You report for her. Call your insurance company and give them the info you got from the person. Your insurance company will notify her insurance and the claim will start. The cool thing about this is her insurance refuses to pay, your insurance is obligated to fix your car and sue her insurance for their money back. it cannot go against your insurance. And while your at it, start having back and neck problems. I have found this is threat enought omake most insurance companies straighten up and take care of your car.
2006-06-16 16:26:25
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
2016-08-30 11:04:28
answer #2
answered by ? 3
If her insurance company won't do anything, file it with yours. Your insurance company will be reimbursed by hers. Most insurance companies will only deal with their own customers; they're under no obligation to accept a claim directly from you.
Filing with your own insurance company is the normal procedure.
Also, you need to file an accident with the police department in the jurisdiction where the accident happened. This is required any time there is personal injury. Most states also require that a copy of the report be filed with the DMV. Even though the police may not have investigated the accident at the scene, you still MUST file the report. The other driver is also required to file a report. When you file yours, they will require the other driver to file one as well.
2006-06-14 02:41:49
answer #3
answered by Bostonian In MO 7
ok, there are cameras every where, check it out. there is quite probably one on the light post at the nearest intersection. if there is a bank or ATM nearby there is a camera. a convenience store, a quik service gas station?
did you go to the hospital? did you tell them the details? i'm sorry but this was a serious lack of thinking on your part. in today's litigious world documentation is of prime importance. you had no cell phone? were there no witnesses? you could be screwed. in a rear end collision the person behind is in the wrong 98% of the time unless they can provide some evidence from such as the above. get some friends together ask everyone anywhere near. get that evidence.
2006-06-13 17:48:44
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
If there is personal injury in a traffic accident, by law a police report must be filed. The police must be called.
If the other person doesn't notify their insurance company, let your insurance company deal with the problem (assuming you have insurance). Just give them the other person's information. That's what you pay them for.
If you DON'T have insurance, you're going to have to file a small claims case.
2006-06-13 17:32:32
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Don't wait around, Go see a lawyer. Don't talk to their insurance company any more. If you do you will end up getting screwed. I had the same thing happen, went to small claims court won the case but due to lack of experience and not knowing the system received a pittance. Any time you are rear ended it is the other persons fault, PERIOD. Get a lawyer involved now.-rob
2006-06-13 20:09:04
answer #6
answered by rob 2
What happens when a person that is has insurance rears my car and refuses to report to her insurance company?
You can easily compare quotes from 20+ cheapest insurance companies in USA for example at: DISCOUNTAUTOINSURANCE1.COM
2014-07-15 04:43:12
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
What happens when a person that is has insurance rears my car and refuses to report to her insurance company?
Looking 4 auto insurance companies? one of the top to get best auto insurance company, rates and prices is:
2014-06-29 07:31:11
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Don't you ever watch "People's Court"?
Ok then watch this............
Judge: Mame did you on June 13TH, while waiting out a stop lite, think the light was green, remove your foot from the brake, and placing it on the accelerator, resulting in your car hitting the back of Mr Srena car, for which you apologized when you told him you thought the light was green?
Lady that hit your car: no your honor, I did not!
Judge: Mr Srena " GET A POLICE REPORT!!!"
2006-06-13 18:23:26
answer #9
answered by pirate 3
First, goto the DMV/policy and report the accident. Next, if you have insurance, file with them. They will go after the other company for you. (You might have to pay your detuctible, but once the insurance reimburses you from the other company then you can recoup the detuct)
2006-06-13 17:40:38
answer #10
answered by PeppermintandPopcorn 3