Just be yourself, and she'll like straight away : )
I know I'm late with the advice,but you can always use it next time!
2006-06-13 22:52:47
answer #1
answered by cc 6
Go for it, don't regret what you don't do! If it's your friend, they have your best interests at heart and our friends know us best! I can understand that you might be nervous, but put it this way, there is the potential there to actually have a good time. Think of it as a night out, not judgement day and relax a little. Wear something casual but smart, so you feel comfortable and so she's getting to know the real you- not a man in a suit trying too hard.
If you genuinely don't like her after a drink or two, make an excuse. Get a friend to call you an hour after you get there, if the date is going badly you can say you've been called into work and if it's going well, just pause the call and say that you wont answer the call because you're having a good time and you don't want any distractions.
She could be 'not your cup of tea' or she could be '2nd date material'. It's 50/50, so I would go for it. It's not the end of the world if it goes a little badly. Hey and you could even come away with a new friend if not a potential girlfriend.
2006-06-13 11:09:34
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Well, you could always cancel. But.....I once almost canelled a blind date that I wasn't really looking forward to. My friend talked me into going, though. Good thing she did, too, because that blind date resulted in a very strong happy 25 year (so far) marriage.
Look at it this way.....what's the absolute worse that can happen? You don't hit it off. But how would you know that if you don't show up? At the very least you could have a good time and enjoy a night out.
I say suck it up and go! And take the attitude with you that you are going to have a good time. Just relax, be yourself, and don't worry about how you "come across".
2006-06-13 10:51:22
answer #3
answered by kj 7
My general rule for blind dates is always have a friend call you about 30 mintues into the date. If the date is going well and you like the other person when your friend calls tell them you are busy and will call them back later. If the date is a bomb when your friend calls act like it is an emergency and tell the date you are really sorry but you have to go.
2006-06-13 10:46:03
answer #4
answered by The Teacher 6
I've been there, too! The best thing to do is to look your best and don't try to picture them in your mind cuz that will just backfire on you. Keep saying to yourself, "She'll be nice and that's what counts!" Remind yourself that looks can be deceiving and not to be shocked if they're less than visually appealing. Go to dinner at a place that you like so that you're comfortable there. Oh, and be the gentleman, bring her flowers. That always breaks the ice. It doesn't mean a commitment, it means that chivalry is not dead! And if she is beautiful and you are attracted to her, then count your blessings! Good luck!!
2006-06-13 10:45:25
answer #5
answered by sandhsand 2
Well then, be pleasant and approachable. Just remember that you are both having unsure feelings. Even if she isn't picture perfect, be great and have fun. You don't have to love a date, but you do have a responsibility to be kind. Good luck.
2006-06-13 10:41:08
answer #6
answered by SC 2
Set the alarm on your cell phone for 30 minutes after the date starts. Make sure your phone is on vibrate. When the alarm goes off answer it like if someone was calling. If your having fun dont answer the phone if your not this is your chance to leave no hard feelins!!
Good Luck!!
2006-06-13 10:43:18
answer #7
answered by ♥♥Soon to Be Mrs.F♥♥ 6
Be honest about the fact that you are nervous. Be honest in general. Go with the idea that you may at least make a new friend, but if things are not going well be open about the fact that things are not going to work out.
2006-06-13 10:41:11
answer #8
answered by CHERYL S 2
Don't you have a big project coming up at work that your boss says has a deadline of 8:00 AM tomorrow morning? You might have to work late tonight. Oh, sorry about the date. You won't be able to make it. :)
2006-06-13 10:39:32
answer #9
answered by lynda_is 6
If your freind is a close one, then just think, how bad can it be?
Freinds are always trying their best, so trust him/her on this one.
If you are feeling nervous, so is she. Relax as much as you can, and take it as one of those experiences that cant be avoided. You may like it, even if you dont, you'll learn something about the experience.
Just go with the flow!
2006-06-13 10:52:46
answer #10
answered by lonely_sam 1
Go for it, what have you got to lose? Just be yourself, she'll be as nervous as you are, and have a couple of drinks, the conversation will flow. Not too many though!
2006-06-13 10:41:43
answer #11
answered by Galaxy 3