No god exists damn it.
2006-06-13 01:13:12
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The Bible does say, as one of the 10 commandments, "Thou shalt not kill." However, God is a wrathful God and jealous too. Christians do have a history of violence, but shouldn't be judged for it. They are humans too! I don't think God wants you running around killing people, but he is a just God. The Mosaic Law (the Old Testament) had laws about just punishment and this included killing others for what they had done wrong (I suggest reading Leviticus). However, many Christians believe that some of these laws, as they were detailed and ridiculous by today's standards, are no longer in effect because Jesus came as the ultimate sacrifice and salvation is found through the belief that Jesus died and rose again for our sins; salvation is not through the law (Romans 10:5-13). At this point, it's open to interpretation.
2006-06-13 01:23:55
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I believe God does exist and so do Heaven and Hell, but I believe they are metaphors for being with or without God's love. God wants to love us all, but He won't force it on us, we have to except it ourselves. If we do commit murder, in my opinion that is rejecting God's love so we will 'go to' Hell. If this is what you mean by punishment or reward I believe we will be 'punished' but I don't really see it like that.
I don't think that every religion wants to murder people (though if there are any, they are the ones the media will tell us about). And infact, the Muslim rules of military jihad actually say that indiscriminate killing is wrong - so the attacks on the twin towers wouldn't have been acceptable.
And yeah, respect for other people's feelings is more likely to get you 'into' heaven, but you need to accept God too.
To bblbb647: So is Nietzsche.
2006-06-13 08:12:42
answer #3
answered by guest 5
You are already living in Heaven or Hell. You know it all depends on what your personal view is are you living in hell or heaven or like most people a bit of both. As for God you have till the day of your judgement to decide on that one, however remember if you repent all can be forgive in the eyes of God even for a killer! It all comes down to your faith and what you believe is true. Personally I believe having an opinion and an idea about it is more important than holding on to a blind faith that may or may not be true anyway we all find out in the end!!!!
2006-06-13 02:57:39
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
In the Old Testament it points out that Kain was the first murderer, and he was known as one of the devil's people! God did forgive him though but couldn't protect him from the consequences of his actions. God is a forgiving God, but he can't protect us from stupidity. Nor from our own free will. Murder is a spirit of the devil. (Or Devil Spirit if you prefer). It is not a natural reaction of man. Usually murder is premeditated which means the one doing the act has thought it through. God does not condone evil. Nor does he expect us to do the same. He loves, and tries to help us overcome our problems. He also wants to help us overcome the influences of the devil spirit realm like murder, homosexuality, rape, etc. The trouble is, because murderers do not know the cause of what they are doing they accept it. And because they become used to it and start to enjoy it, they prefer to keep it. They then by their free will choose to stay evil and exclude themselves from God's love and forgiveness. The question then becomes not whether God will forgive them, but will they let him? The answer, NO. Their only reward, the second death. Unless they repent and change their ways, and accept the saviour from sin - Jesus Christ. but no, God doesn't reward murder.
2006-06-13 07:16:48
answer #5
answered by ManoGod 6
Actually you're mistaken - Christianity does not believe that murdering people of other religions will get them to heaven.
In fact, getting to heaven, for Christianity, is nothing to do with how many people you killed, or whether you were basically a good bloke, whether you had respect for people or whatever. It is about:
1. Whether you recognise that you do bad things (sin) and...
2. Ask God for forgiveness, and
3. Accept that Jesus died in order to take away our sins.
That's it for Christians, it's not about how many good things we did versus how many bad things we did.
However, in Islam, and Judaism, and Hinduism, it is about how good you are, whether you followed the edicts and rules of Islam, Judaism or Hindusim well or not. For Islam, it's about whether you are a good Muslim or not, and if you're not, then tough - you go to hell.
So basically, Christians don't believe in killing people anyway, and getting to heaven is nothing to do with whether you're a well rounded person or not.
2006-06-13 01:22:31
answer #6
answered by D Law 2
Unfortunately it seems that fanatics of any faith are able to read their religious text and find a justification for killing in the name of 'God'. I believe the God I worship does not condone murder of any kind and so those who do so will not be rewarded in the afterlife. Sadly, we cannot control how people interpret things.
2006-06-13 01:17:49
answer #7
answered by peggy*moo 5
There is no hell. God is everyone and everything. God would not punish himself. Killing someone is bad moral judgment. The only person you really need to ask for forgiveness is yourself. Because everyone is a part of God, that means you are too.
2006-06-13 01:23:50
answer #8
answered by Kelly K 3
Yes, there is a Heaven and hell. No, people won't be rewarded for murdering others; that is a sin! The only way to Heaven is through Jesus Christ. John 3:16-18 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Begotten, Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 "For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved. "18. He that believeth on Him is not condemned; but He that believeth not is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Begotten Son of God." verse 18 is typically where people mess it up; they say, "oh, I believe in Jesus" and so they think they're ready for Heaven, but they are missing the Truth. If you believe, truly believe, there is Jesus, then you must follow what the Bible says to attain salvation. (which gives you Eternal Life in Heaven, vs.Hell) 1st John 1:8-10. "If we say that we have no sin, we decieve ourselves, and the Truth is not in us." 9.If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."10. If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His Word is not in us."John 14:6 says" Jesus said unto him, (to Thomas, one of the Disciples) "I am the Way, the Truth, and the life; no man comes unto the Father, but by me." So for anybody who says they have no sin, (they are good people, whatever) Then Jesus is not in them. And if He is not in you, you cannot get to the Father. Acts 2:38 says "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of You in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission (forgiveness) of sins, and you shall receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost." In regards to Hell; what most people call hell, they are actually refering to the lake of fire. (hell and death will be cast into it; Rev. 20:14) Rev. 20:15 "And whosoever was not found in the Book of Life was cast into the Lake of Fire. Rev.21:8 "But the fearful(cowardly) and unbelieving, (refer back to John 3:18) and the abominable (worthy of or causing disgust or hatred) and murderers, and whoremongers (sexually immoral) and sorcerers(a person who practices sorcery, which is the use of power gained from the assistance or control of evil spirits) and idolaters(people who worship anything but the one true God) and all liars(one who tells lies) shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone;which is the second death." So to sum up your question, there is most certainly, a Heaven, and a Hell, as well as the Lake of Fire. The first is the only option for me. Sadly, a lot of people do believe that being a good person will get them there. But Jesus said, no one comes to the Father but through Him. Now, for those of you reading this, if you don't believe there is a God, none of this will concern you, and some of you will probably find some reason to complain about something I said, and that's okay. But if it causes even 1 person to question whether they are ready to meet God, and then do something about it, that's awesome. Hope this helped answer your question. If you need to know more, let me know.
2006-06-13 02:10:56
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
He who say "no God exist" or "God is dead" is a great idiot. Forget about them.
According to the two giant religious (Islamic and Christianity), there is a good and deserved purnishment.
*According to both of the religious, is it stated that; "He who did righ thing as small as an atom will recieve the right reward in the day of resuruction and same as He who did bad thing"
**According to the holy Qur'an, it is stated that; "He who killed believer deliberately will be directly putted in the hell fire".
***According to the holy Bible, it is stated that; "thoui shall not be killed"
2006-06-13 01:26:27
answer #10
answered by isah4real 1
My belief is that nobody gets rewarded for killing, regardless of their religion. No ill dead has a reward. However, God has given us all a chance to accept his gift to the world, His Son, and only through Him can we get our reward (heaven).
2006-06-13 01:15:08
answer #11
answered by Punky 4