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In the military I was forced to stand at attention and salute the American Flag. I thought it stood for freedom and justice. Well, freedom is now history and justice only comes if you can buy it. So I no longer like the flag. Besides, the one I have is made in China. ( Yes it's an American Flag but comes from Communist China) So go ahead and salute it. China will love you for it.

2006-06-12 21:09:24 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

14 answers

I don't like it as much as I once did. The US is not the land of the free or the home of the brave anymore. The flag meant a lot more to me before George Bush and 9/11. Since then it has been mostly a prop for pseudo-patriots to act like they really care.

2006-06-12 21:15:33 · answer #1 · answered by brw02 2 · 2 1

"In the military I was forced to stand at attention and salute the American Flag. "

Riiiight, I bet they put a gun to your head too. Twisted your arm, did they? I do it by choice, you know, it's a freedom. Do you understand that?

"I thought it stood for freedom and justice."

It still does. Unfortunately some people are so weak minded that they let other ideas get in the way of the big picture. What politicians do today will never change my mind on what America is supposed to be all about. I love the flag and what it stands for. How can you let the actions of idiots change your mind for you?Can't you think for yourself?

" Well, freedom is now history and justice only comes if you can buy it."

That's bullshit and you know it.

" So I no longer like the flag."

Well I love it and you can't convince me otherwise. I do think for myself.

" Besides, the one I have is made in China."

Whose choice was it to buy that particular flag? Why did you buy it in the first place if you don't care about or like it? Did someone put a gun to your head again? Twist your arm? Stuff it in your mouth? What? That was YOUR choice, if you are displeased with it then you need to do something about it, don't come crying around here about it.

2006-06-13 12:27:15 · answer #2 · answered by thewildeman2 6 · 0 0

How can you say freedom is now history? What are we all doing on yahoo answers. Expressing our opinions, and they don't have to be the same as anyone else. That is freedom. You asking this question, and telling how you feel is part of our freedom. Look around, freedom is everywhere. You choose your life style, you choose the car you drive, you choose what to eat, when to leave your house, you choose what you want to beleave. You can even choose your own religion. You can choose what to watch on TV, you can even choose what to wear each day.
Yes with these freedoms there are some rules that you have to abid by, but that is life. I don't understand people who think that we have no freedom just because at this time in our life things might not be going as good as we want.
Take Iraq for instance, women have to dress a certian way, you have to beleave what thier leader does. when Saddom was still in control Iraqi people would have never expressed what they think about the government on national televison. They had to obey his orders or get killed. You have to be part of a certian religion. you have to do things and belive in things that the leader of some of these country do.
So how can you sit there and say our freedoms are history, they are not. Just because you don't get your own way all the time means nothing, that is life. You could be living in a lot worse conditions.
And as far as your flag goes, Sorry you have one that is made in china, that is not the point. The flag is a symbol, what matters is what that flag stands for. I think we have one to many disrespetable people in this country. Some can't even stop and salute the flag during the National Anthem.
They are even taking the Pledge of Alligence out of school. we need to show are future children some respect about our country. My grandpa's were military, my Great Aunt was a Major, My father served in vietnam, my brother was a marine, and my husband is in the army fighting for your safety so you can sleep at night, I have a lot of respect for our military and for our Flag. If you are still in the military then I think you need to get out. If you have no respect for our country and what the USA stands for. Maybe you should move to mexica and trade you spot for one of thier's. I mean they are literly risking there lives crossing through the hot desert so that they can be apart of this Wonderful Nation.

2006-06-14 01:49:18 · answer #3 · answered by paige_98_69 2 · 0 0

I understand exactly how you feel...I was in the military too, and could write a book on how inept the American military is! Go ahead and email your complaints everyone!

We do have many freedoms that others don't, and that is a good thing; however, I often wonder how much those alleged freedoms really count in the scheme of things...for example, what will my opinion change, who will it affect, and how many will even read it? The changes in our country must go through so many levels of red tape that it takes too long to help the people who need the change!

I think the best thing we can do is to respect a person's wish to honor the US or any other flag, as well as respect their wish to destroy it. You never know what may have caused someone to want to burn the flag, and until you have been through that experience, you should just keep on truckin' and keep your comments to yourself.

Afterall, self-expression is one of the most important freedoms we claim to have.

2006-06-13 06:44:40 · answer #4 · answered by tanya_hanna67 2 · 0 0

Well, let's look at the flag. 50 stars...our 50 states. Look at it and imagine what our country went through to become what it is today. only about 200+ ago, our country became a country. Spain became a country much much much longer than we became one..and look at our progress compared to them.

Many have died, fought, and suffered to give us the freedoms that we have. N they did it under our flag..that's what our flag stands for. If u think our freedom means nothing, and what our gov. and ppl have done to make our country great..is nothing..then i strongly suggest u live in other parts of the world where they aren't as lucky as us. I've been in the US Navy for 4yrs. I now live in the Philippines and run my own business. Comparing this country and the US..the US has got it so much better..all around. Gov..economics..agriculture...

im surprised..out of all ppl... u think this way of the flag. If u dont like the flag so much, I suggest u try packing ur bags n try living in Mexico..or Europe..n u'll be back before u know it.

2006-06-13 05:13:04 · answer #5 · answered by mahjongdong 3 · 0 0

So clearly you still can't afford it then eh?
Too funny...
And though I don't see your view on ANYTHING else you have written in your Q&A career....
I DO agree that an American flag made in China is pretty ironic..
But how come I have to order my handmade Oriental furniture from INSIDE the USA? PA to be precise...

2006-06-14 16:06:59 · answer #6 · answered by Skate Rat Betty 2 · 0 0

talk about buying a bootleg flag. Mine is made from America. You got a cheap flag that's why. and trust me there is justice here.. if you let them piss all over you they will. I know my rights. You should too . sorry to hear about your experience.. shows how weak minded you are. :O Make the country a better place don't complain and if you keep complaining move to germany. Tootles!

2006-06-13 04:14:16 · answer #7 · answered by Ginger B 3 · 0 0

Same story with the Union Jack mate..All it stands for is Imperial conquest and Middle-England arrogance towards the world *shudders, hates flag*

2006-06-13 04:12:20 · answer #8 · answered by thomas p 5 · 0 0

Kick rocks then, how in the hell are you not free? Your typing on this stupid yahoo answers right? Move to Iraq or Mexico..... if this country is so bad why are there 30000 mexicans comming over daily?

2006-06-13 05:53:15 · answer #9 · answered by Duhh 2 · 0 0

Well i think with our current president anything American is despited these days. We invade soverign countries, steal countries natural resources, defend Criminal countries, go against anything that depicts freedom.

2006-06-13 04:15:52 · answer #10 · answered by Moe A 1 · 0 0

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