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Two weeks ago I was feeling nautious and my boobs hurt really bad. The week before me and my boyfriend had sex and I believe the condom broke. I took a pregnancy test and it reported positive and my boyfriend said he is their for me in either decision, what should I do.

2006-06-12 13:50:39 · 98 answers · asked by bubbles 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Grade-Schooler

98 answers

Oh God..whatever you do, tell your Mom ASAP

2006-06-12 13:52:05 · answer #1 · answered by cherripye99 2 · 4 0

Ok,Come on now.13 and Pregnant.What were you thinking.You still have all your childhood left.Being a mother is a big step to take.I'm 23 and have a 11 month old daughter.Once the baby is here,there is no ME time anymore.It is all about the baby.When the baby cries,you have to be there and figure what is wrong.They wont beable to speak and tell you.Another thing is,Do you have a job?Who is going to hire a 13 year girl. Seems grandma will be raising this baby or the state will.Having a baby is not a joke.There are alot of responsibility that comes with having a baby.I think you really need to think about this.Why dont you give the baby up to people that cant have kids?There are many couples out there that wants children and cant have any themselves.I'm not here to put you down.Just giving advice about having a baby.Its not a game becoming a parent.You have to make sure that the baby is well taking care of.Sit down and talk with your parents and see what you are going to do.Well enough said.GOOD LUCK

2006-06-12 14:43:10 · answer #2 · answered by ~Devilz~ 4 · 1 0

Some of the people who have answered you are definitely not very helpful or caring in a situation like this. I will agree with them that you had no business having sex at your age, BUT that doesn't change the fact that you did and that you are now pregnant. If you can, you should speak to an adult you trust. At your age, I would say that aborting the fetus is most likely the best decision. It is still very early in the pregnancy, so this should be a possibility. You need to see a physician! Getting your tubes tied is NOT a possibility at your age. Doctor's don't do that that young. Also, your boyfriend cannot go to jail for getting you pregnant because he is also a minor. If he were 18 or older, though, he could go to jail for statutory rape.

Bottom line: tell someone you can talk to that will help you and not put you out on the street or banish you. I wish you the best of luck and for the love of God, wait until you're an adult to have sex again!

2006-06-12 15:32:09 · answer #3 · answered by turtle_express16 3 · 0 0

Some people are so insensitive!! THE FIRST THING YOU SHOULD DO IS TO TELL YOUR PARENTS. And when you make whatever decision it is you need to think about your future while you are at it. Proms, dances, graduation, parties,going AWAY for college(you could still go to college just can't live on campus). It really is a tough decision to make. I'm 26 and had my first at 18 and it is still hard. Don't listen to some of these ignorant a**holes that don't have anything nice to say. You are still a child and there is a certain way to say things to you. Just make sure you get birth control pills AND use the condom next time. Seriously this is something that you need to talk out with your parents. Good Luck to you in whatever decision that you make.

2006-06-14 16:21:59 · answer #4 · answered by SICK OF THIS 2 · 0 0

There is not really an answer, if you haven't had this confirmed with a doctor....also this should be between your parent(s) and you.

So if I gave my personal opinion to keep the child or not, well I should not do so.

But I will say this:"There are 3 outcomes of having sex anyway (I don't care if u used protection)...but one of these results will happen....

1. You won't get pregnant, but have to live with the fact that you didn't wait till marriage. (you may not care about that, but this is true)

2. You may contract a STD
3. You may become pregnant

Now the similarity in this is that you will forever have to deal with living your life knowing you are either 1, 2, or 3.
1 doesn't seem bad, but it is the point of just having the will to be involved with only one person.
But, you are supposingly 3....A Hard Spot to be....
Cause there are 3 choices you can make:
1. You keep the child
2. You give he/she up for adoption etc.
3. Abortion (I honestly do not like that choice)

well, I will leave that to you.

2006-06-17 02:55:44 · answer #5 · answered by Toya 2 · 0 0

Well, first of all you are incredibly stupid to get yourself into such a situation. But, chances are you have an uncaring family life and your mom probably is young as well. I come from a young mom. If it were me, I would not have an abortion or take the pills because I feel that one mistake doesn't justify another. Even at 13, you still have a chance to make things right. Tell an adult you trust and give the baby up for adoption. There are so many loving couples that want a baby and can't have one. If you choose abortion, you will likely regret it for the rest of your life. BUT, in the end it's your decision alone to make. Good luck to you and please wait from now on.

