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How did you handle it?

2006-06-12 11:06:57 · 20 answers · asked by Annie Mae 3 in Education & Reference Other - Education

20 answers

Bully no more! Yes I had a lot of bullys out to get me in anyway they could. Try to embarrass me, for just being THERE! Polinting at my body, saying things. Saying how their families did this or that, and my parents were looser. Which they were, but why take it out on me? I couldn't wear the right thing, I wasn't allowed to wear makeup until I was 17! My parents were well known in the neighborhood for their fighting and screaming, leaving my sister and I to go walk away from the house. We were really young. Bully's poke fun at people like us because "THEY CAN", what are we going to do about it? Not much, going to adults - well, they don't seem to understand that this is SERIOUS!!! You can't sleep, you can't look forward to going to school, even if you are going on a cool field trip, the bully's make it a horror, when you wanted to have fun and enjoy the trip-if it weren't for THEM! Yep, know them well!
Bully me now but I'll be the successful one in 25 years and eat my dust! Stand strong but don't look weak. It may hurt but act like you don't even see them near you? Walk around them when they block your way, politely move to the side, or turn completely turn around and go the other way. You can find another path in that direction once they give you up. They will, if you don't look scared, or hurt, or look down at the ground you are giving THEM the power over you. Take your power back! Don't say anything, that's what they want. They want a reaction. When I stopped showing any reaction they got bored with me and found some else they could teast and poke at. Keep your lips firm tight, look relaxed and a bit bored with them when they come up to you. They ARE to be felt sorry for. You have a life, they don't...obviously! But stand firm in your own shoes, these types of people are all around us as Adults too! Sometimes I'd like to really ask "don't you have a LIFE? Am I all you DO in life". Everyone else around you are seeing their bad behavior as well, and feel right there with you and are always thankful they are not you! So you are not the only one being embarrassed by these bully's, everyone around them and you, see how sad the bully's life must be that they resort to such a stupid way to act. I look back and am thankful I didn't turn out like them. They are the ones in prison, or on drugs, probation, cigarette smokers mostly, alcoholics, theft records, loud, useless to society. Build up a fortress around you in attitude, and pride! They'll soon find some other fish to fry!! You're much better than them even though they seem hurtful and want to make you cry. And always.... THANK GOD YOU ARE NOT THEM!!!

2006-06-12 11:31:07 · answer #1 · answered by Fays Daze 3 · 3 0

Yes. To be honest I couldn't really handle it, I was so shy and didn't like confrontation I got embarrassed easily. Now I have low self esteem and no confidence, so it has affected me but I am working on those things to get better. Sorry if your someone looking for advice I haven't been able to give much but all id say is to know its not that YOU have a problem its the bully who does. The reason is probably jealously, your getting better grades, your pretty, you have both parents or your wealthy etc etc bullies will pick the smallest thing whether its the way to talk, the way you run, your glasses, your new highlights in your hair! They are so lame! But remember you are stronger. Confide in a teacher, your parents, a friend, someone you trust, don't go through it alone. Take the bully aside when he or she has no friends by them and explain how its making you feel and you would like it to stop or your going to take action about it. I wish you the best of luck or whoever you are referring too. :)

My older friend also got bullied by a girl, now years later and both are adults, my friend ran into that girl, and she was so embarrassed! she didn't know which way too look! she is unemployed with 5 children! whilst my friend has studied and has a well paid job. Anyway all the best!

2006-06-12 11:16:27 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There were bullies and there were cliques when I went to
school. I tried to avoid all of them and became friends with all the
others in the classes. Now I work and there are still bullies and
cliques. Ignore them and be happy because they are miserable.
I am a full believer in when someone hurts you physically or
verbally or wishes something bad on you that it nails them
instead sooner or late they get theirs.
If you are threatened then tell a older person that you can trust,
a family member, teacher , guidance office adviser. I always
became friends with the strongest person that I knew that would
be good friends and a defender and I stuck up for anyone being
teased or made fun of even if I would be on the outs for doing so.

