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I am tired of living mom and dad, my mom is getting really annoying. I make about 1,000 dollars a month and I got 18,000 dollars in the bank. I am 21 and I am ready to head on out of home. Do you think I can make it out there with my own apartment and bills? How do I find a nice roomate?

2006-06-12 12:45:49 · 25 answers · asked by Concerned guy 1 in Family & Relationships Family

25 answers

Strange how costly it can be to not want to live by a few little rules, isn't it.

Heck, you want to move out and you can't even prepare a budget for your self.

What do you want a roommate for? To get sick of rules again, or to mother him by making rules for him?

BTW! $1000.00/month is sufficient if you wish to reside in a poor house.

2006-06-12 12:55:27 · answer #1 · answered by ½«gumwrapper 5 · 1 0

You can definitely do it. You have shown that you are responsible with money by having a savings account with $18,000 in it.

In order to live on your own while making $1000 a month you will have to stick to a budget so that you don't blow through your savings though. So I would start there. Take your time and do a lot of research on rental rates in the area that you want to live in. Draw up a budget on what all your fixed and estimated expenses will be each month. That will help you to figure out wheter or not you will even need a roomate. If you have enough money left over after calculating those fixed and estimated costs to feed and clothe yourself as well as have a little "fun" money then you are on your way to independence.

For the next couple of months while you are doing your research, put the money that you estimate that you would have to pay in rent and other bills aside. This will not only show you that you that you can or can't do it but that money will come in handy when your future landlord asks for first, last months rent and possibly a security deposit. In addition that money will become useful for buying things that you will need for your apartment.

Before I moved out on my own I tried to buy as many things that I thought I would need. That way when I had enough money saved up for everything else I wasn't starving for the first few months so that I could buy towels and linens, cultery, dishes, cleaning products and the many other items that you will need if you don't already have them. I not only bought things new but I also scoured garage and church sales to find things that I didn't need to have be brand new. You can find great deals on tables and chairs, bookshelves and entertainment units at these sales.

If you rent a bachelor apartment it will cost less than a one or two bedrooom. Try to find a place that's all inclusive that way you will have a better idea of how much your total expenses will be each month. All inclusive generally dosen't include phone or cable so you will have to add those estimated fee's to your budget. Call the phone and cable company to get an idea of what those costs will be. You will probably have to pay an installation fee for them both unless the phone or cable company are running any promotions. Be sure to call more than one and also tell them what the other companies have offered you in incentives to subscribe with them. If they want your business usually they will do what they can to beat their competitors price.

If you find that you do need a roomate in order to be able to pay all the bills and still have some money leftover ask a lot of questions of any potential roomate. If they have had roomates or rented before ask for referneces. Make sure that they sign the lease, if you have one, also. That will help to protect you if they bail on you. Also try to get the bills in both of your names, if you can't split them 50/50. For example put the phone in your name and the cable in her's, etc.

I say go for it and good luck. Having your independence and "own place" is a big step but well worth it.

2006-06-12 22:16:04 · answer #2 · answered by Andy 3 · 0 0

Living on your own can be very hard, but it can also be a lot of fun too. If you have 18,000 in an account, I suggest you stick to a budget and only use that money when needed. Just make a list of all of your monthly expenses. Figure what you'll spend on rent, food, electric, phone, gas, and any other monthy bills. Divide that by 4 and that's about how much money you'll need each month to pay bills. The rest is for whatever you want. Hope this helps!

2006-06-12 19:49:20 · answer #3 · answered by cindos_69 5 · 0 0

It is definitely time for you to move out.. you are way old enough. I don't doubt that your mom is annoying you... but worry not... you are probably equally as annoying to her by now (even though she loves you with all of her heart!)!

I don't know what the rents are like where you live, but you may definitely have to be careful with your money, maybe think of a second part time job.

A roommate is a great idea, but sorry... in this day and age, I wouldn't live with anyone I didn't already know. Isn't there anyone that you went to school with or that you work with that needs a roomy?

2006-06-12 19:52:06 · answer #4 · answered by Twightlight T 1 · 0 0

Sounds like you are pretty responsible. Definitely go out there and spread your wings. At 21 You will love the freedom of having a place to call your own, with no one to tell you what to do or when to do it but yourself. Just make sure you tally up a budget, know what bills you have coming in and be sure to include gas and food.

As far as a roomate goes, I never wanted one. I couldn't stand the thought of finding a roommate and then finding out that they are really annoying and frustrating to live with. But if it works for you, more power to you!!

One more word of advice, make sure you do not rack up credit card debt. Try to pay everything with cash/checks.

Good luck to you! :)

2006-06-12 19:51:16 · answer #5 · answered by Carly829 2 · 0 0

Yes, yes, yes!!!! You have 18 Grand in the bank...do you offer to help Mom with the bills? I have two sons still living at home...20 and 22 and I'm about ready to say "It's time you moved out on your own". Maybe Mom is getting "annoying" because you don't offer to help out and she's tired of supporting you.

2006-06-12 19:49:46 · answer #6 · answered by Cyndie 6 · 0 0

Absolutely! You will be SO glad you did.
Mom's getting annoying because it is
in your natural near future to move out.
We get motivated from discomfort.
Write out a budget. Ask friends and
relatives for estimates on what they pay
for monthly utilities, groceries and entertainment.
Make a line item for each need and then grab
the Sunday paper. If you need a roommate,
uh...you got me there. Perhaps someone else
has the answer for that one. Best wishes.

2006-06-12 19:49:28 · answer #7 · answered by Sleek 7 · 0 0

Frankly , it's tough when it comes to finding a roommate that fits u cause everybody is diff, my advice , give urself ample time to find somebody that u can get along with, and of a good character, and try at the same time to get over ur parents issue, so don't rush in making this decision

2006-06-12 20:00:41 · answer #8 · answered by darag100 2 · 0 0

Stay with the parents!

If there's anything I would do over again, I would've stayed at home and dealt with my parents. After I moved out, listening to my mother telling me to do the dishes and my father asking where I was late last night, was NOTHING compared to $800 a month in rent!

2006-06-12 19:49:59 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I say if you have worked hard and have saved that much money you are a very responsible person...keep in mind it hard out there in the real world and it could get rough!!!You will know in your gut who is room mate material and who isn't... move , because you don't want mom to annoy you to the point of MADNESS!!!!

2006-06-12 19:57:19 · answer #10 · answered by doodoo 1 · 0 0

Go for it!My neighbor's 32 year old daughter still lives with mommy and daddy.She should have moved out years ago.I left home at 17,and never looked back.it was difficult at times...and sometimes I had VERY little money--but worth it.Good luck.

2006-06-12 19:50:02 · answer #11 · answered by MaryBeth 7 · 0 0

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