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Just to name a few, God, Messiah, Immanual, Jesus Christ, Prince of Peace, Father, Son of God, Holy Ghost ect..

What ever most all religion are still believing in the same God? could this be?

2006-06-12 21:10:43 · 13 answers · asked by spenderalla33 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

What if everyone that believes is praising the same God?

2006-06-12 21:11:37 · update #1

Well simon became Peter in the bible
Abraham name was changed
Saul to Paul in the bible

Just a thought....

2006-06-12 21:15:38 · update #2

I totally believe in Jesus Christ, I just thought other countries could of heard of Jesus and his name got changed...

2006-06-12 21:17:06 · update #3

There is Flase Prophet out their that could of took Jesus Name and changed it to something else?

2006-06-12 21:18:46 · update #4

13 answers

I like your thinking.. All the same..

2006-06-12 21:12:58 · answer #1 · answered by blah blah blah 3 · 0 0

Yes God in Bible has takebn many names as has in Quran, all these names are not names but different ways we can approach of Allah read all this and you will come to Know why He is refered to as Allmighty

ALLÂH Allâh AR-RAHMÂN The Most Compassionate, The Beneficent, The Gracious AR-RAHÎM, The Merciful, AL-MALIK, The King AL-QUDDÛS, The Most Holy AS-SALÂM, The All-Peaceful, The Bestower of peace AL-MU'MIN, The Granter of security AL-MUHAYIN, The Protector AL-'AZÎZ, The Mighty AL-JABBÂR, The Compeller AL-MUTAKABBIR, Supreme in Greatness, The Majestic AL-KHÂLIQThe Creator AL-BÂRI' The Maker AL-MUSAWWIR, The Bestower of form, The Shaper
AL-GAFFÂR The Forgiver AL-QAHHÂR The Subduer AL-WAHHÂB The Bestower AR-RAZZÂQ The Provider AL-FATTÂH The Opener, The Judge AL-'ALÎM The All-Knowing AL-QÂBID The Withholder AL-BÂSIT The Expander AL-KHÂFID The Abaser
AR-RÂFI' The Exalter AL-MU'IZZ The Bestower of honour AL-MUDHILL The Humiliator AS-SAMÎ' The All-Hearing AL-BASÎR The All-Seeing AL-HAKAM The Judge AL-'ADL The Just, The Equitable
AL-LATÎF The Gentle, The Knower of subtleties AL-KHABÎR The All-Aware AL-HALÎM The Forbearing AL-'AZÎM The Incomparably Great AL-GAFÛR The Forgiving ASH-SHAKÛR The Appreciative AL-'ALIYY The Most High AL-KABÎR The Most Great AL-HAFÎZ The Preserver AL-MUGHÎTH The Sustainer
AL-HASÎB The Reckoner AL-JALÎL The Majestic, The Revered, The Sublime
AL-KARÎM The Generous AR-RAQÎB The Watchful AL-MUJÎB The Responsive AL-WÂSI' The All-Encompassing, The All-Embracing AL-HAKÎM The Wise AL-WADÛD The Loving One AL-MAJÎD The Most Glorious AL-BÂ'ITH The Resurrector ASH-SHAHÎD The Witness AL-HAQQ The Truth AL-WAKÎL The Ultimate Trustee, The Disposer of Affairs AL-QAWIYY The Most Strong AL-MATÎN The Firm One, The Authoritative AL-WALIYY The Protector AL-HAMÎD The All-Praised, The Praiseworthy AL-MUHSÎ The Reckoner AL-MUBDI' The Originator AL-MU'ÎD The Restorer to life AL-MUHYÎ The Giver of life AL-MUMÎT The Causer of death AL-HAYY The Ever-Living AL-QAYYÛM The Self-Existing by Whom all subsist AL-WÂJID The Self-Sufficient, The All-Perceiving
AL-MÂJID The Glorified
AL-WÂHID The One AS-SAMAD The Eternally Besought AL-QÂDIR The Omnipotent, The Able AL-MUQTADIR The Powerful AL-MUQADDIM The Expediter
AL- MU'AKHKHIR The Delayer AL-AWWAL The First
AL-ÂKHIR The Last AZ-ZÂHIR The Manifest AL-BÂTIN The Hidden AL-WÂLÎ The Governor, The Protector
AL-MUTA'ÂLÎ The Most Exalted AL-BARR The Benign, The Source of All-Goodness AT-TAWWÂB The Granter and Accepter of repentence AL- MUNTAQIM The Lord of Retribution, The Avenger AL-'AFUWW The Pardoner AR-RA'ÛF The Most Kind, The Clement MÂLIK-UL-MULK Owner of the Kingdom DHUL JALÂL WAL IKRÂM Possessor of Majesty and Honour AL-MUQSIT The Just, The Equitable AL-JÂME' The Gatherer AL-GHANIYY The All-Sufficient AL-MUGHNÎ The Enricher AL-MÂNI' The Preventer of harm
AD-DÂRR The Afflicter
AN-NÂFI' The Benefiter
AN-NÛR The Light AL-HÂDÎ The Guide AL-BADÎ' The Originator AL-BÂQÎ The Everlasting AL-WÂRITH The Ultimate Inheritor AR-RASHÎD The Guide
AS-SABÛR The Patient One

