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I posted this on my blog. If you have the time, please read.
I didn't have enough space in here to bring up my point. I want to see how people see things according to the Bible. Either personal views agree with Scripture 100% or not. If you are a Christian, the Bible should lead your views, not vica versa.
Agree or disagree and why?
If you don't believe in the Bible, we already know you viewpoint.

2006-06-12 17:10:15 · 8 answers · asked by n9wff 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

8 answers

I believe that when we allowed anything other than the King James Version to enter the public viewing we allowed Satan to demonstrate his power to do disunited God's people. Prior to that everyone quoted the same scriptures the same way and had the same interpretations. Now it is a field day of bibles for this and bibles for that and none of them which can agree on anything. I think if we believe in the Bible, it will dictate our views - it's when we started letting our views dictate how we let the bible look that we turned away from God. I still cling strongly to God's Word, the King James Version.

2006-06-12 17:23:21 · answer #1 · answered by dph_40 6 · 1 2

I believe in the scripture of the bible You are so wrong about KJV being the only bible printed in the 1800's. You need to do some research. Even the KJV in 1611 was not the only bible. Yes you are right about homosexuality being an abomination.(A sin). But if we were still allowed to stone people to death today, would you be the one to pick up the first stone?? Some of todays bibles are bringing out more of the truth of the original language's, since before the dark ages, during the medieval times of the 1500's. And drugs, smoking, alcoholism aren't mentioned in the bible, except alcohol (wine). and it states in the bible that OVERINDULGENCE in wine is a sin. It falls under gluttony. It warns us that to be a sot (drunkard) is a sin against God. But if someone drinks one glass of wine or drinks one beer, etc. doesn't make one sin. As far as drugs and smoking, we do harm to our bodies, which is a sin against the temple (our bodies) of the Lord. And yes, those should get help for their addictions. But there is one fact that you, I, or anyone else will not change. We are all sinners, so therefore we are commanded not to judge. As far as marriage , it was instituted by God between one man and one woman, and no man or woman has a right to diminish God's plan.

2006-06-13 00:54:13 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The problem though is which bible are you willing to believe. Can you trust the translations? Can you trust the proper books were put into the bible? Do some study on church history the answers on how the books were compiled may surprise you
In order to decide whether or not to let your viewpoint be led by the bible you have to have unwaivering faith that the bible you are reading is the correct translation, the unaltered unabridged holy word of God

2006-06-13 00:16:49 · answer #3 · answered by the_darksage 2 · 0 0

I'm no longer a Christian, but when I was, I did not view the Bible as 100% accurate, except for a brief period right before my deconversion.

The concept of sola scriptura is relatively new within Christianity. Even the Bible itself does not claim to be free of error, nor does it claim to be the entire extent of god's revelation to man. (not that it would matter if it did, such a claim could simply be in error).

The concept arrose because once Protestants abandoned the Catholic church as the intermediary of god, they were left with nothing, so they grabbed hold of the Bible itself and declared it to be "the word of god" - a phrase that would have been blasphemous to early Christians who considered Christ to be 'the word of god", not some collection of books determined by the church of Rome.

2006-06-13 01:01:50 · answer #4 · answered by lenny 7 · 0 0

Well. n9wff.
I have been to one particular church, 37 years, and another several years. They are both outstanding and I love them both. I don't agree 100% with either one. I don't think a person can agree 100% with a 1 version summary of a given verse. There are 800 members in my church, 1 verse, we could get 200+ different ways of meanings. NOW.....There are places for personal interpretation, and there are places that means point blank what is says.
There are Laws.
There are commandments.
There are Basic spiritual Principals.
There are "Personal Convictions".

For a Christian to say to another, YOU ARE WRONG........hmmmmmmmmm.

You can't be wrong on a Personal Conviction. Thats why it's "Personal".
You think it's a sin to smoke. I don't.
You CAN NOT prove scripturally it is. Bottom line.
If it could be proven without a doubt, The Bible would have it abundantly clear. I would believe this.>> It's wrong for YOU to smoke. ok? but leave it there. Leave it alone.

Personally,..... I feel it is wrong to be in debt. ME <<<< It's wrong for ME to be in debt. That has ZERO to do with your life.
Thats a personal "conviction".


Too many Preachers are preaching "personal convictions". as Gospel Truth. !!!!
They preach...can't play music..can't smoke..can't have fast cars..blah..blah..blah.. it goes beyond stupidity.

Look at your own church. Any Do's or Don't your church has. IS WRONG ACCORDING TO GOD HIMSELF.

Jesus Christ died on the cross and rose from the grave to ..what?


When a church dictates ANY rules to you, ..you just became under what? BONDAGE. Eph 5.1

read Revelations. last chapter. any one adds too..or takes away...........

The New Testament is the CHURCH DOCTRINE. Period.

If your church "added" any rules to that, you just did what GOD told you not to do. !!

Eph.4.4-5. There is..ONE CHURCH..ONE SPIRIT..ONE BODY..ONE BAPTISM..ONE FAITH..>>>ONE DOCTRINE<<< and this is The New Testament Doctrine. COMPLETE. There will be no more.

2006-06-13 01:08:31 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

the Bible is the foundation of all Truth. regardless of you agreeing with it or not.

with out the standard God set for us in the Bible, "Relativity" would be the rule of the day, ushering in chaos!

oh right that's happening now the less Bible in Society the more Chaos ensues!

2006-06-13 00:30:53 · answer #6 · answered by lewbiv 3 · 0 0

yes the bible leads my views,my life, everything that pertains to my life here on earth.
because the bible is the word of God and He knows what is best for me. therefor I will do, say and think as He says

2006-06-13 00:18:08 · answer #7 · answered by delo 2 · 0 0

bla, bla, bla
My truth is better than your truth... na, na, na. boo, boo.

my god is bigger than your god... stick your head in doo, doo.

am I the only one who sees how childish and nearly retarded this discussion has become?

2006-06-13 00:23:50 · answer #8 · answered by Dustin Lochart 6 · 0 0

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