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Is it not more likely that instead of being endowled by God and satan with good and evil, that good and evil are concepts; ideas that as we who are created by God with free will, have the choice to choose between the two? And if this being the case, is that not like God saying, " we will let humans decide between the two, allow they of which path to folow"? If so does this not seem like God compromised with satan, letting him put his hand in when he did not have to?

2006-06-12 11:31:25 · 21 answers · asked by twin city 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

21 answers

I am not offended and will offer you my sincere beliefs on the topic.

First, yes, I believe that good and bad (or evil) are concepts. We live in world of relativity where we could not know good if there was not "bad". The other side or in the elevated consciousness of God, is a world of absolute where there is only love.

I feel that satan is also a concept, invented by early humanity to explain away such phenomena as famine, disease, death, pestilence and natural disasters, before science evolved enough to explain these events.

I further believe that there is no physical place such as hell, and that we create hell within ourselves with our beliefs.

The free will given to us by God is the power we have to create our own reality via our thoughts, beliefs, words and actions, either consciously or more often, subconsciously.

I believe that most people do not believe that they do wrong or evil, given their frame of reference of the world. Most people would feel that bad has been done to them or that they can justify in some way their actions. Even if they can only justify it to themselves, again, it's what they believe.

I don't know if this has answered your question, but it is my belief on the topic of good and evil.

2006-06-12 12:19:07 · answer #1 · answered by LindaLou 7 · 10 7

No. The thing that doesn't occur to most people who study the Bible and then suggest that Satan is somehow unduly influencing the Universe is that a perfect God would not have created an imperfect creation, to include Satan.

There would not have been any unknown consequences, factors he didn't take into account, or random chance occuring in the equation.

Therefore, it must serve a larger purpose. While most would satisfy the notion by suggesting something metaphoric like "how do you really see light shine if there aren't any shadows to contrast it with", I think there's rather more to it than that.

Of course, everyone is welcome to believe as they do, I suppose, but for my part the matter began making much more sense when I was able to answer the following questions:

"If a being is truly perfect, which would also mean not taking action (because it changes the state in which the being taking action currently exists, and therefore suggests a lack in the perfect state of the being in question since He should have been perfect just the way he was, thanks) and has no need (again, need suggests something lacking which must be gained, and therefore cannot exist in a perfect being), what happened to God to make him need to take action?"

"If nothing but God existed up to that point, what did He create the Universe out of?"

Yeah, yeah, I know, that doesn't really ANSWER the question... but I think sometimes it's more helpful to be stuck pondering than it is to simply be handed an answer to the question (though I'm perfectly willing to explore the answers with you, who knows... we might both learn something useful).

Edit: I'll also say this, though, for all who believe in Hell. A perfect creator also would not have created a system where He lost any of His creations. He would ALWAYS have a way to bring them back to Him, even if they were too small to understand what it was.

2006-06-12 11:53:10 · answer #2 · answered by AndiGravity 7 · 0 0

It was never God's intent that mankind would be faced with the concept of making the choice of good and evil - however, if they should, he made a back up plan. He created Satan and knew how he might could lure mankind into falling for his lies - this happening then God knew he had to provide a way, so he did. Our freewill choice - based upon the knowledge we have of good and evil - and having that knowledge why would we knowingly choose evil? Especially when God made a plan for that outlet as well - Jesus Christ. So there was no compromise with Satan, a created being, there was just God knowing his own creation and he's always got a back up plan for whichever direction we may choose. He made us, he knows how stupid we can be - he's prepared!

2006-06-12 11:41:45 · answer #3 · answered by dph_40 6 · 0 0

God already created the angels who loved Him because they had to. He wanted someone to love Him because they wanted to love him. There was no compromise with Satan. This decision of His cost Him the life of His only Son to pay for the wrong choices humans made and continue to make.

Also, after Adam and Eve sinned, we were all born with a sinful (evil) nature. We do not choose to be evil--That comes naturally. Has anyone ever had to teach a child to be naughty? No. We have to teach them to be good. So, the only choice we have is to be good or to follow our nature.

There is no way I could answer this question completely without the give and take of a conversation, but if you really want to know more from God's Word, write me at wwbecca52@Aol.com and we can continue to explore this further.

2006-06-12 12:05:28 · answer #4 · answered by wbecca52 3 · 0 0

You would have to back that philosophy up with scripture. In some parts you may have a point, but in others, no.

We do not know what the realm of the eternal is like. Obviously, angels were given free will so that they would not be automatons, but living beings. Lucifer's beauty and office swelled up pride so that he chose evil intentions over good. The potential for evil was there. This is necessary for free will to mean anything. The earth was brought about to find a people that would choose God and worship Him WITHOUT seeing Him. Faith is the essence of free will. We choose to worship God when everyone else around us is looking for reasons to ignore or curse Him.

Hard question--but good for some brain-stormin'

2006-06-12 11:50:57 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

good and evil are concepts and we do have the free will to choose between them. I think we are presented with the option to do good and evil all the time and we pray to God for good and we are encouraged by the devil, if we don't pray, to do evil. They both influence what we do by meddling with our hearts in ways we don't understand, but it works. God did compromise with Satan but since God is all good, satan is defined as all evil. You can only really have good when there is evil and God created the evil in Satan and defined that as evil.
I guess that's my point of view as a young muslim but I don't know what you really wanted out of the question :/ It seems you just wanna know if you're right.

2006-06-12 11:39:26 · answer #6 · answered by anon1mous 3 · 0 0

Satan is a fallen angel and became the prince of
darkness and the prince of worldliness. He appears
as an angel of light and fools many people. God
created but He is not a dictator who makes us and
then we become robots. He gave us a brain and He
gave us The Bible and it's up to us if we use either. If
we go by the Bible (which is the manufacturers instructions
for better living), we will be happy and live a life full of
blessings. If we choose otherwise, well, then we live in
darkness and miss all the blessings during this life and
the promise of eternal life in heaven. Think twice folks.

2006-06-12 11:42:10 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your question presumes that we have free will. If you believe that God created everything, including good & evil, and knows eveything then God already knew what we would do with the choice of good & evil at the moment of creation. If the outcome was already known then there is no free will to make a choice between good or evil.

2006-06-12 11:37:54 · answer #8 · answered by Bill H 2 · 0 0

God gave us free will. Like a parent gives a child a car for his 16th birthday. The act itself is of love. The child will choose to abide by the rules with the car or not. Lets say not, the kid causes a wreck and not only gets killed but kills others as well. was the parent then the cause of the accident.

2006-06-12 11:40:35 · answer #9 · answered by jon 3 · 0 0

God is gracious to any one, He gave us anything limitless. It is only us who have limited capacity to received. Then, if anything happen bad to us, why do we blame God or Satan, they got nothing to do with it. Is it the fault of the TABLE when a child gets under it and bumped his head? If we do bad, we destroy ourselves, but if we follow the laws made by God to be our guidance, we fare better, if not the best. So the next time we communicate to God,do not give orders, but rather, report for duty!!!!Men have always failed when deciding on their own or depends on fellow men than God. READ PSALM 118:8

2006-06-12 15:51:25 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

the right path which is to worship God is right. Yet, people feel the right path is the dark path of Satan. To worship Satan. God won't do anything bout it now but all Satan worshippers will burn in hell. And everyone is aware of that.

2006-06-12 11:40:06 · answer #11 · answered by Satan 2 · 0 0

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