2006-06-12 11:59:27 · answer #3 · answered by nemesis 5 · 0 0

Yes. There were these 3 girls that seemed to pick on me to no end. They would even chase me when I was riding my bike. (as an adult I wish I would of charged at them bu, I always ran away) However, today when I see someone getting picked on I ALWAYS step up for the under dog. Bullies cause so much grief in ones life and sometimes children don't know how to escape them. I say, tell an adult, a teacher, a councelor, a cool parent volunteer. Someone will understand and help. Usually a bully is driven from being bullied themself. I wouldn;t be surprised if an older sibling or prent bullies them. If you know someone getting bullied or you yourself are report the bully. Here in California there is ZERO tollerance for bullies!

2006-06-12 11:15:59 · answer #4 · answered by LAUSDDISTRICT8MOMOFTHREE 4 · 0 0

First off, I'd like to mention how mighty your daughter is. Not many children, specifically her age, could play with anyone who will get teased plenty. Kids feel that is it is incorrect if you happen to befriend anyone who's special or is bullied plenty. You must be very happy with her. I'm no longer fairly that ancient, In reality, I'm in prime-tuition. I've been bullied each and every 12 months on the grounds that kindergarten, and I've needed to transfer to FOUR special colleges seeing that of the severity of the teasing. I've no longer simplest been verbally teased, however I've additionally been punched, kicked, slammed into lockers, and hit with gadgets in tuition. Teachers do not do so much approximately it anymore even though EVERY tuition you'll cross to these days is a "tremendous anti-bully tuition". That's bullshit, seeing that I've truthfully been punched within the face in entrance of a trainer and they have performed not anything approximately it. Instead of getting all the ones "no medicines" speak, we must have "no bullying" talks in tuition. Also, mom and dad must provide an explanation for how and bullying is to their kids. This might shop anyone.

2016-09-09 00:35:53 · answer #5 · answered by marceau 4 · 0 0

Tell your teacher or a school counselor. Make sure this authority knows that you would like to remain anonymous. They will take care of the problem for you, and may discreetly set up situations so you two will be away from one another (switching seats, arranging schedules, etc.)

I am a teacher and though we usually know who the bullies are, we are sometime oblivous to who they are too, especially if they are not very obvious in their bullying techniques. You will feel better for telling someone who can help, and your teacher will appreciate it, too.

2006-06-12 11:10:57 · answer #6 · answered by answer gal 4 · 0 0

I was once one when I was a child until I got what I deserved and cut down to size. But I had been bullied, and whats weird the bully's end up working in law enforcement or security guards.

2006-06-12 11:13:07 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, and she's still a bully to this day. It was little snotty rich girl. I just ignored her and pretended to be her friend for a while. Then when we got older her dad went bankrupt and her mom turned gay. The ultimate revenge!!

2006-06-12 11:11:04 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

there was a girl who used to bully me, she would call me names, step on the back of my heels and call me a ***** all the time, and shove me up against the bathroom wall... I never really did anything to her... turns out shes been in jail several times since then and she tried to set some girls house on fire with some gas and actually caught herself on fire because she was ignorant enough to light a cigarette while she was doing it, how do I now this it was in the papers and she was in the court news several times for drug charges... I did nothing, but that just goes to show you what goes around comes around... Usually people who are like that and live their life like that end up in trouble with the law or as dysfunctional adults..Like I said what goes around comes around how you treat others in your life will reflect on you later...

2006-06-12 11:16:00 · answer #9 · answered by hearts_bleed_dark 3 · 0 0

Well, it depends on if you mean physically or verbally. I just had one verbally. But, the more they made fun of me, the less and less I started to care. What they say can't hurt me, because I guarantee that what they told me was something I already knew about myself, or whatever. I just didn't care. If someone was to bully me physically, then they would've got the best of me, and I mean that as a threat to them.

2006-06-12 11:11:26 · answer #10 · answered by lvbs793 3 · 0 0

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