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Why do women feel like they need to have sex with ever guy they date? Why do they feel the need to walk around in barly there clothing? Why do they have no sence if pride in themselfs? I think that any women who has had sex more then 3 times is a SLUT! People see sex as a fun thing and they just do it with anyone. Then they get knocked up and get married only to have it end. Marrage means nothing to people eather. I just don't understand, what happend to values? Why do we have 15 year old girls getting pregnant and the new age to get married is 16. I just wish the world would go back to how it use to be. I think TV is really what is wrong, EVERYTHING has to do with sex. They make it seem like its nothing. Even cartoons seem to promote it. I just don't understand anymore. What can I do to provent this? There has to be something I can do. Does anyone else feel this way?

? for girls who have had sex with more then 3 guys, WHY?

2006-06-12 20:43:14 · 9 answers · asked by dohm84 4 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

I'm happaly married, therefore I get it whenever I want. Also, He is the only man I've been with!

2006-06-12 20:55:35 · update #1

You guys are stupid. First off, my sex life is not lame, but its not something I'm going to tell you all about. And I LIVE IN JAPAN WITH MY HUSBAND!!! He hates sluty women also, he acually hates all women. I'm also not some church going girl. I don't even go anymore, I did have sex before I was married.

2006-06-12 21:04:57 · update #2

Maybe I can't spell great, but at least I'm not showing off my fat boobs in pics to the world...

2006-06-12 21:11:49 · update #3

I ment 3 different men, not 3 times total.

2006-06-12 22:03:14 · update #4

biscuitfirer - you wish!

2006-06-12 23:03:33 · update #5

9 answers

My question exactly.


American women are noted to have twice the number of sex partners as the men.

When I bring this up I get the old "double standards" nonsense which dodges the issue. Why are you opening your legs up so much!?

A couple of friends of mine think its because women usually do the selecting of their mate and they are simply selecting the same guys ....in their youth its typically the guy who is a player jerk because he is "hot" or "cute". Some get played, some knocked up..etc.
Its only after they get older and no longer in their physical prime that they look for a good guy to help pay the bills and raise the kids.

I also think that Radio and T.V. removes natural shame and common sense and makes it look cool to be promiscuous.

P.S. if she is 21 or 22 and slept with 4 or 5 guys I would say she is quite the slu.t. And only a slu.t would get mad at that.

2006-06-12 20:48:33 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 18 2

Ha. As I read what you wrote the only I can do is LAUGH!!! First of all before you go commenting on other people and what they do. Improve yourself. Instead of spending a lot of time on Yahoo Answers try taking a few English classes and correct your spelling errors. Sadly, Yahoo has something called Check Spelling, which you failed to notice or use.

According to you, everyone must be a slut. I wonder what your husband is doing in Japan. Do you think he is really staying faithful. Ha. Anyhow I have more to say but I don't want to hurt your feelings. My advice is move to New York and stop living in a cow town!!!

****Additional comments: You must be a transgender. If he hates all women, then why did he marry you? Secondly, more then THREE TIMES? You ARE indeed a SLUT...!!!!

Go to school. ABC learn how to spell.

Ha. Do hate on me all you want. Like I care. What's sad is I think due to lack of education and marriage at a young age you are a tad "retarded". You say people are sluts if they have been intimate with more then 3 people. What do you call yourself? A person who has had sex before marriage? Sadly, we know that you aren't as honest as you put yourself out to be. You hate sluty people, because you were once a slut yourself!! Sad but true.

2006-06-12 20:59:40 · answer #2 · answered by missdontgivafukusa 3 · 0 0

I do agree that in our society today, it seems as though sex is everywhere. Even young girls clothing is a little trampy, if you ask me. You think things were pristine back in the 50s and 60s.....well, I've got news for you. Teenagers were having sex back then......the only difference is, it wasn't discussed or advertised like it is now.
I can count on one (normal, human) hand the number of men I have been intimate with. I am in no way a s*** in any way. Just because the relationships I have had in my life didn't always work out didn't mean that the men were meaningless or that the experience itself was meaningless.
Though I can understand what you are saying and how you feel, and I think it's great that you have such high morals, I think your remark about women who have had 3+ sexual partners is going to offend many people.

2006-06-12 21:03:57 · answer #3 · answered by jerkygirl 3 · 0 0

Look lady, you are sick in the head. get over it...sex is not a bad thing. i bang my girl all the time and we have a great time doing it and trying different things. just because you are not a very sexual person doesn't mean that others should live by your standards. i bet every boyfriend you've ever had has cheated on you. and the reason girls have sex with guys they date is because guys have a need that has to be fullfilled...and if they don't meet that need, we kick them to the curb--just like you probably want a guy that will listen to you, be funny, smart, etc. well, we need sex. try this, go to the porn store and buy a bunch of fun stuff and then take them home and video tape yourself with a guy...live on the wild side and see if you can have some fun with it for once. missionary style (which i'm assuming is all you do) gets really boring...and no, doggy style is not the definition of getting freaky. good luck with your vanilla life style and your two guys you've ever been with. YUCK...man hating lesbian and you don't even know it yet.

2006-06-12 20:56:57 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yeah, I know what you mean. But not all girls are like this. I have always believed to wait for marriage and if not oh well your not going to die. I think alot of girls regret alot of it and are just lost in their ways and have no guidance and just want to feel loved and are lonely but there are others who just like bein that way and don't care, to each their own. I totally agree with you on the T.V. issue. I really can't believe what they show on tv now,it seems like just in the past 10 years tv has changed so much. I still get shocked from what I see on the cable shows I think it should be banned it really bothers me I don't like it. Just think how tv will be when I have children, I'm 20, I can't imagine.

2006-06-12 21:11:29 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't think there's any call for you to be so judgemental, do you learn this crap in church?

I agree that teenagers getting married and having babies isn't ideal, but I really don't think forcing 18th century opinions on everyone is going to prEvent anything.

I'm glad I live in the 21st century where talk of sex isn't taboo, and where people have the right to free speech and the freedom to dress as they wish.

I've had sex with 4 guys, and I don't feel that makes me a sl-ut, but it does make you a bi-tch for judging me. Go get laid (if you can), you might see things more clearly, or do the rest of us a favour and just go forth and multiply!

2006-06-12 20:53:22 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

christina is a liar. i went to high school with her and me and some of the other guys on the football team used to run the train on her.

2006-06-12 22:37:25 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

first question only......most girls aren't slutty.......just the ones who are seeking something to fill the void in their soul left by some unknown tragedy in their youth.

2006-06-12 20:50:35 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

sluty? I am not sure why are you generalizing... just talk specific, there is no need to upset everyone.

2006-06-12 23:20:38 · answer #9 · answered by Ivan 4 · 0 0

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