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Does that make me a drug-using, pervert who can never do any good for society? Judging from many of these answers, I believe that is how many of you feel.
Is this what your God preaches?...judging me without knowing the extent of my goodness.

2006-06-12 10:28:52 · 20 answers · asked by bc_munkee 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Woodworkingman: You are one of the culprits. What really makes me smile is that if there is some Christian heaven, you won't be spending much time there.

2006-06-12 10:47:41 · update #1

20 answers

I am assuming that you are an atheist. In that case your question makes no sense. If no creator made us then where do you expect some universal sense of what is "right" to come from? How can you be offended? If there is no creator to whom we must answer then surely there is no need for us to judge each other. And if I want to commit some harm against you, shouldn't my only concern be that I should only to escape undetected? Where do you find this curious common denominator of "goodness" to whit you pose your affronted question? The truth is something an Atheist can never rest upon because, logically, where there is no creator to set in place universal moral laws there can be no truth. How do you appeal to the man who has just burned down your house for fun or taken your daughter without her consent within the confines of a purely atheistic worldview? He can have no belief that what he has done is wrong and you have no foundation to teach him his error. Atheism must therefore lead downhill to anarchy and is purely madness even from a coldly logical standpoint.
If you wish to pursue the mad idea that there is no God, fine. I will let you alone and you can live as you please, but I think you should know that God doesn’t believe in you either, in Atheists I mean. He says that the glory of God is understood from what has been made so that men are without excuse. I recommend, sir, a little humility. Yes, before you call all the law and the prophet’s lairs and deny all the miracles and the existence of God and before you denounce the wisdom of all the authors of the Bible based on the towering knowledge of your own personal experience, before your mind is hardened into a point of no return into believing the absurd in the face of mountains you might want to tuck your head down and say, “If your really there, God, then show me”. After all, what do you have to loose?
Sorry to come across a little strong, but, even the Bible says that God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble, and I have not been pounding on atheists like you have on Christians on yahoo.

2006-06-12 11:55:31 · answer #1 · answered by davidvario 3 · 5 6

Some Christians are close minded and judgmental as hell, but when you call them on it they'll say, "I don't judge anyone, that's God's job". It's kind of a cheap way to throw stones and not have to answer for the consequences.

Anyhow, take heart my friend, Christians make up over 70% of the US prison population. Atheists by comparison make up less than 1%. I'm not saying Atheists are better than the rest of us (I'm Agnostic), all I'm getting at is that those hard line, hell-fire Christians that judge the rest of the world for not buying into their dogmatic fairy tales have a tendency to be some of the most wretched people you'll ever meet.

2006-06-12 17:40:22 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What's amazing is why some Christians wonder why atheists are hostile to them and won't let them promote their hatred in public schools.

This young man is a fine example of why Christianity should be exposed for what it really is, a hate group.

If a religion inspires such hatred and contempt, it's not a religion, it's a hate group.

But, being an atheist, I realize that few Christians actually share that belief, it's just the vocal few and they are equivalent to the Christian Taliban. Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell are two of their hate mongering mullahs.

Oh, well, life goes on despite hateful bigots.

2006-06-12 17:48:28 · answer #3 · answered by Left the building 7 · 0 0

Remember that that kid is 16 years old and doesn't know everything and is not the speaker for of all Christians. I don't judge anyone on this board and assume, since you said, that you are a great person! I have a lot of great people in my family that are not Christians, but that doesn't make Jesus any less the son of God and the Savior of the world! You still have to accept him to make it to heaven.

2006-06-12 17:33:22 · answer #4 · answered by trulyblssd 3 · 0 0

I believe in God but I am not a Christian - and if I were I wouldn't admit it, these days it is as bad as being a Catholic priest!
But I don't judge you for not believing, that is your choice and I respect it.
No one has the right to tell you you should believe what they do just cuz they think they are right.

2006-06-12 17:35:54 · answer #5 · answered by Queen D 3 · 0 0

My God does not condemn you for what you believe or what you do.
My God loves you as he does others. My God does not like what you are doing. In other words, He loves you and is unhappy with your life style.
The only way to become part of God's family is to acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the only son of God then confess and repent of your sins and ask God's forgiveness through Jesus Christ. What you have done or what you are doing now has no bearing on God's forgiveness because He will forgive any and all who repent and ask Him for forgiveness.

2006-06-12 17:40:12 · answer #6 · answered by ijcoffin 6 · 0 0

No, no one should be saying any of those things... You are a person with dif. beliefs, this makes you nothing more or less than me. Even tho I am Christian, I am not judgemental of you or others. No one should be. All of you people that are saying these things, STOP. It's not funny or anything, all people are out equivilant.

<3 in Him

2006-06-12 17:35:02 · answer #7 · answered by Yep, This is me. 2 · 0 0

You can still do good even if you are not a Christian or a theist.

It means though that you can not go to heaven because you did not accept Jesus as your savior.

2006-06-12 19:06:28 · answer #8 · answered by tim 6 · 0 0

One does not have to be a christian nor even religious to be a good person. In every aspect of life there are good people and bad people. It is not fair to stereotype someone because they do not conform to your own belief system.

Blessed Be.

2006-06-12 18:50:49 · answer #9 · answered by genaddt 7 · 0 0

I know.........I feel your pain. People fear what they do not know. If only Christians made the effort to learn about other religions the way most others learn about Christianity......the world would be a better place!

2006-06-12 17:32:55 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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