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10 answers

There is only one sin that will send you to hell and that is rejecting JESUS CHRIST as your personal savior. John 3:18-19
If someone truly excepts Christ as their savior they do not want to continue to live a life of sinfulness. 1 John 3:9-10 explains this quite adequately. Rather than wondering how much sin you can commit you should be wondering how to become more like CHRIST... you can not have a relationship with the world and with CHRIST James 4:4 . Just simply acknowledging that GOD exists is not becoming a Christian. Even the devil believes in GOD in this manner and I assure you that he is not going to
heaven. Look up Romans 10:9-10 for a study on how to be saved. I hope and pray that you truly submit to the LORD SHIP OF CHRIST in your life through a relationship with HIM.

2006-06-12 19:14:08 · answer #1 · answered by wordman 3 · 0 2

There is two requirement for get into heaven... one is to be sorry for our sins... and THEN... to live so as not to commit them again. This is called righteousness... to live a righteous life is also required... Don't think that you can live an evil life full of sin and then at the moment of death ask forgiveness... and be rewarded with heaven... There is the virtues of mercy... but there is also the virtue of JUSTICE and God has to use both virtues in our judgment... So... sin is NOT allowed in your lifetime once you know about Jesus... you will be help RESPONSIBLE for your actions and your judgment will be done by JUSTICE as well as MERCY... Use some common sense... if you have a spouse who sinned against you for your whole life... would you reward that spouse??? If you were beaten, and thrown around and whipped, burned and denied food and cleanliness... would you give that spouse your respect and reward that spouse??? Or would you want justice... or would you prefer a spouse who use righteousness in his treatment of you... just because Jesus was crucified does not give a person freedom to live a sinful life and then to say at the last moment of death,,, I'm sorry!!! NOOO that is not how it works... righteousness, mercy and Justice are part of God's nature... expect it to be used...when you meet him.

2006-06-13 04:00:33 · answer #2 · answered by Callie Kitty 5 · 0 0

None. You cannot sin and get into heaven. That's pretty well spelled out in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. God says that no one who has sinned will get into heaven.

If you're trying to get away with sinning, then I'd suppose that you're not really interested in the mercy God has to offer because it sound like you're just wanting to abuse forgiveness.


2006-06-13 01:42:53 · answer #3 · answered by drumin7 2 · 0 0

According to the Bible, all of us are sinners and the punishment for any sin is eternal separation from God. In other words, you can't "get away with" ANY sin and still go to heaven. But the Bible also explains that the Lord Jesus Christ died to pay the penalty (eternal separation from God) for your sins and that, by repenting (turning away from sin) and receiving Christ as Lord and Saviour, each of us can know God's forgiveness and cleansing. In other words, the Bible teaches that Christ is your and my ONLY hope for heaven.

Our new relationship with God through Christ, giving Him final say over our lives, does not make us immune from temptation or sin, nor does it give us a license to sin. But it does provide us a new "nature" to help us resist temptation and to seek forgiveness quickly when we slip. It gives us a relationship with God and assurance of spending eternity with Him.

Seek God's forgiveness today by turning away from sin and giving Christ final say (Lordship) over your life.

2006-06-13 02:12:06 · answer #4 · answered by Jim 1 · 0 0

As much as you want really. This is the gift of free will given to us by God. God will not interfere.

However, having said that, I do believe that there are consequences (not punishment from God in the afterlife) that we experience on earth for all of our actions -- from the universal law of attraction.

Whatever vibrations you put out into the world through the power of your thoughts, beliefs, words and actions do come back to you, in the form of positive or negative experiences.

You have the power to shape the experiences that you live. It's up to you whether they are positive or negative.

2006-06-13 02:11:27 · answer #5 · answered by LindaLou 7 · 0 0

That is one hell of a question(Pun intended :-P) I mean you shouldn't sin but in the event that you do you should keep it to a minimum, I mean you can ask for forgiveness, and it will be given, BUT you must be sincere in your asking and humble in the recieving of such a great gift.

2006-06-13 01:13:22 · answer #6 · answered by Tim-Timothy 1 · 0 0

actually quite a bit. you have to repent for your wrongdoings to be forgiven though. you also have to stop doing the bad thngs you're doing becasue if you don't he doesn't hear you. it's like someone constanly apologizing for doing something wrong or bad to you. at some point you're going to get tired of it and just kick hem to the curb. read the 23rd psalm for a good prayer, the 91st pslam for a good prayer regarding enemies.

2006-06-13 01:15:28 · answer #7 · answered by silly girl 3 · 0 0

All depends on if you repent before you die. Ask for forgiveness.

2006-06-13 01:12:37 · answer #8 · answered by jennifersuem 7 · 0 0

depends on the sin. read revelation.21.vs.

2006-06-13 01:19:59 · answer #9 · answered by the_silverfoxx 7 · 0 0

depends on how till you die. so repent and ask god for forgivness now cause your never promised tomorrow.

2006-06-13 01:19:37 · answer #10 · answered by Tomato 5 · 0 0

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