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Ya know when you start to develope abbs and a flatter stomach? Well ive been doing that and theres just this one spot , a pouch, thats ruight below the upper abb area and I cant get rid of it! Anyone know a stretch that could hep me?

2006-06-12 12:01:42 · 20 answers · asked by girly7 2 in Health Diet & Fitness

20 answers

If you've lost over about 50-60 lbs., then that part under your abs is just skin. Nothing more than skin that's been stretched, and hasn't returned to its pre-stretched position. You can't diet, exercise, or drug it off. You can only get rid of this by surgery.

However, if this is not your case, this is normal "problem area" fat. You don't burn fat by stretching or doing more situps, but rather, looking at your diet. Eat better, and after you have the diet part down, you can start to add in exercise.

Good luck!

2006-06-12 12:07:42 · answer #1 · answered by kligor 3 · 1 1

There is a way but sometimes people go full on and stop. The first thing before you want to excercise to have a really great stomache shape, and be healthy is first ask one question:

1) Why do I want to? The answer can be, "I want to feel good, look good."

2) Are you willing to give 10 -20 mins everyday? If the answer is yes.

3) Are you going to be consistent?

Now, the best way of staying consistent is find a friend who feels the same way. You don't go and say, "do you want to get rid of that pouch?" But say, "hey, I was thinking of getting back into excercising and looking and feeling good. How about you?"

The person if interested will say, "yes, but could never keep it going." Then you can encourage and reply, "well, if we work together then it be much fun and we can keep it going."

That's it. You now found a running buddy, a friend who wants to samething and its great to keep it going. Don't go and pay a membserhip at the gym like many do and not keep up. It's money wasted. Start from begining, from home but also make sure you keep away from junk food.

Ok, now you made a decision and you got a running friend to work with. The next thing to do is first;

1) Warming up. So that could be running gently with you friend. Before you do, gently do some stretching.


Go around the block with your mate. Put a time that no one can book with you and your friend does the same.

2) Now, when you have ran and you got your blood circulating, go back home and lie down on floor. (After you put music on or a cd music tha tgets you going).

3) Don't have your legs straight but bent while laying on down and your face is facing upwards at the cealing.

4) Your about to do sit ups. Now, some try putting their hands behind their head, i.e. back of their kneck. Don' do that, because you can cause damage to your spin. Put your hands on side of your side where your ears are.

If its your first time in doing sit ups then u can use your hands to pull yourself up to your knees.

As you pull yourself up to your knees, breathe out, tense your stomache. While you are doing this, your friend is holding your feet down gently.

Do say about 5 sit ups. Then get up and your mate does the same. This gives you time to rest.

Keep doing this for 1 months and see the difference. Do it once a month, for three months solid, everyday and see the difference.

That pouch won't be there and you'll feel healthier. How do I know? My sister did it and shes not got one friend now doing this but 25 and they all now go to gym.

So start from home, when your consistent then join the gym. It will open a new world for you.

2006-06-12 12:23:56 · answer #2 · answered by Adam Taha 4 · 0 0

5'6 and about 125 pounds is not generally overweight. But not all 125 pounds is the same. For example, a girl who works out on her abs, core, and tones her muscle may also weigh 125 pounds, but appear a lot skinner than you because muscles weighs more than fat. At the same time, a girl who does absolutely no exercise at all could weigh 125 pounds, but appear a lot fatter than the girl who exercises because, as I said, muscles weighs more than fat. What I am getting at is, although 125 pounds is not overweight, if you have a "fat pouch" you obviously have too much fat. If you want to lose it, you have to exercise. Losing weight is not what's important, because you're already a good weight. What's important is burning the fat off. You could theoretically get rid of the fat pouch and still way the exact same but appear much more fit.

2016-03-27 02:01:25 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I was ran over by a piece of construction equipment... so I feel your pain...lol... and alot more too. I have had to battle back... I used to be a long distance runner and fitness freak.... thank you Uncle Sam... yes, I had the abs of steel...a full 12 pack. But anyhow.... crunches and isolation crunches (one knee raised and the opposite foot on that raised knee)... and standing with your feet shoulder width apart and bending side to side with 2 to 5 pounds of weight in each hand, and last but not least..... low resistance, high repetitions... that makes for toning without bulking up. But before you do any of that .... look at your diet. No don't start dieting... just change what you are taking in if you need to.

2006-06-12 12:10:46 · answer #4 · answered by tcatmech2 4 · 0 0

Eat healthy and moderately but initially DO NOT DO situps. The abs are muscles, if you work them out hard they will grow like any other muscle. If you add muscle mass to the layer of fat you will actually look fater. So get rid of excess fat first by eating properly and doing aerobic exercise only. Once you loose enough fat you can start adding some weight training (and situps) and increase you protein intake a little bit to start growing muscle. Now you can start showing off your abs.

2006-06-12 12:43:43 · answer #5 · answered by Aaroni 3 · 0 0

I know this isn't the answer you are looking for, but My wife is 54 (seven years older than me) and built like an 23 year old (no exaggeration). She has that pouch too and I love it. Most men really don't worry over it, you shouldn't either. After all, none of us are getting any younger or beautiful (at least not on the outside). It sounds like your in good shape otherwise, yes take care of your health but don't hurt yourself worrying over the small stuff.

2006-06-12 12:25:44 · answer #6 · answered by Love is the principle thing 4 · 0 0

try an intestinal cleanse, natural products are available for this...diet and exercise would also be a help but you probably know this already. Try considering hiring a personal trainer for a few visits who can give you expert advice on how to isolate this area. The couple of dollars spent hiring a trainer will give you the exact exercises and nutritional counseling you may need for your particular situation.

2006-06-12 12:09:49 · answer #7 · answered by Buddha 2 · 0 0

u got to do lower abs work out like get in to the floor laying in your back, put your hands in the lower spot of your back and lift your legs together, keep legs above 6 inches of the floor and lift one leg at the time all the way up and then the other one. do like 50 reps at the time and then try to go for a 20 minutes run. that pouch its just fat that you need to burn and it will disappear in couple of weeks if you do as i said, you will see that will work.

2006-06-12 12:07:48 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You might want to try a mat Pilates workout which strengthens your core muscles including your lower abs. Also reverse crunches as mentioned before are great on those small muscles. Just remember to cave your stomach in and pull you navel to your spine while performing your stomach exercises to train your muscles to lie flat.

2006-06-12 12:19:23 · answer #9 · answered by chefcaitlin 2 · 0 0

Get a tummy tuck surgery in India.Cosmetic Surgery is very cheap in India.There is one company that is very famous in India that arranges cosmetic surgery for foreigners in India.They are called the Forerunners Healthcare.I read a lot about them in the Newspapers and about their patient stories.I have also read that they arrange financing for american and canadian patients as cosmetic surgery is not covered by insurance.

They also have photos pasted of their International patients.You can checkout their website.The cost savings are incredible.As a doctor i personally believe that your cosmetic surgery can be easily handled in India as the quality of healthcare available here is simply best in the world.The surgeons are USA/UK trained and facilities are 5 star.If you still havent got your surgery done,you are better off getting it done in India.

my cousin got a couple of plastic surgery including tummy tuck procedures through the forerunners healthcare in India and is all praise for this company.She is more than very happy with the results.she just paid 30% of the amoun she was quoted in USA.hope this helps.

2006-06-13 07:13:46 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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