I agree, thats why I do not believe
2006-06-12 17:32:03
answer #1
answered by fanofozzyosbourne 5
If we are trying to prove the existence of God, we need to separate emotions from reason. Obviously, child molestation, child porn, war, murder, and so many other evil things are unbelievably painful and hard to accept emotionally; but whether these things are allowed to happen or do not happen do not prove anything about God's existence. (Imagine presenting a business plan to your superiors based on how good you felt about it without providing any supporting evidence or logic. You will be lucky if you don’t get fired, and don’t you go blaming God for such follies.)
It is irrational to state that God does not exist because bad things are allowed to happen. God is real not because He provides endless good things to us or does not allow bad things to happen (we would be subjecting God to our limitations), but God is real because His existence can be proven. Very briefly, reason dictates that any occurrence is preceded by cause. Next we ask, where did all this matter and energy in the universe come from if based on our scientific calculations matter and energy cannot be created nor destroyed (E=mc2 Einstein’s formula, and yes he did believe in God). We cannot say that the energy was just there, because such a statement would violate the cause and effect principle. Energy must have been provided by some Super Being otherwise the Bing Bang would never have occurred, therefore there does exist God the Creator.
Life is not without joy and happiness, nor is it without pain and hardship. We cannot just blame the bad things on God, and forget all the good that God has given us. Are we going to take the credit for all the good, and blame God for all the bad? Besides have we ever thanked God for what we have, all the happy moments, and the successes we have achieved? Muslims thank God each time they pray, and that is five times night and day.
2006-06-12 21:19:52
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
God didn't molest the babies, God didn't create child porn, war or murder. You don't want to hear Satan is at the root of it.
Who is doing the actual harm to babies, who is actually making child porn, war, murder?
MANKIND! Who's fault is it? Gods? No. MANS! Man has it within his power to stop it - but will not.
You are to blame. Your neighbor, your neighborhood, your state, your country, your neighboring countries - the world over.
The signs of the times come because mankind is destructive, and God will put a stop to it. He did it before with a flood - and you gripe that he killed off mankind (except for seven). God gave mankind a second chance and they blew it.
Mankind cant even be responsible for their own actions in stopping war, murders and so on. They create the situation, pass the blame off on God.
Cain killed Able. When God asked where his brother was.., Cain ask perhaps sarcastically (like you) "Am I my brother's keeper!?"
The very spirit of Cain has wrecked this planet and all you continue to do is NOT take responsibility. What have you done to stop the mess going on? Whatever (if anything) is not enough. Look at the mess.
Mankind cant take responsibility for its actions - God will in his time, his way - and that wont be long now. Then you and others like you will dare Judge God for doing it his way when you cant even make a dent doing it your way (if you have even tried).
Man is the problem, always was. God in his patience has given mankind some thousand years to get it right. Unless Jesus steps in soon, Mankind will commit global genocide. The Bible says that.., and history proves that including the history being laid down now - under nuclear and biological threat, not to mention the Greenhouse effect and other ecological damages to the earth.
Blame God. Go ahead. It's all so easy till the accuser has to face up and be made to answer for his or her part in the whole mess.
2006-06-12 18:06:48
answer #3
answered by Victor ious 6
"BECAUSE GOD GAVE MAN FREE WILL.." the brilliant 'release of liability' for God. "He would protect everyone but..." Tie 50 hardcore religious nuts and 50 non-believers to railroad tracks and see if the wheels magically avoid cutting the "chosen ones" in half. Amazing that all of gods' angels flying around, the talking snakes and donkeys, the 900 year old 9 foot tall people etc etc that happened 2000 years ago, haven't shown up in awhile.. Is god camera-shy? One small angel flying around the world for a couple hours is all it would take to convert the world! WAKE UP!! Ancient man had an excuse to fear the 'FIRE GODS' when they saw lightning or volcanos erupt; They lacked the knowledge to understand storms and plate techtonics. If you were born on an island, raised by monkeys (or home skooled ;-( ) and had no contact with society you might believe this too! Bottom line.. God is a free product to sell for power and profit. Although a NEW NEW testament is needed to make any of it believable now, because the target demographic now has some education.. ( try to find one intelligent person that believes the earth is 6000 years old, dinosaurs walked with man and that 2 of every single living organism, past and present was crammed onto a boat the size of a football field) The Pat Robertson level people are gods and all the rest are lemmings
2006-06-12 18:50:13
answer #4
answered by godsandclods 1
Tough question. The answer really depends on your faith, but I'll tell you what I believe.
