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I believe a lot of what the bible says and although I haven't been officially saved in a church, since I refuse to go because I want to stay away from denominations, I believe I am saved because Jesus died for ALL our sins. I don't believe in Hell and I don't believe that Christians are the only people going to Heaven. So am I a Christian?

2006-06-12 08:51:01 · 24 answers · asked by lovelyladypoet 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

This is a hypothetical question. I haven't been a Christian since I was like 8 years old.

2006-06-12 16:29:00 · update #1

24 answers

Wow! Incredibly refreshing to finally meet someone who thinks the same way I do. You sound like a Christian with scientology to boot. That is very much okay. Believe it or not, a lot of churches are out for your almighty tithing. If you believe in Jesus Christ, who did walk amongst us at one time...not too hard to believe that one...was was a prophet in the ways of mankind and he was very spiritual. The Bible was written by...man...know what I mean? The Bible was intended to keep a lot of rapers and pillagers off innocent villagers. If you do have a mix of both beliefs then you are on the right track. My Creator would never punish me to a pit of fire and brimstone. That would be like tossing an unruly child into an oven. That is not what My Creator intended. My Creator wanted some company and decided to give us all "Free Will", to decide for ourselves because it sure would have been boring if we all were perfectly perfect all of the time.

You are one of your Creator's children. My Creator loves me and lmows that I do not need money to put in a collection plate to be redeemed. As long as I live my life in a spiritual way, I know that the only hell I will face is the one I believe we all face now. Destruction of each other and destroying our planet in the process. Our reprieve will be death and Heaven is going to be personalized and different for each human being, depending on how spiritual...NOT RELIGIOUS...we all were. One door opens, one door shuts..

2006-06-12 09:12:29 · answer #1 · answered by sherijgriggs 6 · 5 4

If you plan on going to the heaven that Jesus talked about you must follow his rules for entry. Otherwise you will miss out. John 14:6
And as far as going to church is concerned...a church is the body of Christ. "Where two or three are gathered there am I also." (Jesus) So if you are meeting with other followers of Christ you have formed "a church". Hebrews 10:25 encourages us to continue to meet together.
Many organized churches today were started just this way. The original churches of the New Testament were started in peoples homes and back yards where they got together, discussed the New Way of life and encouraged each other to continue to grow and mature and wait for the Christ's return.
You don't have to be saved in a "church". You have to accept Christ as the savior and all that he represents for the remission of sin. This is the sin at the very core of your being. It is an attitude change. A change that says that I am going to live for the God that Christ represents and stop living for my own selfish desires. John 3:14-21 It comes as easily by asking God for forgiveness and inviting him to control your life.
Then the hard part comes...living and growing in this new life. That is where you need the support and encouragement of a church body. Find one that fits you. If you neglect this important step in your Christian growth you will end up like one of the receivers in this story...John 15-16:1-4.

No, I'm not a preacher. I'm just another follower who has gone to Hell and back on this same road you are starating out on. But I couldn't have done it without the support of the body of Christ who encouraged me to keep getting up and going forward.

Read you Bible daily mate,

2006-06-12 16:27:46 · answer #2 · answered by BP 4 · 0 0


The answer is, “No.”

I would like to sugar coat it or make it more pleasant, but if you don’t know if you’re a Christian – you are not. You can be sure – you should be sure – it is the most important decision of your life.

It is simple to fix. Understand that God is good, and we are not. We have all made mistakes. Just ask Jesus to forgive your mistakes or “sins,” and He will. Then thank Him and tell Him that you will gladly follow Him.

Then begin to read the Bible, so you can follow Jesus’ teachings and talk to God about anything and everything. It is very helpful to have Christian friends at church or a Bible study or something, but it is not absolutely necessary. God loves you, and He will guide you in your new life.

God bless.

2006-06-12 16:05:22 · answer #3 · answered by tom 4 · 0 0

A christian is a person that believes Jesus Christ died for their sins on the cross, and asks forgiveness, and repents of their sins, but there is a hell, where do you think that everyone else goes, the hard reallity is hell is real, and satan is among the living, when they kill, and do evil, it is satan pulling the strings, and the only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ, and to be a Christian, is knowing and accepting that.

2006-06-12 15:56:27 · answer #4 · answered by bryton1001 4 · 0 0

if you have to ask that question, you already know the answer. It's in your heart. Once Jesus is with you, nothing and no one can test your faith. NO ONE. It's not about being a Christian or Jewish or Muslim. It's about being righteous in the truth. It's about following his footsteps, not just saying you believe. Many will probably tell you that you are not Christian if you don't believe in Hell. Just remember that if you believe in Heaven, you must believe in the alternative for those who don't live a life of justice, humility, compassion, love, etc.

or where do you think those child abductors, who molest little kids are going and don't feel any remorse or will not repent? (just to give one example)

2006-06-12 15:59:40 · answer #5 · answered by lam_9 3 · 0 0

I don't know if you are a Christian, I have most of the same beliefs as you, specifically about organized religion and not believing in Hell. I consider myself to be a student of the spirtual, on a continuing quest for knowledge, studying various religions and theologies. I have found that many of the new age theologies speak to me and ring true in my heart. The thing to remember is to take what serves you and leave the rest.

Some good reading for you below.

2006-06-12 16:32:40 · answer #6 · answered by LindaLou 7 · 0 0

Since you say that you believe "a lot" of what the Bible says, would "Hell" be among those things that you PREFER NOT to believe??

Because "hell" is mentioned more than fifty times in the OT and NT of the Bible [KJV], including by Jesus Christ Himself.

How can you then consider yourself to be a follower of Christ or be called a "Christian"??

Peace be with you!

2006-06-12 16:55:47 · answer #7 · answered by Arf Bee 6 · 0 0

I think only God knows your heart. He knows it better than you do.

What are you basing your beliefs on? If you believe a lot of what the Bible says, how do you decide what you believe and what you don't believe?

There are some non-denominational evangelical churches.

2006-06-12 15:57:06 · answer #8 · answered by kannajo 3 · 0 0

I am of the opinion that anyone who believes in Jesus as their savior IS a christian. Never mind what their other beliefs are or aren't (hell, heaven, who's going to hell/heaven, religion or relationship, etc etc).

So, yes, I would consider you a christian. :-) Never mind what others might say about you and your beliefs. What's in your heart is more important than what others might say about you. :-) *hug*

EDIT: I also agree with Johnny Zondo above.....

2006-06-12 15:59:07 · answer #9 · answered by Nikki 6 · 0 0

The essence of Christianity is to be one who tries to emulate the behavior and ideas of The Christ. It really has nothing to do with going to church or being "saved". We came here with no need to be saved because we were created in soul perfection, i.e. in the image of God. Granted, we can display some pretty awful behaviors towards one another, other beings and the environment, but we are here to remember our real selves.
Your beliefs seem well founded to me, even though you say little about them.

2006-06-12 16:00:07 · answer #10 · answered by Andrea 2 · 0 0

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