This is not so hard to think about, but it's kinda hard to answer. I'm talking here about the Unknown with a capital letter which can also refer to God, any god of any religion, or just what we humans don't know about the universe. I have figured this one thing out, at least, for my own life. It seems there are only three things we do in life. At least, after 57 years of my existence, it seems like that. We are born, we learn, and we die. I am doing the first two, and have yet to experience the last one.
Now, let's think about the order of those things. Can we change the order, or do they come in this order only, and then notice the word "order". What about chaos? Isn't that part of nature too, or is order out of order? Yeah, the chaos may be the context within which I must learn. Every time I run into a contradiction to the truth/s I have been believing, I must change my thinking about the nature and the substance of T/truth/s I encounter in their contradiction of one another. But, think about this: I am experiencing This/these T/truth/s while I am experiencing this chaos, so where's the order that the t/truth/s is/are supposed to bring out of chaos? Then, again, maybe we don't experience all this at the same time? Uh oh!? The word "time"; I forgot about time. Can we actually do things, experience things as the same time, change the order of things? Can I actually walk and chew gum at the same time? Or, must I take a step and chew- take a step and chew. . . -take a step and . . . . hummm!? maybe there is no such thing as simultaneity? because there is no such thing as time, except as time, it is the same thing as the space we take up thinking about it. This really is the kicker, it seems to me: Quantum physicists and the new physics tell/s us that time and space are the same thing, if I am not mistaken, and that we should really only be thinking about probabilities instead of T/truth. What I'm saying here is that there is no such thing as Truth in our reality, on our planet, in this galaxy, in this universe, according to everything we humans know about it. There may be some probability that there is/are T/truth/s beyond our reality, etcetera., which, upon my death, I may experience, but maybe not.?! Perhaps that brings us to the question of order again. Are we here to create order or to experience it through chaos by learning the difference between them? Then there is the issue of why not chaos. The implication is that order is better than chaos, or that there is some preference I should have, one over the other. But, it seems to me that both are needed as functions of the other (at the least), or as functions of the learning process itself, which, remember, is the middle and biggest (in terms of which one of which we do the most.) of the three things we do in life. Each of the three things we do in life is equally important b/c we can't have one without the others, just like chaos and order (can't have one without the other). I feel like I'm chasing my tail here.
Hmmm. Maybe we are here existing on this planet, in this galaxy, in this universe because we continue to exist (your words, your ideas). Or, maybe we're doing all these things you say we are doing because we are learning to think about them while we won't know the reason for it until we take the final of the three steps. We are just compelled by the Unknown to do it on f/Faith.
The multiverses/Existence/Reality is such an interesting phenomenon, isn't it!
Thanks for the opportunity to ponder on it.
2006-06-13 18:12:28
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Using a scientific answer: According to some theories, we are here by sheer accident. Trying to make sense of something using a reason is all too human. We might just be sitting at a rock that have no reason whatever to exist, much less support beings.
If you look at a rock in the driveway, it serves no purpose all in it's own. The only reason it would move is if an out side force disturb its humdrum existance.
Living things on the other hand, do things for the basic purpose of survival. We do things that mostly benefit our existance. We eat or else we die. We walk from point A to point B, usually with a reason. We work, we sleep, we run, we blink, we breath, we love, we have sex, we sneeze, we laugh, we cry all in the name of survival... or in a bigger picture, for our species to survive.
Living things that never had enough adaptation disappeared long ago, hence, survival of the fittest. And yet, a rock, much like our planet, have no purpose. Who is to say that our planet evolves around the sun for our sheer benefit? It would surely revolve around the sun (like the uninhabited planets) long after the last human dies.
Giving a reason to something is the human reasoning that you have to have reason to do something. But a rock never did.
Maybe the answer lies in that. That we humans should put more emphasis on our survival, instead of killing each other and destroying our own habitat, in the name of religious principle and advancement.
Using a religious answer, I would say that this is our chance to prove our worth and someday might be deemed to enter a place much better than where we are now. Depending in the strenght of your faith, a question like this shouldn't be even asked.
Ironically, religion is the biggest answer as to why we destroy each other. Ninety-nine percent of the wars humans fought as far as they can remember is about religion.
Religion divides, faith unites.
2006-06-13 17:03:53
answer #2
answered by azrach187 3
Are you for real?
Humans are a parasite on the back of Mother Nature. We are blood sucking vermin, for the most part, that walk around in a selfish daze. We are no different than a tape worm, just more aware.