The reason that God lets all these things happen is that in order to create love God had to give us free will. I'm sure you agree that without free will you can't have love. I can't make anyone love me--even if I was all powerful and could make anyone do anything, love has to be something that happens out of the free will of the individual. Unfortunately, love comes at a high price when all of humanity is given free will. Some people choose to commit terrible acts. Sometimes these are very powerful people that harm the lives of millions (WWII). So the way I see it, in order for me to be able to choose to love God, and love others, I have to be free to also choose to hate God, and hate others. Otherwise, this world would be a very different place. In the end, I think God, whatever you perceive it/him/her to be, created us to love him and each other.
Hope this helps...
2006-06-12 17:45:39
answer #5
answered by HJ232 2
God is no doubt the Supreme Power who can stop every thing!! But this world is a place of a short stay where every one is tested for his/her belief and good deeds, so that everyone can have an eternal life after death and be rewarded according to the deeds in this world. So there is nothing to be confused about the power of God or Satan!!
2006-06-12 17:36:26
answer #6
answered by imran 3
Satan is not the reason. God is not the reason. MAN is the reason. We have free will to make our own choices without God interferring. He can stop it, but that would break the entire ideal that mankind was created on, the opportunity to choose what we do, who we serve or dont serve, and what we think. If he takes that away, he takes it all away.
MAN got us here. Men with corrupt minds running a corrupt system. Not God, not Satan.
2006-06-12 17:37:01
answer #7
answered by sweetie_baby 6
God created man with his own free will, God could destroy us all and start over, but this would just happen again. Actually, Satan is part of the cause. Satan is pure evil, so if he gets into your life, you can be evil. This happen(s/d) to everybody at one point or another, but Santan might not stay for long. God can put a stop to this without destroy everybody, if you let him into your heart, and believe in Him, you could gradually become gooder(if that makes sense).
2006-06-12 17:39:01
answer #8
answered by mister_m_dude 2
God has given humans "free will" - because of this, we are able to make the choice to accept him as our savior and go to heaven to live with him when we die, or choose not to accept and live eternally with the consequences, i.e., the fire of hell.
"Bad" things happen not because God is not powerful enough to stop it, but because we have free will. Many humans unfortunately are wicked and evil and choose to do these things, such as child molestation, war, etc. Satan feeds on this desire and encourages it and leads people into these actions. We have free will and we can choose to do right or to do wrong. God does not allow it or not allow it, we have free will to choose who we will follow, God or Satan.
There is evil on the earth because Satan is on the earth - and because Satan is on the earth, he tempted Eve and sin was introduced to humans - Eve chose to disobey God and eat of the forbidden fruit, her husband chose to listen to his wife and try it too - and that began the course of events that led to what the world is like today.
2006-06-12 17:38:38
answer #9
answered by yugoogley 1
The question isn't whether or not God exists here but what IS God. I dopn't see God as a person I see it as energy nothing is seperate from God for there is energy in everything. The universe itself is God. This life we live is a grand illusion that we ourselves are created day by day. The evil problem happens when someone get so wrapped up in the illusion that they forget who and what they are. The more they support the nonbelief in what they are the more 'evil' they become. God doesn't allow things to happen or make them happen we are creating it as we go along.
2006-06-12 17:35:54
answer #10
answered by the_darksage 2
God is Faith and Belief. Real is verifiable truth.
God is for those who believe thru faith. They have their own answers like master plan, god gave free will etc.etc. These answers are unacceptable REALISTICALLY, SCIENTIFICALLY OR LOGICALLY AS VERIFIABLE TRUTH. (That's OK because they are based on belief and faith only.
The problems u mentioned are really caused by humans who act with evil MINDS. This again is NOT Satan's doing but humans' doing.
To control evil done by some humans generally societies have developed laws and rules and jails and punishments etc etc. It appears that what humans have done to control evil is better than what God has done. Also God did not do anything to Hitler, Pol Pot, Sadam, or Communism but HUMANS took care of them after unmentionable SUFFERING.
2006-06-12 18:16:21
answer #11
answered by dam_amasing 3