In the United States, we see certain religions attempting to influence the government to make (or keep) "sinful" things illegal. If god gave us freewill, then why are religions trying to restrict it? It seems like religions are trying to stop their god's will.
21 answers
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Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
I think many of you missed the point of my question. God supposedly gave us freewill. He wanted us to have a choice (good or bad). When religions try to pass morality laws (based on morals, not ethics) they are in effect trying to stop people from exercising their "god-given" freewill. By making sin "illegal" you are thwarting god's plan on earth, are you not?
13:16:53 ·
update #1
Who knows? I guess people like that just use whatever influence they can get, whether it's religious, political, commercial, etc, to stop people from doing things they think they shouldn't do for one reason or another. But maybe they should think on stuff like what you said, because goodness knows nothing else is getting through to them, like common sense.
2006-06-12 12:11:38
answer #1
answered by Ally 4
well most religions or all religions have a DOCTRINE like their rules that follow the bible in their way since there are so many religions the doctrines are all diffrent because they all interpret the bible diffrently (havent u noticed everyone thinks their religion is best) but i believe (being a Christian) that ur free to be whatever religion u please and believe what u want. because no one else can make u happy but urself and u have to choose what U want in order for U to achieve happiness. So in other words yes there are restrictions but it depends to what religion ur talking about! And no! no one tries to stop their God even thought their is only one! Jesus Christ, but if u read the bible u probably interpreted "freewill" in ur own way! so just give it up u cant fight a church and u can fight the system. Not only religious ppl stop certain things from becoming legal a lot of ppl who dont even have religions or believe in God also make decisions to vote against things u might want.
2006-06-12 19:09:37
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Religions try to do a lot of things. Being a Christian is what we should be worried about. Separation of church and state has long fell to the wayside - it originally meant that the church would take precedence over moral issues not the law and the law would take precedent over legal issues not the church. But somewhere the law started taking precedent over moral issues and the Christians have had to enter an arena that God did not originally intend for them to enter, but if we don't then we allow the law to take over the church and the Christian, and we see our country fall, just as history tells of the mighty falls of Rome and Greece and others - we are following the exact same formula. How many times does it have to keep happening before someone gets the idea and puts a stop to it?
2006-06-12 19:06:06
answer #3
answered by dph_40 6
It's true. Thats why theres seperation of church and state. But even still that doesn't really exist.
God didn't 'give' us free will, everyone is born with it.
And the problem we have is depending on religion to live, and depending on government to set the rules of our life.
If we aren't among the richest and most powerful circle of people, then our "free will" is restricted by how much freedom the government thinks we deserve. Because God knows, that we are all bad people, and the governement should control and monitor everything we do.
There are terrorists among us, we should go and kill some people under God. Because God is on our side, which makes it ok to sin.
Psh. Theres no such thing as free will, until you accept the fact that your life is being controlled. And the only way to be free, think freely, and act freely is to have lots of money.
It's sad.
But sh*t happens.
2006-06-12 19:08:35
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Everyone has free will, but government has the responsibility to regulate morality. A person can choice good or bad, but religion will always promote good and will work for laws that outlaw immorality for the good of its citizens and society. Christianity will always call a sin a sin.
2006-06-12 19:07:18
answer #5
answered by enigma21 3
Because this, like you said, is the United States and everyone, including christians has a right to petition the government on behalf of issues that affect them You do not want to restrict the freedom of christians now ,do you? Free will does not mean anarchy. You are not an anarchist, are you? You have enough broad mindedness to tolerate those of other opinions, don't you?
2006-06-12 20:59:40
answer #6
answered by Broadcaster 2
All religions restrict free will, and I hate to think what type of morals any God has that has made humans in his image. i.e. Hitler, Charles Manson, Jack the Ripper, to name a few.
Thank goodness for protective laws!
2006-06-12 19:06:49
answer #7
answered by J9 6
God gave you free will in an effort to allow you to make your own choice.....The devil wants us to make the wrong ones...God want us to Follow him...make the right choice. The devil is the culprit in the influence of "sinful" thing. We are suppose to be one nation under God remember. Government should, be pushing for morality....etc.
2006-06-12 19:11:37
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I think the problem here is that it is more of "If I can't do it, neither can anyone else" type of thing.
Funny thing about some religious people is that they don't realize the hypocracy of their actions. What they feel is the word of their god, is actually an ideal they just happen to agree with.
2006-06-12 19:06:32
answer #9
answered by kawaii_crazy_yume 2
Because all religion is a cult.
If you DO NOT believe in what they believe, they will tell you that you are bad. That you are going to hell. That you are going to be punished if you do not believe as they do. The only way to redeem yourself is to succumb to the cult and believe as they wish. That is how they see it.
This is why free will is restricted. They don't want people seeing that what they are doing is only hurting themselves.
Damn cults. All of them are cults.
2006-06-12 19:11:28
answer #10
answered by Anonymous