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would you, as a straight person, try to get married to somebody of the same sex then ?

i know this seems absurd, i'm just trying to find out if some people ever think about what they say, when saying things like "homosexuality is not love, it's just lust, and they should stop acting on it, and just become straight"

no offence here, i'm really just wondering..

you think that you, as a straight person, could easily convert yourself to a homosexual person?

-if yes, then i finally understand why some people speak so easily about that homosexuals should stop with their sins.
-if no, then i will probably never understand this 'homosexuality is a sin-thingy'

2006-06-12 15:22:01 · 33 answers · asked by Thinx 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

i see very wise, thoughtfull answers! great!
i also wonder why people would even automatically assume i'm gay, btw. not that i even mind.
It seems like an easy arguement to not have to think about the question.

2006-06-12 15:33:19 · update #1

33 answers

this is ridiculous. Am I the only one that noticed none of these answers so far actually answered the question. They were either high fives from people who already agree with you or people saying they couldn't answer the question because the bible doesn't say that. The point was to imagine a hypothetical situation in which the bible did say that in order to put yourselves in the shoes of another human being and gain some empathy or at least start a logical debate wherein you at least entertain some of the arguments of your opponent even if you disagree. So far it seems like everyone that answered just stayed in their safe zone and ignored the questions purpose.

2006-06-12 15:36:29 · answer #1 · answered by sooziebeaker 3 · 18 19

Let me introduce myself by saying I am a heterosexual Christian.

If heterosexuality was a sin, no I would not get married to someone of the same sex. I would just stay single. There is nothing in the Bible that says everyone has to get married. In fact, there are passages that say that many people can do more good for God if they remain single and devote their time to God instead of another person (this is why priests don't marry).

You are right that homosexuality is not just lust. But homoSEXuality is not JUST love, it is also lust. I love many people, some of them are men. I love my dad. It is the SEXual lust that distinguishes and defines homoSEXuality apart from other kinds of love.

If heterosexuality were wrong, I would stay celibate and single.

As far as the "homosexuality is a sin-thingy," that wasn't my decision, it was God's.

2006-06-12 15:45:39 · answer #2 · answered by bwjordan 4 · 0 0

If the Bible said that heterosexuality was a sin...then the world would be void 86% of the population of humans. (Except for the 14% of atheist who don't care what the Bible says) If people could only be homosexual, the breed would have died out centuries ago since man kind could not procreate within same sex unions. All the Homosexuals would be gone & there would just be a handful of atheist having babies.

Idiots are so much fun

2006-06-12 15:44:49 · answer #3 · answered by mslorikoch 5 · 0 0

If homosexuality is a sin, then there are not only a lot of humans going to hell, but animals, as well. Homosexuality has been observed in hundreds of vertebrate species as this article shows:


People are born homosexual, they do not choose it, anymore than a straight person chooses to be hetero. Christians can't accept that, though, because they love to mind everyone else's business except their own and think that they should be the ones to make decisions about everybody else's sex lives.

2006-06-12 15:56:30 · answer #4 · answered by Antique Silver Buttons 5 · 0 0

This isn't a yes or no question really.
What I hear you asking is would we try to live
by what the bible says if it went against what felt
right or natural. That's what we ALWAYS do!
Heterosexual sex is just as DISPLEASING TO GOD
(I repeat Just as DisPleAsinG) when it is done
out of Holy Matrimony. When you lie, cheat, kill,
sin in any way it is just as unfortunate. The bible
listed homosexuality along with a host of other sins.
The bible is the unerrant Word of God, so be careful
of setting up scenarios. Daddy don't like that. But,
YES, my friend...I'd live by WHATEVER (or try to) it
said was right and avoid whatever is sin.

Peace. It's hard but you can overcome.

