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we aren't weird i mean they are all like u guys are over protective and they are constantly making up stupid stuff that we do not believe. pleez tell me if u r mormon and i f u arent tell me why you or other people always talk bad about us and say everything anti mormon about us?!?!

2006-06-12 14:06:29 · 24 answers · asked by dani k 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

we aren't weird or anything. all people say the men marry many wives but they don't that was years and decades ago. so did almost everyone else. i strongly have a testimony of my church. i know joseph smith was a true prophet. i dont get how everyone things that it is wierd that we don't show so much of our bodies. we are modest. do not make fun of us. pleeeez. it is wut we believe . some of the answers u have written or cruel and mean pleeszz dont right them. i am only a kid not even a teenager yet and i have a strong testimony of my church and i know that gordon b. hinckley s the true prophet today. jesus atoned for aour sinss. ond god is our father in heaven. this is wut i believe. dont make fun of us. pleez!

2006-06-12 14:17:15 · update #1

show me wher uit says wut we believe is not true!

2006-06-12 14:21:07 · update #2

we don't focus on joseph smith al we say is that he resored the church when it was in darkness.

2006-06-12 14:25:21 · update #3

24 answers

as a Mormon i have heard many things over the years and just let people know that i believe that they are wrong, and that they believe i am wrong. i respect that everyone has their own opinions and i have mine. people will also make fun of and challenge what is different from their beliefs. one big thing that we get a lot is that we have more than one wife. which is not true. at one point in time we did, but even during that time only 2-5% were apart of polygamy. another thing i hear a lot is that we re not Christians. my response is yes we are. i believe in Christ as my savior and brother to help me get through this life. i use his teachings in the bible to guide me in what i say act and do. if this is not a christian than i do not know what is. getting into Joseph smith is sometimes hard to get into with those who do not believe, but i just say i believe that he restored Christ church on earth and that he did see god and his son Jesus Christ. people will either leave you alone or talk bad more. hope that this helps.

2006-06-13 10:30:13 · answer #1 · answered by axel foley 2 · 1 0

I am a Mormon, but I can tell you why people (myself included) talk bad about Mormons.

Mormons see themselves as being better than everyone else. Mormons look down on non-Mormons. Mormons are fake and insincere. Mormons always have a hidden agenda (baptism) when they're being nice to non-Mormons.

Mormons (most anyway) have no idea how the church really started. They just believe what the 'official' accounts say.

Mormons are in denial about polygamy. Even though it was officially abandoned in 1890, then again in 1904, it continued to be practiced (by existing polygamists) in the mainstream church until the 1940's or 1950's.

Joseph Smith was a con artist (he even went to court as one) before he became a 'prophet'.

Joseph Smith married 10 or 11 women who were already married to someone else at the time. He married at least 4 young teenagers as well.

The Book of Mormon is FULL of scientific inaccuracies: DNA has proven that the American Indians are descended from Mongolians, not Hebrews. There was no steel in America. There were no horses, elephants, pigs, sheep, cattle etc. in America in BoM times. None of the crops mentioned in the BoM existed here at the time.

The temple ceremonies are copied, almost directly in some cases, from the Masons. Not only this, but they have been significantly changed over the years.

And finally, mormons make easy targets because they are very naive and they won't fight back most of the time.

There are lots of other reasons too, but I'll leave it at that for now.

2006-06-13 15:45:53 · answer #2 · answered by bigjarom 4 · 0 0

The Mormon Church is attacked by quoting from Journal of Discourses, Mormon Doctrine, Book of Mormon, Comprehensive History of the Church, or quotes from various other diaries and sources. Then we are challenged to explain that quote or statement. The quote is presented because it gives the required impression even though that may not be a correct interpretation when the context is fully understood. The Christian critics have no accepted body of beliefs or reference works that are considered universally binding or accurate. The only standard that is universally accepted is the Bible, but even then you may have to consult different versions to find acceptance. My experience is that these Christians don't allow others to suggest a correct interpretation of the scriptures. When challenged about something another Christian says, they don't feel obligated to agree with those statements or interpretations.

This is in contrast to the doctines and beliefs of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Mormon people have additional scriptures, and authoritative statements from prophets that establish a complete structure of belief and practice. All the members of the church are required to believe that which is true and a significant body of literature has been written to establish the various points of doctrine. Since the church has a standard that we all believe, it provides a large target for critics to attack.

However, probably the main reason critics have so much fun attacking the church is that the Mormon beliefs do not conform to the norms of other Christian ideas. Some concepts such as polygamy seem especially strange when they are first examined. Some Mormon beliefs seem easy to discredit, but on deeper examination it is found that there is more to be considered.

