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He must know that he will lose, so what is his goal.

2006-06-12 21:08:30 · 26 answers · asked by Real_Talk 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I like most of your answers its gonna be hard to choose

2006-06-12 21:27:51 · update #1

26 answers

Satan's nature is malicious. His efforts in opposing God, His people, and His truth are tireless (Job 1:7; 2:2; Matthew 13:28). He is always opposed to man's best interests (1 Chronicles 21:1; Zechariah 3:1-2).Satan also delights in deception (1 Timothy 3:6-7; 2 Timothy 2:26). His lying nature stands in bold contrast to the truth for which Christ stands (John 8:32,44).

You have to remember Satan is vain and full of pride. (Genesis)
Think of the most selfish, egotisitcal person you know, and magnify that by 100. He believes himself to be greater, better, more powerful and intelligent than God. He does not believe he can fail, he can not fathom he will lose. He wants to destroy all that is, and run it himself, take over and become a God.

2006-06-12 21:16:33 · answer #1 · answered by sweetie_baby 6 · 2 0

To scare you. Think about it.

Every yahoo in history, from Hitler to Bin Laden to Stalin had one thing in common. They all created a bad guy - a villain -a scapegoat - a Boooogeey Man!

Appeal to fear and paranoia has been a favorite tactic since the cave man. It's use by the evil but smart to enslave the common but stupid. It doesn't even occur that the devil is actually a symbol for "anyone who doesn't think like me."

Those who don't get it are on the level of people thousands of years ago. There's no excuse to be than dumb in this century!

2006-06-13 06:48:20 · answer #2 · answered by alittledifferant 2 · 0 0

His ultimate goal is to set himself up as God, in the temple of God, claiming to be God and drawing everyone, including God's elect to him for worship. He does not want us to know who YHVH is, and has worked hard at even removing His name from the scriptures, replacing it with LORD (a title not a name).

He doesn't believe he will lose, because he is a narcissist and thinks he will have everyone convinced he is THE Messiah. For the Rapturist Christians, they will think he is here to 'fly them away', for the others he will appear to be Allah, Buddah or whoever else fits the 'messiah' role. For atheists and other nonbelievers he will be too convincing to not believe that he is God, because of his supernatural powers.

It's going to happen, probably soon, so don't fall for it!!

2006-06-12 21:20:26 · answer #3 · answered by ... 4 · 0 0

Satan isn't losing at all. He's doing a fine job of collecting souls.

Satan's only job is to convince people to worship him instead of "God the Father."

Christians do not worship "God the Father," so he has approximately 2 billion souls right there. And, that's not counting all those who have already come and gone or will be arriving in the future.

2006-06-12 21:12:42 · answer #4 · answered by Left the building 7 · 0 0

...According to the Qur'an (the basic source of Islamic belief), when God created Adam (pbuh) and directed the assembly of angels to prostrate before Adam (pbuh), Iblis - a Jinn - was also present in the court. All the angels obediently prostrated before Adam (pbuh). However, Iblis - the Jinn - arrogantly refused to do so. This, obviously, was a transgression on the part of Iblis. It was this transgression of Iblis that made him deserving of the name 'Al-Shaitaan' (the Satan). As a result of this transgression, God turned Iblis out of His court and sentenced him to punishment. However, Iblis asked God for respite till the Day of Judgment and declared that because God had turned him out of his court and had sentenced him to punishment because of man, he would therefore always be an enemy to man. He, and those who become his agents, would do all that they can to turn man away from the path of God and as a consequence, suffer the everlasting punishment of hellfire..

Thus, according to the Islamic belief, Iblis - the Satan - is neither a fallen angel, as the Christians believe, nor an agent of God. Islam introduces Iblis as a Jinn, who by his freewill opted to disobey God and transgress. God allowed Satan respite from punishment till an appointed time and gave him the authority only to the extent of suggesting evil to man. Iblis and his agents - from among jinn as well as men - cannot force man into evil. They, however, can incite man to do what is against God's commandments and thereby lose the path of eternal success.

It should be kept in mind that the basic scheme of things in giving man life, according to the Qur'an, was to test him by giving him authority to choose between 'good' and 'evil'. It is, in fact, the incorrect use of this authority, which results in evil. It seems that the Jinn are also given the same authority. Iblis became 'the Satan' for no other reason except for using this freedom of choice for the wrong end.

2006-06-12 21:11:01 · answer #5 · answered by ♥peacemaker♥ 3 · 0 0

His goal is to win... he doesn't acknowlege that he may lose, as his pride is what caused his fall in the first place. As far as his collecting souls, he doesn't actually have to cause anyone to worship him to collect them, he simply has to cause them not to believe that Jesus died on the cross for their sins... and from the looks of people responding in this category, he's done a really good job. The agnostics, pagans, aethiests, Scientologists, and so many more... they are all lost souls, on his side of the fence. I am saddened by the lost souls on these boards, and I pray consistently for them to receive Christ as their saviour.

2006-06-12 21:18:31 · answer #6 · answered by kim's korner 2 · 1 0

Satan means SAT AN, that means NOT TRUE.
The other name of Satan is Mind, believ it or not. We are not this body, we are not this mind.

Who created him?
Was there a purpose behind his creation?
Is he doing his work, job well?

Who said that he has to win? It might be that for some reason he just have to exist!? From the point of Gods view who said that something is god or bad. We tend to judge to fast, aren't we?

2006-06-12 23:36:17 · answer #7 · answered by PINKO P 3 · 0 0

To put Hillary Clinton in the White House in 2008.

2006-06-12 21:13:14 · answer #8 · answered by NukeLiberals.....ForTheChildren. 1 · 0 0

What about this...
there is no satan... only us.
We're the ones who kill, the ones who hate, the ones who cause pain and suffering... we have no one to blame but ourselves.
The world would be much better off if we would stop blaming God and Satan for the things that we are clearly responsible for. If we would stop looking to heaven for miracles and start trying to perform them here on earth would we not be in much better condition?

2006-06-12 21:22:14 · answer #9 · answered by Malapralaya 2 · 0 0

Satan's goal is to make everyone turn against each other, and to hate one another

2006-06-12 21:15:06 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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