2006-06-12 15:42:06 · answer #5 · answered by Sleek 7 · 0 0

If God told me that's what I had to do, then that's what I'd do. It wouldn't be easy, I wouldn't like it, and I don't think I'd ever get "used" to it or be able to change my attraction to women, but none of that matters the slightest bit in comparison to my relationship with God. Everything else (and I do mean everything) is not worthy even to be mentioned in the same sentence. I love Him that much. This is why I don't feel bad about telling homosexuals to give up so much. . . because I know to the core of my being that what they gain is a million times greater than what they lose. The same thing is true for any other earthly pleasure or love that has to be sacrificed for His sake. There are men who have been married to women they hated, and been truly in love with another woman they couldn't have because of their marriage to the first one. I doubt the commandment against divorce was any less painful to them than the commandment against gay sex is to those who are inclined in that direction. Any love that must be sacrificed, hurts deeply. But I hold this to be true. . . that everything you love on this earth, you love because it's a reflection of God. Turning to Him is not a turning away from the dear people and things you know to a complete stranger. Instead, have faith that you'll see in His face the truest and deepest kernel of everything you ever loved or wished for, without sin, and more beautiful than you could possibly imagine. God can be no less than that, and how much more He may be only the angels could say.

2006-06-12 15:41:07 · answer #6 · answered by Billy 5 · 0 0

What the Bible teaches is that sex out side of marriage is a sin - so in a way certain heterosexual acts are sinful - by asking this question I will assume that you have read and believe that the Bible does state that homosexual acts are considered sinful - there was a specific design in mind for the sex act - one as the ultimate expression of love and commitment by two people who intend to spend the rest of their lives together and two as a means of procreation - anything outside these guidelines is sin - and it's lumped in there with lying, cheating, stealing, fornication, adultry, murder, rape - sin is sin - no one sin is any greater than any other in God's eyes - He views sin as sin and finds it abhorrant in all forms - mankind, not being perfect commits sin - can't help it - we are weak - so Jesus was sent to die for all sin - if we accept Him as our Saviour - then we dedicate our life to live as close to sinless as we can - and Jesus covers the rest - But His death was not intended to give "carte blanche" to sinners - we have to live according to the teachings of the Bible - sex outside of marriage is a sin - hetero or homo - it's really very simple - it really isn't about what you can or can't do - it's about what you must do to be saved - what is important to you - and earthly life of sin and doubt or walk the way of the Christian and attain salvation in the end - Good Luck and God Bless

2006-06-12 15:39:25 · answer #7 · answered by Rosie 3 · 0 0

Homsexuality is a sin. I believe that. But I dont expect people to change the way they feel based on that fact.

I am living in sin, with my fiance. We are technically in an adulterous relationship, as we are both divorced. Nothing we can do in Gods eyes will change the fact he sees us as adulterors. So, knowing its a sin, I choose to do it and accept the consequences on my actions. So I dont see how my situation is any less sinful than that of a homosexual, and it is also why I believe people should love who they want to, and let God deal with it later. Its not up for others to judge me, nor for me to judge them. Hope that made sense in the context of your question.

Before I get hate mail, YES, it is possible to be a Christian and still sin.

2006-06-12 15:42:10 · answer #8 · answered by sweetie_baby 6 · 0 0

If the Bible said that hetersexuality were a sin then I supposed I never would not have gotten married and I suppose we would not be here today because Adam and Eve could not have been fruitful and mutiplied. You see God made them male and female. I do believe that gays can have very deep feelings toward one onother and personally I think each person's preferrences are each person's own business as long as they don't try to influence me. It is between them and God. Each one of us has to face God one day so we do need to learn what God wants for us. His word explains it all. He loves you.

2006-06-12 15:49:33 · answer #9 · answered by 7Angel7 1 · 0 0

Suppose the Bible said that Heterosexuality was a sin....??
Then a whole lot of priests would be bringing choirboys out of their closets.

But then again you MUST be wrong, because god wouldn't have let anyone with predudice write anything in the bible now, would he!? Not with 'free will' and all....

2006-06-12 15:31:41 · answer #10 · answered by googlywotsit 5 · 0 0

I can tell right away you're gay.

You thought and thought about coming up with something to GET the people who do not approve of homosexuality.

Well you did not succeed. Your argument can short-circuit the brain. Come up with a simpler analogy

2006-06-12 15:28:51 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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