Because we continue to pay those high prices. So they will continue to charge them.
2006-06-13 09:26:49
answer #1
answered by konitchiwa bitches 2
Because the gas prices are high and we haven't reduced the amount that we are buying. If I sell 100 cokes at a dollar a coke and my profit is .25 per coke than I make 25 dollars on those 100 cokes. Now I have to raise the price to 2.00 dollars and now I make 50 cents on the each coke and you keep buying them now I have made 50 dollars. Just because the price goes up for them to get the Oil doesn't mean that they will not add their cut as well.
This explanation is a very simple one and hopefully I was not being insulting by using it.
2006-06-13 09:28:02
answer #2
answered by Michael A 3
The profit is coming from the high price of gas,and the high demand of gas by consumers.
2006-06-13 09:27:29
answer #3
answered by mortonshaun 1
That's easy... because the oil industry has, for decades, bribed our elected officials (both parties) into giving them huge subsidies, pollution loopholes, and no accountability to the country. The millions in payola assures that no one in Washington is going to do anything to upset the oil companies. Thus, we need to throw their asses out of town.
2006-06-13 09:27:26
answer #4
answered by JeffyB 7
Corporate greed and an apathetic public!
2006-06-13 18:58:57
answer #5
answered by shell 2
Because they are either owned or are partners with our government. Otherwise, this kind of unfairness would not have been tolerated.
2006-06-13 09:27:03
answer #6
answered by JOE 4
B/C we keep paying them.
2006-06-13 09:26:14
answer #7
answered by nunya b 2