Also the Mormon people are arrogant enough to proclaim that they are the "only true church." When a person leaves the church they cannot easily join another church. They have been taught and believed that other churches were wrong. Without belonging to the "true" church they are sometimes left with no church. They might join the ranks of those who are cynical and skeptical about religions in general. Another possible path might lead to acceptance of membership in another religious faith, and most likely they will retain feelings of betrayal and possibly hatred toward the Mormon church. With those feelings of apostasy they might become very active in "winning" others away from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. If they are successful in causing others to doubt their testimony of the Mormon church, they feel justified in their own decision to leave.

Another reason that the Mormons are an "easy" target is that they actually claim to have living prophets and apostles. Our pre-conceived ideas about what a prophet is usually does not include anyone that actually walks and talks like other men. In fact even members of the church cause some problems by not allowing Joseph Smith to be a man as well as a prophet. We have the opportunity to get a close look at what a prophet really is and not what we might imagine a prophet should be.

2006-06-19 20:07:21 · answer #3 · answered by notoriousnicholas 4 · 0 0

Ignorance is the reason. I do not belong to the LDS church or any other church. I know many Mormons and know about their beliefs. Of all the different religious groups I know some about, I admire the Mormons the most. Mormons take care of each other in need, As a group they do not condemn others. Their way of life is much less damaging to society than any other that I know. I can mention many more things but I doubt if very many that are not Mormon would even consider. I do not believe in god myself but those that do should abide by what they say he said. I have read the booek of Mormon. People tend to condemn what they do not understand. Most will not take the time to even try to understand. People are afraid of Mormons as well. This fear is a big part of why they say the things they say.... Hold your head high and be proud of who you are.

2006-06-12 21:51:26 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't think anything bad about you, but there some things I have issues with. I may also be wrong since all I know is all I have been told, not my own research. I praise you for the compassion and hard work effort that you seem to have. 1 Tim3 outlines the requirements for elders, but what I always see are 2 young men, maybe in their 20's, that call themselves elders. The passage clearly states that the man be married and true head of household, and implies that he has some life experience, maybe an older man. The other thing I have fault with is Joseph Smith. There seems to be a little too much stock placed with him, and not in God or Jesus which is what the Bible instructs us to do. No where in the Bible does it ever mention Smith and his visions. I may be wrong about some of this as I don't know much about the religion or Smith. But, that's my thought. God bless you.

2006-06-12 21:18:02 · answer #5 · answered by daweeney 4 · 1 0

Mostly, people can't get past that polygamy thing. I KNOW all mormons don't practice that, but all the media ever shows is that long-haired, long-skirted, no make-up effect (and a buncha kids) and guys with white shirts all over the world. It's the image that's out there. You 'll be hard-pressed to change people's views on religion of any sort (or lack thereof, as the case may be). It's too difficult to prove the existence of something so many sects disagree on wrt details, or something that cannot be proven to exist in the first place. Sorry; most likely not what you wanted to hear, but it's the truth.

2006-06-12 21:14:41 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have been told that mormons believe that we can become Gods... That God was once a man. That we are married for eternity, not just for life on this earth. I have also been told that in Mormonism most people go to heaven, but there are different levels of heaven an an "outer darkness" that is like hell. But very very few people go there. All of these things go directly against what the bible teaches and what Jesus himself taught.

If I am wrong about these things, please tell me - but if I am right, Mormonism is a lie that will keep people from knowing the love of Jesus.

2006-06-12 21:13:22 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Dear Dani,

I'm sorry if you were made fun of on account of your religion. I'm not Mormon but a seventh day Adventist. There are people who do not understand certain point of views. Many question the seventh day Adventist practices- washing the feet for communion, going to church on Saturdays, not eating pork, etc. Ironically, I had a Mormon friend that butchered, well not really butchered, but minutely spoke against my belief. You should care less what others think about you and just do and believe what you think is right,


2006-06-12 21:24:10 · answer #8 · answered by Avi 1 · 0 0

sweetie, people make fun of anything and everything. They may see it as something they fear, something they don't know, or something that is just different from them self. Please try to be like a duck and let it roll off your back. You are too young to take on the worries of the world just yet. Just hold fast to those beliefs you have and everything will be alright. And no, I'm not a mormon, I'm not even christian, but I do believe people should treat people like gold. My grandmother from my mom was mormon though. And I don't think she was weird.

Blessed Be

2006-06-12 21:23:06 · answer #9 · answered by ScarletFiresBurn 2 · 0 0

Asking this on this site is suicide you know that right?
To everyone who claims that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints still practices Polygamy: There is and F there FLDS the one whose leader is on the run from the law!

Anyway I'm with you people need to get a life and mind their own business.

2006-06-17 12:50:41 · answer #10 · answered by sunny12rms 2 · 0 0

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