2006-06-12 15:14:26 · answer #6 · answered by visionsofforever 2 · 0 0

OMG, 13, 14 ? You are still babies yourself.. I'm sure you hear that all the time, but you are! You havent even lived life to know how to raise another. (Sorry to be so harsh) But a baby is a 24 hour a day job, Until they reach 18.. Just think that is 18 years.. What ever your decision make it the right one. Dont think of yourself think of the baby.. Can you support a baby?
Do you know what you are doing? Do you realize that your childhood is over now? Do what's best for the baby .. Don't be selfish.. Talk to your parents.. Let them help you make the right decision. Because no matter what, if you decide to keep the baby.. Who's to say that your boyfriend will be there? It will be ALL YOUR responsiblity..

2006-06-12 18:03:50 · answer #7 · answered by mommy2adopt 1 · 2 0

First you must talk to your mother or other responsible adult. You need to see a doctor for verification. If you are pregnant, then you and this young man and both your parents need to make a very hard decision. If you decide to keep the child, beware of the risks to your health. You are very young and your body may not be ready to carry a child to full term. Also you would be starting your adult life way too early with all kinds of responsibilities you are not yet ready for. Your young man is also too young to know how to be a father. There are two other alternatives, the first of course is abortion, followed by adoption, in which course you would still have to go through with the pregnancy and risk your health and the child`s, Talk this over with your parents then decide. Don`t make this very serious decision from input from your computer.

2006-06-12 14:02:08 · answer #8 · answered by fuzzyathome 2 · 0 0

First of all, let me say that you're a smart person. You at least used protection, you're concerned, you're seeking advice. I'm also glad you have someone as supportive as your boyfriend.

I'm assuming you're considering having an abortion, by your phrase "either decision." I like many people believe abortion is inherently wrong. You, although you are very young to be having sex, have created a brand new life. Even right now there is a whole 'nother human being growing and developing inside you.

You are already pregnant. There is nothing that is going to change that, short of killing the baby. Be happy. You are about to bring another life into the world of your very own! Your boyfriend seems someone of good character. Although he shouldn't be having sex at 14 either, he accepts responsibility instead of just running off. If you haven't told your parents, you need to somehow. Tell them you probably shouldn't have done what you did, but you accept the responsibility and need their support.

Hope this helps. Good luck!

2006-06-12 13:58:56 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Do you have any idea how many married couples want a child . Their whole life revolves around getting pregnant, but because of medical reasons etc. they can t . Do you think you could carry the baby to term and make your dumb mistake, someone elses answer to their prayers. You could either place the baby with an adoption agency, or you could plck the parents. Pick a few couples and have a meeting and see what vibes you get. Ask questions etc. They will cover all your expences and you could ask the woman you have chosen to go to dr. appointments. And share your pregnancy Maybe if you ask her she will mail you a picture on special ocassions. Turn your mistake around and you will not only answer someones prayers but make will help you to realize the mistake and make it good. Please talk to your mom about your "awful mistake" You may be surprised at her response.But beforre you have an abortion please consider your options. The decsion that gets made is yours and yours alone. Weigh all the options and pick the one that you think is right for you but 13 really is young. Even to young for sex. God bless and good luck. Everything will turn out fine.

2006-06-12 17:48:45 · answer #10 · answered by april31954jan182005 1 · 0 0

honey you should talk to your mom or dad i was 16 when i had my first baby and i couldnt of done it without them i am 40 years old now you are so young remember what ever decision you and your boyfriend makes is the right one do what is best for you and your baby- adoption is always an option- if you are thinking about an abortion make your decision quickly because the longer you wait, the further you are,the procedure is a little more complicated think it over and you are going to have to tell your parents because no matter what you 2 decide you will need their approval for any medical procedure. they will be upset i am sure for a while but believe me they will get over it quickly the longer you wait the harder it will be i have 4 beautiful children and now am a new grandma my life turned out great i am very close to my mom dad and sisters they were all their for me good luck honey things will turn out ok

2006-06-12 14:03:31 · answer #11 · answered by Phil B 1 · 0 0

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