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isnt this the final reason to close this barbaric place. in advance to all the rednecks who are going to answer. a big raspberry to you.

2006-06-12 15:38:47 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

29 answers

I probably would've done the same.

What lots of folks don't realize is that we put out a bounty in Afghanistan for terrorists. Think about it. We told a bunch of dirt poor Afghans that we'd pay them in American cash if they fingered Afghan terrorists. Of course they would turn in just about anyone they didn't know or maybe had an on going feud with, Al Qaeda or not.

I'd be willing to bet that lots of Guantanamo "detainees" have been directly involved in terrorist activities, but when you consider all of those imprisoned without cause or evidence, other than the word of another dirt poor and desperate Afghan, it really is disgusting what we've done in Guantanamo. If their is real evidence to hold any of these people it should've been presented prior to their incarceration. After all, that is the American way. Right?

Lots of folks are awful pissed about 9/11 and I'm one of them. That doesn't mean we should throw due process, common sense, and our collective sense of humanity out the window in order to conduct another witch trial. In the end we'll lose by showing ourselves to be just as bad as the terrorists responsible for 9/11.

2006-06-12 16:05:15 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Unless you have been there how can you call it barbaric. It is high security it does contain those who would kill you in a heart beat . It is also humane in it treatment of it detainees .even to the point that thier food is according to their customs and beliefs.they are being held as POW's as all POW's have been detained until the war is over.
Until you learn that extreme Islamic believers do not value life not even their own
until you learn these folks want you dead at any cost
until you learn they will do any thing to accomplish their goals
it is best to keep you opinions to your self . For this is all you have to base your thoughts on. I know and can prove what I write here today. As the saying goes been there done that.

To answer you is this reason enough to close this place .The answer is no it is not It is the very reason they should be where they are. This suicide was planned and carried out by three extreamist precisely to slap the face of the face of this nation. These men are nobodys fool . they are very aware of what they are doing.
Those who are held at this prison are the badest of the bad .
Also by your ending to your question you show your mind is closed to any other answer than what you already think.
So before you totaly snap shut the lid to your mind seek out all the facts from both sides of the fence.
And for your info. I Came to Texas from New Jersey and voted as a democrat in the last election.

2006-06-12 19:01:49 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

When you are waging a war like this against terrorists you need a very secure place to hold them and the continental US is not that secure.The three that committed suicide did so because an significant emotional event like that brigs descredit to the jailers in question especially when they know that the majority of fraint-hearted Americans don't condone a palce like Guantanamo Bay.
Apparently, you have never been in combat let alone confronted Al Qaeda or the Taliban. I know most of them on a personal level
having dealt with them after action or when they come in under the amnesty program.Some of them consider women second class citizens (The Taliban) not suitable for education and burning down schools, executing teachers;ie: beheading or firing a rocket propelled grenade into a packed classroom is considered "OPS" normal in order perpetuate the true purity of Islam.If that isn't barbaric then what is? We need a palce like 'Gitmo' in order to screen captured terrorists and keep them from conducting violent acts against innocent people.
And further more I am not a redneck and if you can't accept my view then you are as ignorant as the rednecks you loathe.

2006-06-12 15:50:35 · answer #3 · answered by bulldog 3 · 0 0

Frankly, not much, if we were able to obtain all the available intelligence from them before they checked out.

The individuals at Gitmo are not "suspects", but are to a man, people that have very compelling histories to warrant being segragated. They are people who by and large would find great satisfaction in killing all of us responding to this question, (even the ones who want to "understand " them). There is no live and let live with any radical mind. Islam should be advanced by "Fire and the sword", and the infidel is less than human.

It would be more barbaric to let them roam the free world. They are dangerous to Americans, Europeans, and moderate Muslims around the globe.

2006-06-12 16:03:36 · answer #4 · answered by electricpole 7 · 0 0

So you don't want anyone who will disagree with you to answer your question. Well i think they are dead because they committed suicide. three down. now if the rest were to follow them. the guards could have an early Holiday. as i am not a Redneck. your Big Raspberry don't scare me. So right back at you with bells on.

2006-06-12 16:02:44 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i dont know, i mean people commit suicide all the time in prison why should that place be any different. The problem i have with guantanemo is that they put these people in legal purgatory and dont charge them for years, even to american citizens, suspending habeus corpus. I think its very Stalin-esque to have a place like this.

2006-06-12 15:41:29 · answer #6 · answered by UCSC Slugmaster 4 · 0 0

no, now we don't have to wast the court system on them. They think by doing so that their going to get a hole of virgins, and setting there buddies free. No, I'm not against that place. They point out mecca for prayer. They get three square meals a day. That is more then they would have received at their home country.

2006-06-12 15:44:14 · answer #7 · answered by caitie 6 · 0 0

All of a sudden Guantanemo is barbaric? I think those who blow themselves up in order to kill others, are barbaric. When is a liberal going to ask what we think of suicide bombers? You won't hear that question in their war against the war on terror .

2006-06-12 15:41:46 · answer #8 · answered by missmayzie 7 · 0 0

No, I don't think it is. While I may have severe reservations about how people are classified before being sent there, I have no problem with harsh living conditions for "enemy combatants."

Abu Ghraib - I have a problem with that. But harsh, severe, uninviting and crappy living conditions for people who want to harm innocent Americans? Nah. I just wish they'd do a better job of proving that the people that are there ARE enemy combatants.

2006-06-12 15:42:28 · answer #9 · answered by tagi_65 5 · 0 0

that fiasco should never have happened like the US getting involved in Irag in the first place. It should be closed, but the politicians will take forever discussing what to do with the "detainees".

2006-06-12 15:40:09 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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