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18 answers

Hell No! If you dont put a belt to they butts when its needed then yes they will talk back and all the other nosense. But if you keep them in check you should have to worry about them running over you. And as for that law they can put it somewhere the goverment is not raise our kids,we are. There is a difference in spankings and abuse and as long as that line isnt crossed then they shouldnt have nothing to say about how our children is be punished.

2006-06-12 16:24:31 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

What laws on spanking - didn't know there were any - I know it is against the law to abuse a child - but spanking - gee - guess I'll be doing some time! or paying a fine - but at least my kids say "Yes Ma'am and No Ma'am", mind their manners, pay their bills, go to church, graduated from high school without shooting anyone or being shot at, hold good jobs and are basically good all around up standing citizens - now, I'm not saying the spankings they recieved growing up insured they'd turn out to be good folks - but I know they helped and you can ask my kids how they felt about being paddled and they will both tell you that they never got one they didn't have coming! I'm very close with both my kids and my grandkids - there is a difference between spanking and beating - and there is nothing wrong with a good old fashioned spanking! However, there are only a few years when a spanking is effective - if you haven't accomplished what you need to accomplish by the time a child is 9 or 10 - spanking is not the answer, in my opinion, by that time the child should know the diffence between right and wrong and respect his or her elders - if you still have not instilled that spanking at that age won't do it - it only causes them to resent you - so past that age you may have to go for a little more creative dicipline - Good Luck - parenting is one of the toughest jobs there is - in all honesty where I noticed the youth today become more and more out of control was when Mom's stopped staying at home and raising them - I hate to say it but we need to get back to the old fashioned way of doing things - Dad needs to be the bread winner and Mom the bread baker and the kids then know that Mom's home waiting for them instead of latchkey kids left to their own devises! I know I know - I'm old! But folks - it worked back then and life was alot easier!

2006-06-12 23:24:22 · answer #2 · answered by Rosie 3 · 0 0

Spanking is not the answer to anything. You want your children to learn right from wrong, am I not correct? Well, spanking teaches them "I shouldn't do this, because I'll get hurt." What they should think is, " I shouldn't do this, because it is the wrong thing to do." I got spanked, and I ended up a little scared of my dad. Do you want your kids to be scared of you? There are better ways to handle things. Kids will be kids. If they do something the first time, it requires a small talk. If they do it again, you can ground them or take away privledges. Try it. The kid has learned what is wrong without getting hurt. I agree that kids have gotten a bit worse, but this is because some parents can't teach discipline. I got privledges taken away from me sometimes, and that taught me a lesson, plus I wasn't hurt.

Kids will be kids! Let them have a little fun- childhood is too short to waste.

2006-06-12 23:33:21 · answer #3 · answered by Macey 4 · 0 0

Well yeah i do think that. I spank my kids well my son at least but he is only 2 and i know he can only understand so much. I was spanked as a child and i think i am a better person for it. My husband on the other hand wasnt spanked and he is wild and gets what he wants when he wants because of this and i fuss at his mom cause now I have to raise him. Its not fair to me. My mom always told us that it didnt matter if we had one lick of respect for her but we sure as **** were going to behave in front of others and treat them with respect. I still to this day being 22 will still not call an older person(anyone older than me) by there first name I had a professor in college who said we could call him by his first name and i just couldnt do it it didnt feel right to me. But thats just me and i think i was raised pretty damn good.

2006-06-13 02:13:49 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Look,... coming from a respectful family, I can tell that not only has the respect for elders decreased, but just repect for everyone in general. There are other ways to discipline a kid other than spanking though. I'm 16. Trust me, my parents have thought of other ways. I have a Boyfriend, and not that they don't like him, but they ground me from calling him or seeing him while grounded.

2006-06-12 23:16:33 · answer #5 · answered by broadwaystar162002 2 · 0 0

Yes, kids are running things now. It's pathetic. I do not agree with child abuse, but I think that spankings are good for children when they are to teach them right and wrong. It's not hypocritical to spank children for hitting either. It's called a pecking order. When they are parents, they can spank their children if they need to. It is just to teach them respect and in many cases for their safety in the future (running out in the road, touching electric outlets, etc)

2006-06-13 05:51:46 · answer #6 · answered by shellshell 4 · 0 0

I don't think its the spanking that did it. Its lazy parenting or parents been overindulgent. These days with so many mothers working they end up with working mother syndrome. Let the kids do what they want and spoil them because of the guilt felt by being at work. It seems that no parents can be consistant these days either. That is the main thing kids need

2006-06-12 23:15:43 · answer #7 · answered by Rachel 7 · 0 0

Those are things that are taught to us by our parents --- Nowadays too many of them are out doing their own thing and kids are dumped on various babysitters.... We(in my family) may not have been spanked but we were taught how to show proper respect to our elders and we recieved punishments that suited the offense.... I have noticed that too many are allowing their kids to do their own thing and very few recieve any form of correction --- they fill them up with junk food - allow them to spend hours playing video games - unsupervised on the web or at home. I have observed and heard girls as young as ten - offering sexual favors for rides to the mall or over to a friends house --- when I questioned them I am often told - So what, everybody is doing it!!

2006-06-12 23:24:17 · answer #8 · answered by jaimestar64cross 6 · 0 0

i must agree with you . this is a common statement i myself have said many times .
i do also think there are other factors that create this problem too. more parents these days do not spend quality time with their kids, they do not teach their kids morals and respect or manners , and you see less and less parents having heart to heart talks to kids about things in everyday life.
in all honesty , these days parents just don't seem to make time for their kids , they are way too busy wrapped up in their own lives and jobs to see past the fact they are pretty much forcing their child to raise them self .
i have tried the alternative crap . i found that no matter how many times or how long i put my kids in the corner for certain things they just did not learn from their mistakes. smack their bottom on good time and it gives them something to think about , and a reason not to do what ever again .
regardless of how you discipline your child you need a balance of discipline and love with understanding and a willingness to actually take account YOURSELF for what your child is doing .
i do think some parents take things too far . it happens and it is sad , but regardless to whether it is legal or not those who do take it too far will , even with the laws in place .

2006-06-13 08:49:16 · answer #9 · answered by mick 4 · 0 0

I'm still a kid myself, but my mom always would spank me on the butt if i was really bad. I think this was after they started enforcing the rule. I was more of a brat then my brother and sister were. I agree. I'm happy I got hit those few times though because I deserved it. It made me a better teenager in the long run, but I don't agree in beating your kids in any way.

2006-06-12 23:13:55 · answer #10 · answered by sexylilgirl_idealmgf 3 · 0 0

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