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Human Mind is a mystery. And so is the scheme of things that goes around in this world and perhaps with him, his mind & soul. Generally seen, an avarage human mind is capable of mustering defense and courage to combat the adversities he faces around him in the outer world and also deep down within himself. But what if this game of balance gets disrrupted for a person, who still realizing everything what he's going through, gradually only gets averse to believe in any turn-arounds in life. Starts believing himself as lost, losing hopes in life. Can't even express it properly either to himself or to any body else. Too afraid to open-up. What's the best possible way to bring him back to believe in life again, when perhaps he finds it too difficult to discuss it even to a doctor or a counselor?

2006-06-12 20:48:53 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

30 answers

Well the doctors and analyst can go and invent new names for what you feel and give you medicines to even further complicate your case and give you side effects and complications.
As a Homeopath I can tell you your solution and cure for all you have mentioned above, Start taking AURUM MET 30C its a side effects free remedy made out of Gold and it would cure you of all you have mentioned above and make you feel healthy and happy and postive towards life. Try it for three days and let me know your progress. I assure you you will be glad someone guided you to this remedy and cured you !
Take care and God Bless you

2006-06-24 19:54:07 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Hi! Clinical depression is a condition that can be looked upon as a graph that looks a bit like a ski slope. You are at the bottom of it and the only way is up. Lethargy and a feeling of 'what's the point?' are classic symptoms of this condition. Although you may not think so at the moment there is light at the end of the tunnel my friend. With depression there is usually some trigger or event that have caused the initial feels of hopelessness etc - can you ID it? Once you have, then you can begin to address it. Seek help NOW! Talk to you GP first - he will refer you to a specialist if he feels you need it. Accept all the help you need and never be afraid to ask for help. I wish you luck and a speedy recovery.

2006-06-23 12:30:59 · answer #2 · answered by ziggy 2 · 0 0

Welcome to my world my friend. You are in the same boat I am in. I might sound a bit touched in the head about it, but hear me out.
Even though you got a hard bout of life comming at you, the best thing you can do is stand up, look your problems right in the face, and tell them to bring it on. I found that, if I looked adversity right in the face, it backs right off. If you search, and keep searching, you will find your purpose. I have still yet to find mine, but I'm not giving up either. Don't believe that you are worthless or that nothing is ever going to get better, You just have to be strong friend. Life gets better, things change. You might be getting the shortend of the stick right now, but it will turn around. It could be a sign that something much better is about to happen to you. Its how life and luck work hand in hand. For example, something happend with me recently. I got a new job, paid off most of my bills, and was about to take on a second job to finnish things off, but then my car breaks down, I get turned down for the second job and lose the first. But, at the end of it, I got a couple new friends who made the situation alot better. Perhaps there is someone in your life comming too who will make it better, you may end up with a girlfriend or end up marrying the one you got, you never know what is gonna happen, its how luck works bud. Life is kinda like a game, but it doesn't have a reset button. Suicide is an instant game over, no winning in it at all. It is also the cowards way out. You end up hurting more people in offing yourself than you would being alive trying to make your life better. You just gotta keep playing your cards in life as there delt to you bud, but just remember, you get high and low cards, and sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. Dont give up, a win might be just around the corner. Email me if you need more advice.

2006-06-12 21:06:20 · answer #3 · answered by Rocker 2 · 0 0

For a friend who is facing depression, help them find one thing, any one thing that will bring a smile to their face. Look for a way to help them realize that each day is a new beginning, and yes I realize that it sounds trite, but, time and perspective are two things that can bring a person back from the brink. It is difficult to be profoundly depressed when holding a laughing baby. There is a change of perspective involved in interacting with happy children that can effect the depressed. Another way of getting through to a depressed person is working with animals, dogs and horses work best to help reconnet to life.
There are two psychological techniques that I know of which work well to reawaken one to a sense of living and being worthwhile. One is called Neuro Linguistic Programming and the other is called the Avatar Process. Both of them work so well that while they are not "magic" they are magical in effect.

2006-06-12 21:09:58 · answer #4 · answered by MannaSue 1 · 0 0

It sounds like there is a very sad and troubled soul inside a very smart and interesting man. Things can spiral out of control without you realising, and all of a sudden you are in the situation described above. Think of the light, joy, insight and love that you can bring to those around you, not what they can give to you. If you feel that you have no place in the world, you are wrong....just the fact that all of these people have bothered to respond to your question means that even strangers care. Don't waste your life, you only get one chance. Force yourself to do something positive to get out of this rut, and as soon as you are feeling even a little better, you will be wishing that you had done so sooner. The very best of luck.

