If You're Stopped:
If the unfortunate does happen and you get stopped by the police, there are some very important things you need to know before you ever get stopped, and these include what to do and most importantly, what not to do or say to the police. Lets talk a little about those strategies and tactics now.
If you find yourself getting pulled over, first, pull over well off the highway and off the road itself. This reduces the likelihood your vehicle will get towed if you get arrested. Next, get yourself together. Pop a mint or gum in your mouth. When the police officer comes up to the vehicle be sure you NEVER admit to drinking ANY amount of alcoholic beverages. Do not self incriminate yourself. Make the police officer do his job, don't help him out. Answer questions only when necessary. Believe it or not, you do have the right to remain silent. Be cooperative but do not give the officer any evidence to be used against you.
If the officer suspects you have been drinking he may ask you to perform some oral tests like counting or reciting the alphabet. You must refuse these and any and all other tests. Yes, you can refuse to take these tests. For some reason people believe they must submit to the field sobriety tests and this is not true. You must refuse all oral and then actual field tests like walking the line, standing on one foot, following the pen with your eyes and any and all other tests.
Simply tell the officer you are refusing all tests and are invoking your right not to answer any questions. You are trying to give the officer little or no probable cause to arrest you. Remember, an officer can only arrest a person with probable cause and in a DUI / DWI case, that probable cause is the field tests administered at the scene of the traffic stop. By refusing all tests, the officer is left with a couple of choices, he can let you go, call a ride for you or take you in for DUI / DWI. Believe me, the officer knows he is on shaky ground by arresting you without any or little probable cause other than his observations.
Refuse All Tests
If the police officer decides to arrest you, once you arrive at police headquarters you may be asked again to perform oral and other sobriety tests. Now you are being filmed and recorded, so again, refuse everything. When asked to submit to a blood, urine or breath test to determine your blood alcohol level, you must refuse these tests. Yes, you will lose your license but you will also lose it if convicted for DUI / DWI and I will tell you why you should refuse shortly. Remember, the police are trying to build a case against you by getting evidence, do not help them by giving them anything to help build their case. With no field tests, sobriety tests of any kind and no blood alcohol levels, the police will find it difficult to get a conviction in a court of law against you for DUI / DWI. At this point you may be processed and released on bond or arraigned in court. Be sure to hire a lawyer and a good one because he will help you get out of the arrest completely.
2006-06-13 17:31:40
answer #1
answered by bestanswer 2
There is no way for you to not appear as drunk as you really are. Drinking and driving is a real stupid move. You might not get hurt, but some innocent person could have their life ruined or ended because you just had to get behind the wheel. Best to leave the keys at home next time you plan to drink.
2006-06-13 09:24:07
answer #2
answered by Garfield 6
I got really drunk at "the wheel", I tried to look sober but Pat caught on real fast. I really should not have goosed Vanna.
My suggest if you are going to get drunk skip the wheel and go to the Price is Right you will fit right in.
2006-06-13 16:31:32
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Well, if you were parked, with the engine off, and the keys in the next county.... that might be a good way to go. Boozin' and Cruisin' is for loosers. I like a beer, but the thought of plowing down a station wagon full of girl scouts keeps me from driving drunk. To much to risk, and none of it is mine.
2006-06-13 09:18:38
answer #4
answered by Oilfield 4
Don't be a moron. If you are drunk at the wheel, you are putting yourself in a position to become a murderer. Just call a cab or sleep it off.
2006-06-13 09:16:26
answer #5
answered by cucumberlarry1 6
Not going to happen. If this could be done, someone would be really really rich by now teaching it to all the drunks on the road.
2006-06-13 09:12:56
answer #6
answered by curious 5
Pull over immediately and check into the nearest rehab facility. You are an alcoholic.
2006-06-13 09:16:19
answer #7
answered by dbfny 1
As soon as you see the sirens, you will be sober! Dont worry about it.
2006-06-13 09:13:34
answer #8
answered by Bent 5
i dont know how can you look sober when you are drunk
2006-06-13 09:20:09
answer #9
answered by boyang 5
Other than focusing on something, I don't know. But I have to say, I love your questions.
2006-06-13 09:18:08
answer #10
answered by buzzzard 3