2006-06-13 04:18:38 · answer #2 · answered by ♥peacemaker♥ 3 · 0 0

Um, God, Messiah, Prince of Peace3, Father, Son of God, Holy Ghost... are all Titles. God is not once called Immanuel or Jesus in the Old Test, but in Hebrew it shows his name to be YHVH (YHWH) which basically means "I AM".
No, most other religions are NOT following the Bible God. Except Christians, Jews and Muslims. The Jews follow the Old Testament (more precisely the Torah), Christians follow the New Testament and Muslims follow what they claim is the God of Abraham. Oddly enough, they all appear to be different Gods though... so I'm not even sure those 3 mainstream religions are following the same god.

2006-06-13 12:43:41 · answer #3 · answered by Kithy 6 · 0 0

Some people think that the trinity are three different:
God - the Father - Jahve - Allah
Jesus - the Son - Messiah - a prophet
the Holy Ghost - the spirit
Some believe they are ONE.

The church; catholic and protestant, the jewish, the muslims all believe in the same god. Its the context that differs. Muslims believe that Jesus is not the Son of God, they think he is a prophet. This is essential for the story.

The asians have another faith. Buddhism for instance is an atheistic belief. They think Buddah is a teacher.

2006-06-13 04:12:52 · answer #4 · answered by Tones 5 · 0 0

It's a the same God, only that people interpret it in different ways. Allah is the same as Jesus Christ. What makes it different is how people understand the word of God. Well, you know, there are man made ones.

2006-06-13 04:14:44 · answer #5 · answered by Wala 2 · 0 0


1Co 8:1 But concerning the sacrifices to idols, we know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffs up, but love edifies.
1Co 8:2 And if any man thinks that he knows anything, he knows nothing yet as he ought to know.
1Co 8:3 But if any one loves God, he has been known of him.
1Co 8:4 Then concerning the eating of the things sacrificed to idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is no other God except one.
1Co 8:5 For though there are those who are called gods, whether in Heaven or in earth (as there are many gods and many lords),
1Co 8:6 but there is to us only one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in Him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, through whom are all things, and we by Him.

1Jo 5:20 And we know that the Son of God has come, and He has given us an understanding so that we may know Him who is true. And we are in Him that is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and the everlasting life.

2006-06-13 04:18:24 · answer #6 · answered by OhWell 6 · 0 0

just two names the other names were from the people just Jehova and Christ

2006-06-13 04:13:42 · answer #7 · answered by franko T 3 · 0 0

all i have to say is if you believe what the bible says read psalms 83:7 that will give you the answer to GODs real name.

2006-06-13 05:17:46 · answer #8 · answered by Jose R 1 · 0 0

Yes he did take many names but his one and only is GOD

2006-06-13 04:19:11 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God, Lord, Father, Allah, etc. are titles not names.

His name is YHVH in the Hebrew, meaning "I AM THAT I AM".

2006-06-13 04:23:10 · answer #10 · answered by ... 4 · 0 0

I used to think that,but now I don't.
I truly beleive that its faith in Jesus Christ that is our salvation.

2006-06-13 04:15:26 · answer #11 · answered by rxqueen♥ † 6 · 0 0

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