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10 answers

I believe the structure for a Democratic Government is there. the problem is that most citizens are far too apathetic to do their part in making it work. We are allowing the few to lead the majority.

1st..... you have to take the time to keep even somewhat informed about issues. believe it or not it starts on the local level.

2nd...register to vote

3rd... you have to keep these elected officials on task. letter writing, e-mailing, even phone calls. better yet, get involved in local committees for the party you choose.this does not take a lot of you time.

I know, who has the time! our lives are so busy just trying to keep up with it all.

you now what though? this is a "catch 22" because as true as this is, the minority is shaping the future for the majority.

2006-06-12 23:48:53 · answer #1 · answered by mjohn28497@sbcglobal.net 3 · 0 0

Oh hell no. The United States government is a very lax, inbred child of oligarchy and democracy. Yes, we may be able to vote, however, it's never Joe Everybody who can work for the high-ups. Yes, it costs money to run for office, HOWEVER, those that DO become elected almost always have some ulterior motive for it. Look at Bush, he responded to the 9/11 attacks by going to war with some of the most oil-rich nations in the world! And guess where his and Mr. Cheney's roots are? Oil. 9/11 was an excuse to make themselves richer, in a none-too-subtle way. So no, we are NOT a democracy. "The rich get richer and the poor get poorer" is an accurate summary of the American Democracy as we know it.

2006-06-13 01:53:09 · answer #2 · answered by Jeremy A 1 · 0 0

The US is a Republic and a Democracy.

To answer your question, I think that we have. We're as close to a democracy as anyone else has seen. We, the people, practically rule our government. We can elect officials, we can write to our representatives about complaints/concerns, we can voice our opinions/ideas, and a lot of other things.

Democracy- term originating in ancient Greece to designate a government where the people share in directing the activities of the state, as distinct from governments controlled by a single class, select group, or autocrat. The definition of democracy has been expanded, however, to describe a philosophy that insists on the right and the capacity of a people, acting either directly or through representatives, to control their institutions for their own purposes. Such a philosophy places a high value on the equality of individuals and would free people as far as possible from restraints not self-imposed. It insists that necessary restraints be imposed only by the consent of the majority and that they conform to the principle of equality.

Republic- today understood to be a sovereign state ruled by representatives of a widely inclusive electorate. The term republic formerly denoted a form of government that was both free from hereditary or monarchical rule and had popular control of the state and a conception of public welfare. It is in this sense that we speak of the ancient Roman republic. Today, in addition to the above characteristics, a republic is a state in which all segments of society are enfranchised and in which the state's power is constitutionally limited. Traditionally a republic is distinguished from a true democracy in that the republic operates through a representative assembly chosen by the citizenry, while in a democracy the populace participates directly in governmental affairs.

2006-06-12 19:59:34 · answer #3 · answered by 2-3,2-4,4-3,4-4,3-4,4-2,5-4 3 · 0 0

We can't even think about democracy (we are not allowed to) nevermind act in any way like it is any part of our society.

It is shameful that places like Ukraine have more freedom in this regard than we do... they could teach us a lesson in democracy.

It reall is the people of the United States fault too, we are too scared, or stupid or scared-stupid to be courageous and take the power back. Democracy implies that the people have the power and we are SO far from that... can't even think it... not allowed.

2006-06-12 20:00:31 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The only true democracy is some tribe in the middle of the rainforest.

Even those aren't true deomcracies as they usually have a chief or elder.

To answer your question, NO.

2006-06-12 20:29:37 · answer #5 · answered by Pretty_Trini_Rican 5 · 0 0

No. The U.S. is a representative republic with very tightly governed social society. I.E. the U.S. is a modern socialist state.

2006-06-16 20:42:04 · answer #6 · answered by Pixel Pusher 2 · 0 0

When we all start stepping up and do our civic duty in voting .
Then we can claim success !!

2006-06-12 19:56:37 · answer #7 · answered by here to help 3 · 0 0

We are NOT a democracy..never have been.

2006-06-12 19:56:56 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No, because we are not a democracy. Never have been, never will be.

2006-06-12 19:50:55 · answer #9 · answered by TheOnlyBeldin 7 · 0 0


2006-06-12 20:29:11 · answer #10 · answered by Jesus W. 6 · 0 0

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