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Many, many years ago Mars had life on it just like Earth. It was a creation as well. This is the area where the face of Mars was discovered. You can see all the pyramids.


That right there is a picture of Mars. Tens of thousands of years ago a planet-sized comet flew by it, and really gave it the shock of its life. This comet had its poles flipped, and spun the other direction much like Venus, and we know how magnets attract.

Well imagine two planets with their poles just right to be attracted to each other, only one planet is glowing like a comet. So they connect, and you can see the south pole of Mars is where the energy was sucked in. That's why it's all pockmarked with lightning scars, not craters.


There's some plasma scarring.

2006-06-12 21:12:19 · 14 answers · asked by Tony, ya feel me? 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Anyways, the northern hemisphere is where the energy exited, and it sucked up all that soil. That's why the northern hemisphere is 3000 feet below the average at the equator, and why it's so smooth compared to the southern hemisphere.

Anyways, I'm pointing out the 4 main "volcanoes" of Mars, and the Valles Marineris. Notice how they form a triangle, and how perfect it looks? Is this where God started with the planet?

No doubt that when the planet was destroyed, it gave us a peek into what was going on underneath the planet's surface. I think God had to get started somewhere. That is where he zapped it to life, and that is where he zapped it out.

2006-06-12 21:17:05 · update #1

To the dude saying I need to spend less time reading comic books:

This stuff is closer to the truth than any current theories about Mars that you'll herer from NASA. They say those are all crater impacts from meteors even though many of them have little mounds in their center (and you can see the plasma scarring in that one picture anyways). The Valles Marineris is supposed to be a cooling crack? Give me a break, look at that straight line.

2006-06-12 21:23:57 · update #2

I can see AndyGravity doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. Comet's are not ice and carbonaceous stuff, this is why the ancients feared them so much, even sacrificied to them. Just because we haven't gotten hit by one like they had back in the day people go and forget. Damn, we need some Earth shattering stuff to revive the faith.

Plasma burns kid, lightning burns. And when a body the size of a planet like Venus gets all charged up, and taps poles with another planet, you're gonna get a lot of fireworks. Take a good look at the surface of the southern hemisphere of Mars kid. I mean really look at it. Then get back to me you pizza-faced punk.

Also, this event probably sucked the life out of Mars somehow, shutting down that electric field. Maybe the currents travelled the surface of Mars? I heard it has some strong crustal magnetic fields, possibly remnants of the true magnetic field it once had.

2006-06-12 22:12:39 · update #3

14 answers

It would be so helpful if, when providing proof of something, there was actually a whit of truth to what you have to say. Not only is most of what you've said untrue, it simply doesn't make sense.

However, not being one to just say that and not back it up.

1) A planet sized comet wouldn't be generating a large magnetic field because comets are made of ice and (mostly carbonaceous) dust, two things which are most notably not magnetic.

2) No scientist worth his salt yet has indicated there's any evidence of massive "plasma scarring" on the surface of Mars, and if one did, it would be from plasma hitting the surface of Mars. While the Sun and other stars are made out of the stuff, comets completely lack it and magnets don't create it, even if one magnetic field comes into alignment with another one, which brings us to...

3) Mars has no significant magnetic field. It has a few magnetic patches on it where there is probably quite a bit of iron concentrated, but it's not magnetic in the least (as a whole planet, in the fashion of, say, the Earth). It has no magnetic poles, either... and since you can't demagnetize an object with another magnetic field, it couldn't have ended up that way because another magnet "stripped off" it's magnetic field, and in any case you've said Mars absorbed all the energy... so it should be absolutely glowing on the magnetic front, and it isn't.

So, your theory is that an object which we know has no significant magnetic field (Mars) and an object which we know cannot have a magnetic field (a comet) got together and flipped magnetic poles which didn't exist when you said this event took place, in this massive magnetic tango that produced a product it could not have produced (plasma), that literally fired right through Mars like a gun and, even though it shot straight through the core from one non-existent magnetic pole through the other, didn't destroy the planet from the inside out, but left it completely in tact and just burned off the northern hemisphere, totally defying just about every one of the Laws of Physics God created the Universe to run on because, perfect being that He is, He was too incompetent to get it right the first time and needed to make a trial run which, as a compassionate and merciful God, He decided to burn to a crisp and roast alive every living thing on rather than allow to live on in peace once it had served His purposes, because He just didn't feel bothered to have them around any more.

You're right. That's a freaking miracle.

