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I am conducting an action research on the feasibility of cycling in parallel to someone else’s driving pattern. The aim of this study is to discover the potential hurdles a person would tackle, when one opts to carry out his daily commute by cycling instead of driving. Seriously, please answer the following questions in as much details as possible.


1.Gender? Male / Female

Research Question

(I) Traveling Patterns

1.How far do you drive on a daily basis? Including all errands.
2.What type of route do you usually be keen on? Freeways, highways, local roads, et cetera.
3.What is the farthest trip you have driven by yourself? From where to where?
4.Do you think that I would be able to keep up with you while you drive? Based on your normal driving speed.

(II) Driving Styles

1.Is your vehicle equipped with a manual (stick shift) or automatic transmission?
2.What is your usual acceleration style? For example, do you typically keep a feathery or heavy foot.

2006-06-13 20:33:20 · 5 answers · asked by Kate 陳玉萍 2 in Cars & Transportation Commuting

5 answers

When you say cycling are you referring to bicycling or motorcycling? There is a big difference. I own cars and motorcycles and use both modes of transportation. The car is more practical because of its utilitarian advantage, i.e. I can carry more stuff. Plus I dont worry about factors such as the weather, wind, and idiots in cars that try to run over bikes. In a car I can listen to music, talk on the cell phone, and any other thing that takes my mind off of driving and makes me more dangerous.

On the otherhand, motorcycling has certain advantages, such as: manuverability in traffic. I lane split and slice right through traffic, instead of waiting. Motorcycles are more fun to ride than cars are to drive, although helmets suck. Gas mileage is good!!! But overall maintenance is more expensive. Motorcycles are not really built for comfort, and for women can be an everyday bad hairday. For us guys I can attest to the fact that chicks dig us.

Bicycles, only practical for short distances, such as if you work near your home. If its more than a couple of miles, its not worth it. You'll need to shower when you get there, especially in the hot summer. Or you'll get caught in the rain and look a mess. Cars give bicyclists even less respect than they do motorcycles, so getting killed is always in the back of ones mind.

My cars are all automatic, although i have owned many cars with manuel transmissions in the past. In my car i have a light foot, and choose not to waste gas accelerating hard. I prefer a slower launch but I typically drive faster than most overall. In other words I catch'em and pass them, and still use less gas than they do. On the motorcyle, of course its manuel transmission. I ride a bit harder than I drive for a few reasons. One I accelerate hard to get away from the cars. I'd rather have open road then be stuck behind cars that tend to slam on their brakes or change lanes without looking. So i get ahead of the cars first, and try not to catch up with the next wave of cars ahead, if possible. I dont own a sport bikel so I dont show off a lot. I just ride the thing and try to make it there in once piece.

I prefer driving and riding on local roads, unless i am traveling, then I stick to the freeways.

Farthest trip was from S.F. California to Miami Fl, and back. About 6K miles or so.

Yes you could keep up with me. I dont drive really that fast, but i push the limit of the law. Some cars pass me, and I pass others. I guess it depends on how fast you drive.

2006-06-13 21:01:28 · answer #1 · answered by jack f 7 · 1 1

1.Gender: Male

Research Question
(I) Traveling Patterns
1.How far do you drive on a daily basis? Including all errands.
(a) About 5 miles total (a college student) (I also use Local transit which allow bikes to be carried onboard.)

2.What type of route do you usually be keen on? Freeways, highways, local roads, et cetera.
(a) Local roads

3.What is the farthest trip you have driven by yourself? From where to where?
(a) 10 miles. SFO Pier 39 to Golden Gate bridge.

4.Do you think that I would be able to keep up with you while you drive? Based on your normal driving speed.
(a) I bike, so if you can bike fast, you can keep up!

(II) Driving Styles
1.Is your vehicle equipped with a manual (stick shift) or automatic transmission?
(a) Manual

2.What is your usual acceleration style? For example, do you typically keep a feathery or heavy foot.
(a) Light foot

2006-06-13 21:21:11 · answer #2 · answered by *ICEMAN* 3 · 0 0

1.Gender: Male (I) Traveling Patterns 1. Roughly 30 miles 2. Almost entirely freeways 3. 344 miles, Thousand Oaks to San Jose CA 4. Not even close, my street driving speed usually exceeds 40, my freeway (normal travel for me) speed exceeds 65. (II) Driving Styles 1. Auto 2. Heavy acceleration off the line, get to my desired speed quickly then stay there. I'd say I have a heavy foot.

2016-03-27 03:22:34 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

40 km daily
Combination highway and local roads
Across Australia from Bunbury to Sydney (in a small Toyota 4c car)
Manual Hyundai 4 Cylinder
Lead foot

2006-06-13 20:39:45 · answer #4 · answered by Just Thinking 6 · 0 0

You like being wet ?

2006-06-13 20:39:11 · answer #5 · answered by stillhappy89 4 · 0 0

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