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I'm so happy these days, met a wonderful girl who means so much to me, I treat her like a princess and try to do my best by her she says that no one has ever been this nice to her and it just doesn't feel right!!??

I was about to ask her to move in with me, when one of my friends said he had found out that her last boyfriend used to beat her up and knocked all the confidence out of her, I'm so angry I could break his teeth!! if I knew who he was that is!!

I know it will get me nowhere, what would you reccommend I do, here? Want her to know that I love her and will do anything for her!!

Should I ask to move in with me?
How can I assure her I will never harm her?
Show her I love so much that she should not be scared?

Thanks for reading...


2006-06-12 09:05:02 · 31 answers · asked by East Bay Punk 4 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

31 answers

Firstly, can I just say it's lovely to hear a guy who cares so much for his girlfriend and really, genuinely wants to do right by her. She's a lucky girl.

I think you have to carry on with things as you are, and let her come to trust you in her own time. Don't suggest to her that you'd like to get hold of this guy and beat him to a pulp (much as I understand that!) - all that says to her is that you are capable of violence like that too. You can tell her what you have heard, ask her if she wants to talk about it, and reassure her you will NEVER do that.

Don't pressure her to move in with you, maybe she isn't ready for that just yet. Tell her that you'd like to live with her one day, but that you will leave it to her when or if she feels she's ready for that to come and tell you.That way she knows how you feel, but its still her decision.

Otherwise, just carry on as you are. I wish you both all the best.

2006-06-12 09:15:03 · answer #1 · answered by justasiam29 5 · 8 0

You should do what you feel is best. If you been seeing each other for a while and things are going good than she can maybe move in with you. Don't force her to move in though. How long the two of you been seeing each other? Have you ever harmed her yet? If you haven't than you are less likely to harm her anytime now. Does she love you? If you love her so much let her know it and see what happens. You have nothing to lose. It not the end of the world, and many more girls are out there in the world.

2006-06-12 16:11:50 · answer #2 · answered by jacoboctober11 4 · 0 0

I am sure that the affection and love you are giving her is all that she needs. She has already expressed that she has never been treated so good. Take stride in your relationship with her and take baby steps,in doing so your relationship will turn into big steps for the both of you. When love is right in your hearts, you will know that you are sole-mates to each other. Just by loving her the way you do is all that she needs from you to flourish the relationship with comfort and love, and from that there should be no insecure feeling from her in your relationship. Don't struggle and work to hard at it, just remember Life is a Journey, not a destination. If she wants to move in with you, that's great. Good Luck to you both now in the future.

2006-06-12 16:22:13 · answer #3 · answered by roseygirl 2 · 0 0

Hello, let me start off by saying Congrats on being a good man.
Have you talked to her about it? How does she feel about you? In order to see if its the right thing, I think you should let her know and see what she thinks. She may still be scared and may not like the idea. On the other hand, if you don't bring the subject up then she will never know. Use your best judgement and just explain to her that if she declines the offer than you still love her and will still be there for her. Also that you respect her wishes and whenever she is ready, the offer still stands. Hope this helped you. Good Luck!!!

2006-06-12 16:13:29 · answer #4 · answered by Rylie's Momma 2 · 0 0

With a girl thats been through so much you do need to take things slow, and just make her understand you and trust you. Im not sure how long u have been dating but dont rush anything, things change a lot when you move in together. If you havant already try a few overnights, or try having her stay over for a while but dont call it a move in until your both completley sure its what you want. Definaltey do not start anything with the other guy if you find him, it will only bring out the violence in you which she does not need in her life .`

2006-06-12 16:12:53 · answer #5 · answered by destiny3141980 1 · 0 0

You should continue being nice and supportive but right now is not the time for her to move in. She needs to figure things out on her own without feeling a dependency to a man. You should talk with some of he close friends and encourage them to plan girl weekends, this will let her know that she can handle herself and is moving past it. You should also try to do things not just you and her but with a group of close friends. She needs to feel accepted in social settings before she can build a healthy relationship. The one mistake you can make is becoming too involved too soon, or too wrapped up in her that she or you are inseparable.

2006-06-12 16:14:57 · answer #6 · answered by WaitingLady 1 · 0 0

Well I don't know how long you've known this lady but perhaps her talking to you and confiding in you about her past would be an indication that she trusts you. Maybe she needs more time to get to that point. Everyone is different and everyone moves at different pace when it comes to the heart. Sounds like this lady is rocking your world.So if she is the"one" then I say give her some time before you try the new living situation. Give her time to trust you and if she's ready she might talk to you about the past and eventually maybe you she will trust you enough to move in with you.Good luck

2006-06-12 16:22:56 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

R u sure that she's not sleep with ur best friend or may be she like u as a friend not her soulmate
are u fool no such love like that only in ur granny stories wake up u r a man u can meet 100 girl in ur fuc....... life
& what the heck u still to talk to girls (how older u ) r u so young to be scared ,OH my get out of my face u r embarraced the manhood itself I'll not say I'm casanova but I knew many girls in my life no one deserve to think about , I'm not sick ,but this is the right way to be sucssesful in ur life &work ,if u 'll cry because she said no not u u'll die
think about this &tell me more ON( medhat_ataturk@yahoo.com)

2006-06-12 16:15:37 · answer #8 · answered by ANUBIS 3 · 0 0

You first ask her about what happened in previous relationships that may cause issues for you both. Maybe she has already moved on, maybe what you have heard are just rumers, etc. You take your lead from what she shares with you. Maybe do some couseling together... but, most importantly you can show her though how you treat her with respect that you are different then her previous relationship. As for asking her to move in, if it feels right then her past shouldnt be held against her. Good luck!

2006-06-12 16:12:44 · answer #9 · answered by IvebeenAbadbadgrl 4 · 0 0

You are on the right track just keep treating her like a princess and let her know constantly that you love her and would never hurt. her. You should definitely ask her to move in with you and make her feel protected and love.

2006-06-12 16:11:58 · answer #10 · answered by BBW 2 · 0 0

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