P.S.-- Craters naturally fill in from the center out because the edges of the crater are protected by the wall, leaving the center of the crater where dust can be most easily blown and settle, and there are dust storms on Mars. Also, cooling cracks are very regular things, as the contracting matter pulls evenly away from the weakest point, most often causing the split to be very even and straight. There's nothing about those features on Mars (or the shield volcanoes, for that matter) we haven't seen happen endless times on Earth-- and directly witnessed in other planetary bodies in the Solar System, which is why we know what made them.

Edit: All right, let's do this. First, as for comets:




Everyone from the sixth grade on but you seemed to learn in science class what comets were made of, and most of us quite a bit sooner. They're made out of ICE and DUST. Because of the severely black color of them and our analysis of the gases in the comet's coma (you know, that big gas cloud you see around the comet that, oddly, is made out of ice and dust), we're pretty darned sure a lot of that dust contains CARBON, so they're made out of ice and mostly carbonaceous dust. Period! You don't get to go off and just say "that's not what they're made out of, you're stupid" because you don't like what they're made out of. The Universe doesn't revolve around you and it didn't ask your bloody opinion on what it should be, so on this one you can go jump in a lake because I've got you dead to rights not knowing what you're talking about.

Comets don't spend a lot of time hitting the Earth because our atmosphere is dense enough to cause them to break apart when they come into contact with it. One might, one day, hit our planet again... but comets are exceedingly rare in the inner reaches of the Solar system, massive comets are even rarer, and planet sized comets (or anything even remotely as large) are nowhere to be found... which is why everyone else seems to be much more worried about ASTEROIDS (and we haven't seen any of those that are even close to the size of the planet Earth, either).

Oh, and ancient people didn't sacrifice each other and go nuts when comets flew by because they were tapped into some sort of mystical knowledge we lack, they went nuts because they had no idea what was going on and people are very prone to going bonkers and just slaughtering the nearest living thing when something they don't understand scares them. Seems to make them feel better. These are people who thought your soul was flung into the nearest wall every time you sneezed so you had to be immediately blessed to protect your body from the Devil rushing into it before your soul got back, that you had too much red humour in your body and needed it bled away when you were sick, just to get you back to right (and darned that pesky blood for always building up too much red humour in our bodies), that the best cure for mental illness was to bore a large hole in your skull to let out the demons, that taking a bath and washing off all the grime would make you ill, and that cats were running around in a devilish attempt to suck the breath out of the lungs of babies.

They were not the amazingly enlightened mystics you're making them out to be, though they do seem to have been slightly more enlightened than you.

Second, for another thing you don't know what you're talking about. Being 32, pizza faced hasn't applied to me for a long time, and punk has NEVER applied to me.

For the record, I've seen a LOT of photographs of Mars, thousands, in fact, and have spent a lot of time looking at them and considering them in a much wider context than you have with your pathetic three pictures displayed here, the last one of which is so incredibly lacking in detail it could be just about anything, but looks vaguely like a false color microscopic cross-section of a rock, so it's not proof of jack. The meteor impacts on the southern hemisphere aren't evidence of massive plasma scarring. They're meteor impacts. They look exactly like weathering meteor impacts. They display every single last characteristic of meteor impacts, so there's no reason whatsoever to develop a wild theory about them being something else...

I know where the plasma theory comes from, too. There's a reason Talbot and Thornhill are essentially alone in the scientific community on their "lightning bolt of the Gods" theory. It's because if you're a scientist you don't base your theory on the idea Zeus was hurling around lightning bolts through the heavens at the Mayan Gods, and that there used to be a Blackfoot out there named Scarface. There's no real evidence behind their theory and quite a bit to say it's flat wrong, so no one's buying it because it'd be foolish to.

And yes, when a planet the size of Venus gets things really moving, it's atmosphere can build up a lot of nice, static energy, but first you don't have this miraculous "planet sized" comet anywhere around to confirm your theory and you have no evidence it ever existed, so we can just flush that right down the toilet. Second, Mars is significantly smaller than Venus since Venus is very close in size to the Earth, and Mars is about a third of that mass. Plus, Venus has a nice, thick atmosphere to build up static charges with. Mars has virtually none. Doesn't matter how fast you spin the sucker or where you point its magnetic poles, the most you're going to get out of Mars are garden variety little lightning strikes, and you're never going to get the massive, crust shattering electrical arcing you're talking about.


The Earth isn't capable of building up that sort of electrical charge, and with it's much greater mass, nice big spinning iron core, and thick atmosphere full of wonderfully ionized particles rubbing together, it's MUCH better suited to make the attempt than poor little Mars. And, if you'll notice, what electricity the Earth produces doesn't go firing off into space, it gets directed straight toward the nearest ground state, which is the Earth. Even if somehow another body with a massive static charge passed in close proximity to Mars, the charge wouldn't fire toward Mars, it would fire back toward the planet passing by since that's the most convenient place for the electricity to go.

