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Do you believe it to be true, or do you just like the moralistic value?

2006-06-12 11:14:50 · 16 answers · asked by bc_munkee 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Is moralistic even a word?

2006-06-12 11:15:33 · update #1

Thanx JackBauer! Ican't wait for your next season. You gonna take that from the Chinese?

2006-06-12 11:34:59 · update #2

16 answers

my favorite Bible story is found in the NT - where Peter steps out of the boat and walks on water, in the midst of a stormy sea...

I like this story in particular, simply because metaphorically it teaches us that we need to keep our eyes on JESUS, and not look at the 'waves' (circumstances, problems, etc) in our life.

If we fail to keep our eyes on JESUS than we go under - just like Peter did once he start looking at the waves.

Yes, I believe it's true.

Thank you by the way, for asking this question. I think it's a wonderful question and you are to be commended for asking it.

God Bless.

2006-06-12 11:20:52 · answer #1 · answered by redglory 5 · 6 2

I like the one about moralistic:

1. Characterized by or displaying a concern with morality
2. Marked by a narrow-minded morality
3. Narrowly and conventionally moral

I like the moralistic value of the first definition but, two and three are a bit narrow in my opinion.

Lol @ Halfling Pirate's answer

2006-06-12 18:22:30 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

the story about elijah talking to a man then the man left. then elijah got the spirit in him and took off running and reached the destination before the man riding on the horse. Some take that to the extreme for their own excitement but when something like that happens only the spirit of GOD can allow you to out run a horse. Yes I believe it's true

2006-06-12 18:22:34 · answer #3 · answered by a believer 1 · 0 0

There are too many wonderful accounts in the Bible for any one to be my favorite. But one of my favorites is found at Luke 11:5-44. It is the account of the death of Lazarus. Jesus loved Lazarus and his sisters, Martha and Mary very much. But Lazarus fell sick. By the time Jesus got to Bethany, Lazarus had been dead for about four days. How did Jesus react to the death of his friend, Lazarus? The account says he “groaned in the spirit.” To describe this, the Bible writer uses a Greek word that carries the sense of deep emotions wrung from the heart. So moved was Jesus that he began to cry. Then Jesus resurrected Lazarus from death.

Now Hebrews 1:3 teaches us that Jesus is ‘the exact representation of God’s very being.’ What does that mean? Everything Jesus did, said and felt was a mirror image of what God would do, say and feel. Right down to crying over the death of a beloved one. Even though Jesus knew he was going to resurrect Lazarus, still his heart felt true pain and he was moved to tears.

How do we know that God is pained at the death of a loved one? Notice how Job 14:14-15 reads in the New International Version: “If a man dies, will he live again? All the days of my hard service I will wait for my renewal to come. You will call and I will answer you; you will long for the creature your hands have made.” Imagine that! When a loved one of God’s dies, God longs to resurrect that one from death. He yearns for that person he himself made. That is why this is one of my favorite stories. The account at Luke combined with the words at Job show that God yearns for the day when he will soon resurrect those who have gone to sleep in death.

This shows God to be very tender in affection; a God who very much wants to undo all the agony that the enemy death causes. This is a God who touches your heart. This is a God who knows what love is all about. This is my God.


2006-06-12 18:51:56 · answer #4 · answered by Hannah J Paul 7 · 0 0

The Greatest Commandment:
34Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. 35One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question:
36"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" 37Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'[b] 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'[c] 40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." Love is our governor not religion cuz it kills with all these legalistic bahness that God didn't even say was wrong, and only a few will get it.

2006-06-12 18:29:25 · answer #5 · answered by AlwaysLaughing 3 · 0 0

I have a few favorites...um..yeah, when Lots daughters have sex with him. Or when Mary tells Joseph that an angel has pierced her with his "sword" and that she'll bear God's son (Joseph ate hook, line, sinker and rod!). The all-loving God in Ezekiel. Ok, here's the best one: The Flood and Noah's ark! He took pairs of animals, but I never read he took snails, which are hermafrodite! As well as the thousands of microorganisms and plant species that can't survive underwater. What a lame book, but it's fun too!

2006-06-12 18:21:10 · answer #6 · answered by I mean it!!! 1 · 0 0

My favorite bible story is the parable that Jesus tells about the lost sheep. It's in the gospels but I like Luke's version best.
It's not true- it's a parable- but I like the message.

2006-06-12 18:18:46 · answer #7 · answered by Shell 3 · 0 0

I like the one where Captain Kirk blasts the Klingons into another dimension, only to discover that he and the Starship Enterprise have followed them into that dimension as well. And as usual, Spock gets them all back safely.

2006-06-12 18:24:07 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I like the story of Saul's conversion, because it assures me that if God could both forgive and use Saul after he actually persecuted and killed Christians, surely my sins aren't enough to keep God from forgiving and using me.

Yes, I believe it is true.

2006-06-12 18:21:27 · answer #9 · answered by Verb8mgirl 2 · 0 0

The one where Jesus swallows the puzzle piece and the man in the yellow hat has to take him to the vet.

2006-06-12 18:18:13 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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