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Okay, I was answering this other questionhttp://answers.yahoo.com/question/?qid=20060612123947AA2lDRY&r=w&pa=FZptHWf.BGRX3OFMhDRUVGMYRk1KrLTnRGOeQgNI7le3AGOmiA--#NbUvWzS.Uji0fQ6sdHS0
When I stumbled on a thought.

Romans 13: 1-3

Basically, that we should submit to authority, because God has established them in that position, and to rebel "will bring judgment on themselves"
It goes on to say
3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you.

So, (and Im looking for real answers here)
Does this say we should follow the law of the land, whatever our government authority is, or do we do the "right" things anyway? For examples, abortion is legal, does that mean God wanted it that way? Or, if Gay marriage become legal did God want it that way as he established that Government.

2006-06-12 08:52:33 · 15 answers · asked by sweetie_baby 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

OR if they are wrong, should we only submit to the laws, but still speak out for what is "right?"

I am confused, and looking for people who have a real idea or thought about it.

2006-06-12 08:53:42 · update #1

15 answers

Laws set by government must be followed in order to stay out of jail and so forth. God's LAWS must be followed in order to stay out of hell.
Just because a group of politicians and/or voters decided that something is okay does not mean that God thinks it is okay. As far as abortion goes, the commandment says THOU SHALL NOT KILL. How more specific can that be? The government says- oh it has a heart that is beating, but it is not alive so therefore it is okay to kill it.
Funny, how can you kill something that is not alive????

Remember, too, that God did not elect the political officials that are deciding that these things are okay. Sinners voted sinners in to make laws.

2006-06-12 09:10:02 · answer #1 · answered by texasgirl5454312 6 · 5 1

We are supposed to respect the law and the authorities as long as it doesn't interfere with serving God. God's laws are above all others. As far as abortion, homosexuality, in some countries, drugs, etc. even though they may be legal they are all things that are unacceptable in God's eyes, so as Christians we wouldn't choose to support them. Without organization and structure we would have anarchy, so laws and governments serve a useful purpose in giving us structure, but the bible also says that the entire world lies in the power of the wicked one, Satan the devil, so not all of the allowances provided by the government are God's will; they are simply imperfect man's laws during this wicked system of things. Once God's Kingdom is firmly established on the earth and rids it of every other kingdom/government then all we will have are God's righteous laws with Christ as our King.

Contact one of Jehovah's Witnesses in your area to learn more about this subject or for a free home bible study.

2006-06-12 16:28:10 · answer #2 · answered by passerby 2 · 0 0

The examples given in the Bible were that they obeyed unless there was a conflict with the Bible, and then they disobeyed. The United States is being punished generally as a country for it's stand on abortion and sodomite marriages. This was never God's plan and leads to the breakup of society in general. There are so many breakdowns happening that one can not list them all, it is just pitiful. GOD DOES NOT WANT IT THIS WAY and the punishments are to let us know that we are not in charge.
You can refuse to have abortions and urge your friends to not have them, you can express yourself against the laws that go against God and you can vote for people that support your opinion. Most of all pray and keep yourself from sin.
also, don't think that this is going to get any easier as time goes by.

2006-06-12 16:05:03 · answer #3 · answered by † PRAY † 7 · 0 0

The Bible is a balanced book. This debate has been on for centuries. Authority includes parents, teachers, husbands, etc not just the law of the land. Your motives matter to God more than your actions.Romans 13 is refering to outright rebellion. Remember the confrontation Jesus had with the Scribes and Pharisees about paying tribute to Cesar? Remember Jesus' answer? He said give to Cesar the things that are Cesar's and to God the things that are God's. The image on the coin was that of Cesar whereas we are made in God's image and likeness. The ultimate yardstick for us to judge what is 'right' to do is the Word of God. The Bible says your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and he who destroys the temple him shall God destroy...abortion is a mutilation not only of your body but of another yet unborn...the answer to the gay issue is clearly stated in Romans Chapter 1 read it. As the apostle said in Acts "Judge for yourselves whether it is better to obey God or to obey man"

2006-06-12 16:26:03 · answer #4 · answered by wemimo 2 · 0 0

Scriptures say in Isaiah, " and the government shall be upon his shoulders."
Jesus said, " Do as they say do, but don't do as they do for they place burdens on people that they are not willing to carry themselves.
You know right from wrong, that is something that is instinctively placed in everyone, whether they want to abide by it or not. God justifies the righteous not the wicked. It doesn't matter what law they put in writing the last law still is up held by The Word of God, (Jesus).

2006-06-12 16:02:41 · answer #5 · answered by plum 2 · 0 0

To understand the bible, you have to put it in historical context.

When the bible was "written," rulers were kings and were considered Gods. People had no choice in who their rulers were or the laws made by them.

Even King James of bible fame claimed to rule by "divine authority."

Presidents and elected officials have no such claim because they are not "rulers."

The bible failed to establish rules for democracies (representative republics). That's what the constitution is for.

The constitution gives you the right not only to speak out, but to run for office or support candidates of your choice. Which is a much better system than the one spoken of in the bible.

Additional comment:

Abortion is not murder, a fetus is not a living soul according to the bible. If you oppose abortion, that's your choice, but there is no legal, scientific or biblical basis for doing so.

2006-06-12 16:08:11 · answer #6 · answered by Left the building 7 · 0 0

There are Universal Law's, also Man Law's and God Law's, I follow first God Law's and with some help from HIM(God)< i try to understand the universal Law's, to comprehend evolution the celestial bodies, matter's and elements, Man's Law', I try to avoid then, If is a man law's its mostly for conveniences, or political gains. I don't which to make nor change any law's do I may respect man's law's I don't have to follow then until they don't become against man's their self's.

2006-06-12 16:11:04 · answer #7 · answered by paradiseemperatorbluepinguin 5 · 0 0

i say,and hold to the laws of sense and responsibility.the laws of my people where handed,long before the ships took dock,so in short, these are the set of laws in which i obey,which allow me,as a free thinker,knowing what is good and which is not,to use.i also obey the law of the land,when it is truthful,so not so much,but am a peace keeper but do understand when it is not necessary for me to obey these laws.as for the things you have spoken about (above)just another example of the use of laws.the government is like a paradox,in the same sense it want to keep most happy,it angers and confuses others.

2006-06-12 16:12:25 · answer #8 · answered by deerwoman777 6 · 0 0

render unto cesar what is cesar's
abortion is no more a sin than abadoning an unwanted child. all sins are forgivable in the eyes of the lord. that is why we are to follow the government...
if you feel that the government is misleading you, pray. pray often. but know that these are the rules and laws that we as corporeal beings are tied to. your heart may belong to the lord, but your body answers to the state.
understand that they are connected but never get them confused.

2006-06-12 15:59:32 · answer #9 · answered by ladrhiana 4 · 0 0

God is imaginary, and the Bible is the product of human ideas and customs from the time it was written. Also Christianity is amoral, so we can forget about taking any kind of moral guidance from the Bible.

All you can do is follow your conscience.

2006-06-12 16:07:05 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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