As for the magnetic field on Mars, I'm amazed you even brought it up since I'm the one who pointed out the nature of it. Yeah, could the magnetic patches be evidence there used to be more magnetic activity on the planet? Yup. Tens of thousands of years ago? Nope. Hundreds of millions of years ago, maybe. A couple of billion years ago, probably... but even then, we know it wasn't very strong (probably about ten percent or so of Earth's when you get down to it)... and it STILL couldn't have turned the planet into some sort of space gun.

No offense, but until your understanding of science can compete with a grade-school textbook, and you can get your position beyond the "no, but it somehow probably maybe worked like this because I think it could have happened like this I guess and... you're stupid!" stage, don't lecture me on physics.

Your retorts don't confirm anything but my opinion you REALLY need to stay off the side of the Creationists because while I may not be one, I happen to think they have more than enough trouble trying to justify their right to their beliefs without people like you going around making them seem like they're all completely cracked.

Your head's in the wrong spot, bunky... the sky is supposed to be BLUE.

2006-06-12 22:02:32 · answer #1 · answered by AndiGravity 7 · 3 0

you are an idiot, God does not mention mars in the bible so obviously this could not have happened.
You are so dumb, God created only the earth for man.
You think you know what God did? how can you know what
God does? you can't.
You say this is proof of creation? it is proof that you are an idiot.

have you read the bible, it does not say that god started on mars and then said, oops, lets start again somewhere else. that is just stupid, just like you are. God does not make mistakes. More proof that you don't know anything about God or science.

And wouldn't a comet the size of a planet flying by throw mars out of it's orbit? YES it would, but it didn't, because it didn't happen. God would not let that happen, God put mars there for a reason, not so it would be knocked around.

And how can these things be 10,000 years old,
you think you are smart but you are stupid, nothing is that old.
Have you read the bible? Apparently not, more reasons why you are dumb.

Where are you getting these pictures? from NASA? a government agency that is trying to disprove God. They are faked.
just like the way you like to fake your way about knowing God.

You are stupid.

2006-06-13 19:04:46 · answer #2 · answered by God is the one 1 · 0 0

It takes millions of years for single-celled organisms to evolve into anything more and even longer for them to make it up the evolutionary stage to the point where they could create a monument of that magnitude.

If Mars had water, which I think it did, it had water in its first few billion years - keep in mind, the water channels identified by NASA are estimated to be around 4 billion years old - and the planet was likely so chaotic that life probably couldn't be supported. The amount of asteroids, comets, and other building blocks of the solar system would be causing routine impacts on the planets. Meanwhile its suspected that plate tectonics occured at a much faster rate, causing chaos on the Earth as well as outside it.

Sorry man, but I think you're focused on fantastical dreams.

2006-06-13 04:26:20 · answer #3 · answered by blairs_smirking_revenge 3 · 0 0

Many, many years ago there MAY have been life on Mars, it's a bit too early to speak in absolutes... some stronger evidence is still needed to make your claim. It is a most intriguing field of endeavor and one I personally will be keeping a close eye on, but until there is a manned mission to Mars to dig for fossils, I don't think we can say with any real degree of certainty that there was definitely life on Mars, other than microbial life.

2006-06-13 04:20:32 · answer #4 · answered by eggman 7 · 0 0

You need to spend less time reading comic books and joke websites and more time studying real science in school. You'll make better grades, get into a better college, and maybe land a job you really want instead of flipping burgers at McDonald's for the rest of your life.

2006-06-13 04:17:57 · answer #5 · answered by Taivo 7 · 0 0

The Holy Bible don't have a lot to say about mars. But then it don't have a lot to say about earth either. I'll try to remember to ask about mars when I get to heaven.
BTW that was some interesting reading. I really enjoyed it.

2006-06-13 06:57:43 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God created earth......He said nothing about Mars

2006-06-13 04:20:05 · answer #7 · answered by help me 3 · 0 0

God is the one, You are proof that our education system is screwed up. Your answer doesn't even merit being picked apart. You are a dim monkey.

2006-06-18 01:07:35 · answer #8 · answered by Heavytimes 1 · 0 0

there is no proof

there is still debate in Mars being a live planet

and what does this proove

2006-06-13 04:17:52 · answer #9 · answered by 0110010100 5 · 0 0

I Corinthians 13;8a, Love never fails!!!

2006-06-13 06:53:16 · answer #10 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

actually help me, it says god created everything, including mars... do i smell lying by omission?

2006-06-13 04:23:21 · answer #11 · answered by deathblooms7894 5 · 0 0

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