We continue to exist because people continue to have sex and make babies and well, the rest, a they say, is history. I guess, maybe, if more people were concerned for the out turn of our environment, considering that we are the most intelligent creature on the planet, that we know of, there would be hope for a continued future. A bright, enlightened future.
2006-06-13 16:48:07
answer #3
answered by 0000000 3
We are living because conditions are just right for us to continue eating, drinking and breathing. As far as the rest, it depends on your own personal beliefs. I believe we are here because total nothingness would be pretty boring wouldn't it? I think our "higher power" needed something to do and be amused by. We are existing to be the best human being we can be. Some pass, others fail, as far as coming back to earth again to do it all over again, that's debatable. I guess 100 years from now in "Answers", maybe someone will actually be able to answer your question better.
2006-06-13 17:02:33
answer #4
answered by SonoranAngel 6
Thats a question nobody on this planet can tell you! and thats a fact. nobody but god knows why were here and what our purpose really is, to find it you have to dig deep inside yourself!! just one thing to remember is that you were put here for a reason so make the most of life and live it to the fullest!!!
2006-06-13 17:30:53
answer #5
answered by maddy b 2
(The following is what I have written on my blog at Yahoo.360. It is what I believe is the meaning of life and is gleaned from my experiences and learnigs in life. I hope it is not too long for you to read.)
Why logically I think there is a Jesus Christ or someone of his stature
Hi. Religion in a practical sense has always interested me. Here is why I think there likely is a Jesus Christ-like person.
In any family there are persons who have greater or lesser talents, and are good or worst in a moral sense, than others. In our human family it is the same. We all started out as one person, then the second person in Eve came along. As soon as the third person appeared then all the bad human emotions came into existence, of jealousy, pettiness, greed, murder, covetness, hatred, etc. Now these emotions are mutlipled some six billion times with each human being having them to one degree or another.
We all know there are various degrees of good and evil in us all, and we all know who the epitomy of evil is, namely in the person of Satan. So if there are various degrees of good and evil in persons, and we know who the Evil One is, there likely then is an extreme good person also. Whether that person is Jesus Christ or some other person, such a person likely exists. The rest of mankind has degrees of good and evil in them between those two extremes. Jesus Christ has been investigated and studied more than any other person in history without anything false being able to be found about him, so likely he is the greatest good in the family.
Christ always preached against the world and worldly things because they are ephemeral and temporary, and preached against anything that kept us focused on this world and kept this world in existence, because it keeps all of these negative emotions in existence. Consequently, in order to have real joy, happiness and peace we have to come together as one, in the way that it began. I think that this is what Christ meant when his mission became to "deliver the kingdom unto the Father". In some way, and likely by the force of his personality and by reason and logic, he has a way to lead us from our present worldly ways, and hence to real joy and happiness which is everlasting and not just for a while. Because Jesus Christ is a member of the human race everything that he has done is possible for us all and he by his "miracles" has shown us just what is possible. Perhaps up to ten or fifteen years ago when Dolly the sheep was cloned, the virginal birth was hard to fathom and accept, but since then such wonders do not appear so far-fetched or unreal. Really what he has asked us to do is accept by faith what he has taught and done until we can accept them by understanding. Anyone who has done so through their lifetimes likely have avoided much heartache and misery.
So as we all started out from one, and then two persons, and now have split off into six billion, so Christ's mission, in order to bring us back to the peace and joy that is possible, is to bring us back to one again. And because science teaches that the earth is millions of years old, presumably after experiencing joy and happiness for a long time, someone steps out of line perhaps to experiment with worldly things, or perhaps through boredom, and once again the whole process begins again.
2006-06-13 17:59:52
answer #6
answered by Leslie J 1
We exist to continue the world's cycle. Birth, Life, Death.
2006-06-13 16:48:30
answer #7
answered by ebony0225 3
We exist to make babies, and we keep existing because we make babies, and most likely keep on making babies until we find something that will make everyone in the world sterile at the same time.
2006-06-13 16:46:38
answer #8
answered by Cosmic Kitty 2
To enjoy life, to help others enjoy their lives, to oppose the people and forces that would rob us and others of the joy of life, to practice gratitude to whatever "Force" has given us our lives to enjoy.
2006-06-13 16:55:36
answer #9
answered by ckswife 6
to prove we are righteous and will remain faithful to God. but thats just what i believe.
2006-06-13 16:44:08
answer #10
answered by You Know It! 3