if we make it fun and not some Disrespect to our own Children by Putting down their mistakes. Look for the Positive in things and Encourage!

2006-06-14 09:24:45 · answer #2 · answered by Snaglefritz 7 · 0 0

No I don't think that some parents are strict enough with their kids these days. You see kids of 10 or 11 hanging around the streets at 10.30 - 11.00pm on school nights and that can't be right!

Kids need discipline and routine, not just to make our lives easier but so that they feel secure and happy. Kids without guidelines or rules laid down by their parents, tend to be the ones who go off the rails. This is because they don't understand how they should behave as they have never had anyone to teach them.

2006-06-15 11:09:23 · answer #3 · answered by Tatsbabe 6 · 0 0

You have a point. But both parents have to work full-time, it must be awfully hard for them to do a good job. I feel so sorry people making hard choices between raising their children and supporting their children. When I see people trying to do the grocery shopping in the evening with 2 small, exhausted children in tow, I wonder why there isn't more social support for these people.

We talk about how "parenting is the most important job in the world" but we don't do much to make it possible for parents to actually DO that job, much less do it well. Since this is something that affects everyone, looks like there should be some sort of societal support instead of this "every man for himself" approach to parenthood.

2006-06-14 09:45:22 · answer #4 · answered by kill_yr_television 7 · 0 0

Parents today are failing in the area of disciplining. There needs to be rules to set into place to establish guidelines and to establish the idea that they must succumb to authority, authority that begins with parents, then when they grow up becomes the govermental authority who have police to enforce it.

If they grow to respect authority, rules, boundaries and principles, they will not turn out to be the thugs and hoodlums that seem to dominate the youth today. Unfortunately these same misfits are parenting (or at least producing) children of their own and will parent by example seeing that many of them don't even try to parent or make up for mistakes their parents made.

2006-06-14 09:30:35 · answer #5 · answered by JAMMco 4 · 0 0

I discipline my children in a way I think is best for them. It depends what they did and how I see if it was enough for them to be disciplined for. And, the age of the child, I have a 7 year old and 4 year old, I cannot discipline my 4 year old the way I discipline my 7 year old. So, age of a child does matter when it comes to discipline, do I spank my kids, no I do not. Because I don't think that is the answer, they receive time outs, get their favorite toy or toys taken away for a week, and my 7 year old receives groundings, I cannot ground my 4 year old, because she doesn't know what that means yet, but she does know that if her toy or toys are taken away, then she has done something wrong.

2006-06-14 09:18:44 · answer #6 · answered by farside76 5 · 0 0

I think it is important to establish discipline. The Bible says if you spare the rod, then you will spoil the child. I believe that means we could be raising brats who may grow up to think and live as if there are no consequences to any of their decisions and/or actions. Children need to understand that if they live that way, then they will be prone to receive treatment from the world in a manner which we as parents would rather not have them treated. Like Rodney King for example. Anyway, discipline is not for abuse, but for correction. People need to make an effort to use wisdom when disciplining and not lash out in anger against any child, because children, just like adults will make mistakes. Also teach your kids that bad seeds sown in life will result in bad/suffering consequences, but good seeds sown in life will result in good/acceptable consequences.

2006-06-14 09:21:15 · answer #7 · answered by msjuliet2005 4 · 0 0

without rules chaos with rules less chaos limits have to be set and parents need to realize that whats cute at 5 or 6 isn't when their teens ask any juvenile court judge! raising kids is a full time 24 hour job and a lot of parents don't commit to that.

2006-06-14 10:09:57 · answer #8 · answered by Clyde 5 · 0 0

Kids need the discipline, they need the assureance that the parents will do the worrying and they can do the living till they grow old. Parents pampering their kids and not setting rules will come back to haunt them, when they realise as the kid grows older he makes his own decisions, survives for himself, and does not bother about listening or acknowledging the parents. not setting rules for kids can never turn out good.

2006-06-14 09:19:57 · answer #9 · answered by Davina 1 · 0 0

Kids need rules. Unfortunately these days it seems that to many adults are trying to be their kids friends and not their kids parents. Be a parent now, you can be a friend once they've grownup, moved out, and started a family of their own.

2006-06-14 09:21:16 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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