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Or Heaven for people who accepted Jesus as there savior and Hell is for people that haven't? And it doesn't have much to do with good or bad. Why do people good deeds mean nothgin to God? I think if these places exist the Christian Heaven would have people who are good Christians and repented there sins. Hell a have good people who didn't believe, good people who r sorry for there sins as well but didn't believe, bad people, bad christian people in it.

2006-06-12 17:05:21 · 25 answers · asked by xoɟ ʍous 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

25 answers

It's a trick question. Nobody gets to Heaven. Everyone goes to Hell. If you were a good Christian, after you die, God asks, "Why weren't you a Buddhist? You're going to Hell!" If you were a Buddhist, God asks, "Why weren't you a Muslim? You're going to Hell!" If you were Muslim, God asks, "Why weren't you a Christian? You're going to Hell!" If you were a neo-pagan, God asks, "What were you thinking? You're going to Hell!" If you were a Rastafarian, God asks, "How much ganja did you smoke to think you had a chance to get into Heaven? You're going to Hell!"

2006-06-12 17:11:26 · answer #1 · answered by redwolf7782 3 · 1 2

First of all dear... Heaven is where Jesus is right now, with his father . The heavens are meant for the angels. The book of revelations state that there are a few in number that will be going there. Hell is just the common grave of mankind. God does not have a place of torment as some believe. He cannot because he is a loving and kind God. There is to be a resurection of the good and the bad. some will go to heaven to rule over the ones left on earth after all the wicked is gone. Its true. I read it for myself. This is why I love God. His word is truth. Read the book of Revelation. and ask for knowledge to understand. He will open your eyes to the truth.

2006-06-12 17:13:39 · answer #2 · answered by Windwispers 4 · 0 0

Heaven wasn't made for good people. Heaven is for people who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and worship God. It's sad, because there are a lot of good people in the world, but that's the way it is. Hell will contain quite a few very good people who tried to live a good, moral life, but just didn't accept Jesus.

2006-06-12 17:27:52 · answer #3 · answered by ANGELa 3 · 0 0

From a Christian perspective in secular terms: It's all about your personal motivation. Christianity believes in "good works", but really as a result of the desire to please God and be his hands on earth. If you have accepted Christ as your savior, wouldn't you want to do his will >>be good (or make the attempt). On the other hand the Bible states that good works done for bad intentions are a waste of time. EX: you donate money for a new church building to enhance your ego and standing in the congregation.
There is an inequality to the relationship. Basically he is God and you're not. You owe everything to God, and it's impossible for him to owe you anything. Earning heaven through good works is somewhat like a child using the allowance that mom gave him to buy her a present. He's just giving back to the original giver.

2006-06-12 17:23:59 · answer #4 · answered by electricpole 7 · 0 0

Most Muslims have the same ideology which is not Islamic ideology. It is a very simple rule which God repeats many times in Quran!
A person who has a faith in God, His prophets, His angels, His scriptures and day of judgment and who spend his/her life fulfilling the duties of others and commit no sin or repent soon after committing sin and who dies with the same belief not as a disbeliever will enter paradise.
I think the Christians should have the same ideology.
But i strongly disagree with those persons who think heaven will be rewarded only because one is a christian or Muslim, i mean this ideology is a license to get a freedom for sins, hence this ideology can never be a part of religion.

2006-06-12 17:22:39 · answer #5 · answered by imran 3 · 0 0

I think it says somewhere in the bible that no sin can enter into heaven. It also says somewhere that all have sin and come short of the glory of God. So: There is no such thing as a good christian, because even he has sinned. If you want to go to heaven, you need your sins forgiven. The only one who can forgive you your sins is Jesus. Somewhere in the bible it says "no man cometh unto the father but by me". This was said by Jesus and by coming unto the father he meant go to heaven, because that's the place where God is. I am sorry if I can't tell you where in the bible these verses are found, but I am pretty sure they are somewhere!

2006-06-12 17:11:54 · answer #6 · answered by Robin 2 · 0 0

The idea of hell first began in roman paganism rteligions early christianity didn't preach about it. Salvation literally meant to heal and that is what Jesus was prophisied to doo, heal but not everyone onlythe house of Isreal, The Jewish nation. Many pagan idea were borrowed into christianity including alot of the folklore for eveil and hell that are preached about today. 'heaven' and 'hell' aren't really places but more states of being. People are in hell right here on earth and some are in heaven. In the end all things which have been created, sustained and connected to source will return to source, but in the meantime if you wish to create heaven or hell you are free to do so.

2006-06-12 17:10:26 · answer #7 · answered by the_darksage 2 · 0 0

Heaven is for people who accepted Jesus as their savior but also without sins in their lifes.Hell is for bad people who don't accepted Jesus as their savior and don't repent of their sins.

2006-06-12 17:10:08 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

nobodys good enough, so on that premise how can you work to be good . You can't make the goal, the only one that ever did was Jesus. There are no good people, we might think they are good, but the law condemns everyone. People that accept Gods son as their saviour, he makes them like they never sinned, and they start to try to be good even though they fall short.
Saved people go to heaven and unsaved to hell.

2006-06-12 17:11:34 · answer #9 · answered by † PRAY † 7 · 0 0

Heaven is for those Saved by Grace, Hell is for those who reject it.

Works, or good deeds are a testament to a real Christian. A real Christian will be known by the "fruit of his labor", his works.

Un Saved people can be great, but if they reject Christ, non of their works can save them. They turned their back on God, why would he bend the rules for them, when they did not do the single most important thing he asked of us?

2006-06-12 17:10:16 · answer #10 · answered by sweetie_baby 6 · 0 0

In my opinion, Heaven is for those who have accepted Jesus into their life and their heart and know how he died for us and just have faith in Him. Hell is for those who choose not to believe, who look the other way when someone tries to save them, Hell is for those who have no faith. You could be the best person in the world, but if you don't have Jesus in your life, there really isn't much of a purpose. Jesus died for us. We owe it to him not to turn the other way...and so much more too.

2006-06-12 17:14:39 · answer #11 · answered by SugarPlum 2 · 0 0

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