2006-06-12 21:03:42 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I suggest reading the New testament in the Bible and watching Joyce Meyer on tv or listening to her on radio. Also you could try helping someone else. Nothing gets your mind off of yourself better than helping someone else.
You could look in the mirror and say to that person, You are awesome or I love you or some other positive thing. It seems wierd but it works, even if you don't believe it at first.
The real deal is that every person is worthy of love just because they are people. So even if you have to fake it to make it, you still win in the long run. Positive reinforcement is one of the most powerful things you can do.

2006-06-12 20:56:37 · answer #6 · answered by BBQribs 3 · 0 0

At the age of 15 a black clouded descended on me and I actually felt suicidal for the only time ever. I couldn't have begun to express to anyone what I was experiencing anyway, and there was 'no point'. Whilst I continued to work, I was very withdrawn and little saw the point of anything. I would look at my weekly pay packet with apathy and near incomprehension.
After rationalising, quite ingeniously at tmes, that there was no answer (what was the question?) and I had only one recourse , the cloud started to lift and I could see that I had suffered some sort of 'delusion'. It happened again several times over a few years. But the weapon I had in my armoury was that it was a 'false' state of mind and that if I waited long enough hanging grimly to that cliff edge by my fingertips, help would eventually come - help in the form of things just returning back to the pre-onset state of mind and that things weren't as utterly pointless as they seemed.
It's possible that if I hadn't forced myself, automaton-like- to keep working that I would have been carted off and forced to take psychtropic drugs under the threat of electroconvulsive 'therapy'.

So the choices seem to be stark unless you have friends or relatives who are prepared to keep you. In fact there is no 'choice' except the irrevocable one. And this is one of the reasons people are sectioned under the mental health act - like Frank Bruno - a boxer for those outside the UK - and by concerned friends and relatives who often find the zombie-like behaviour of their loved one distressing.
Unfortunately, the ultimate temedy for severe depression unamenable to drug therapy, is distressing and, in my opinion, barbaric. But I guess ECT mirrors the medical profession's own recognition of the hoplessness and lack of choice felt by the patient.

My own longish answer that barely scratches the surface of this subject shows, along with the (post) preface (sic) to your question the enormity of tackling depression with a psychological approach. There are just not the resources available except to the relatively wealthy. It may be that, such is the widespread use of drugs for all psychiatric conditions, the number of Medical doctors specialising in psychiatry is diminishing as pills are doles out by busy GPs who, anyway, have only a passing acquaitanceship with most psychiatric conditions.

2006-06-20 01:26:58 · answer #7 · answered by stormsurfer_is_me 2 · 0 0

Don't go around in circles - just relax. Let go of your burdens and take some time to think about what it is that you really want in your life. Then think about what -small- steps you can take that will bring you closer to that vision.

There is no need to feel vulnerable or be afraid to open up to your doctor, that is what they're there for! (have you had a bad experience with one doctor in particular? If so, consider getting someone new that you feel more comfortable with.)

If you believe in a higher power, say a prayer for some peace in your life (it couldn't hurt). Just remember, what does not kill you makes you STRONGER.

2006-06-12 21:15:05 · answer #8 · answered by Jenny 2 · 0 0

excersise is good for boosting seratonin levels in the brain which helps raise lowered mood, it is almost impossible to go out when you feel depressed but it is at least something to start with.
A new goal or objective in life is good for moving on or creating new circumstances which could provide this person with a new lease of life.
Lastly if this person cannot find hope, let him find peace in the knowledge that beyond the mental and physical realms lies the human spirit which always remains strong and peacefull, the human spirit can endure alot, it has unbeleivable strength. ask your freind to try drawing or painting something, because i have found that this detaches you from emotional and physical pain and reunites you directly with your spirit somehow.
that might sound silly to some people but it worked for me and is well worth a try.
hope he finds his faith again.

2006-06-19 04:54:16 · answer #9 · answered by anonymousjo 2 · 0 0

at the moment you seem to be lost in a world of sadness and darkness,a feeling we get when we,ve been hurt and our trust desroyed.Its hard to discuss because you havent found the words to expess the pain you feel inside. but you WILL find them. You wont be in the dark side of life for long because there is a very lovely light side to life out there for you.You cant forget the badness that life may have shown you,You can find that bright light of the goodness life has to offer us dont give up and stay in the dark. look at the good things that life can offer when you find them words.you will see how green the grass is and how beautiful the flowers are.

2006-06-13 12:44:42 · answer #10 · answered by bartcazuk 1 · 0 0

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