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Salem? slavery? Death Penalty? Cheap labor hiring? Minutemen? Junkies and druggies galore? 11,000 yearly deaths to guns? Vietnam? Iraq? Panama? Afghanistan? sheer racism? KKK? NRA? "we don't serve ******** nor dogs" signs on restaurant doors?Not a SINGLE minority President? Not a SINGLE woman President? Hiroshima? World' 1st polluters? World's LAST endorsers of international environmental agreements? GAs guzzlers? 1-language speakers? TV byproducts?

Free??? Brave??? That's a good one!
I bet kids believe that. It's sad.

2006-06-12 08:36:51 · 56 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

And ignorant TOO!! Hellooo!! Some of us DO NOT live in the USA! I live in Mexico City...YES! SURPRISE!!! We DO have computers and internet access in the THIRD WORLD!!!

2006-06-12 08:44:43 · update #1

And ignorant TOO!! Hellooo!! Some of us DO NOT live in the USA! I live in Mexico City...YES! SURPRISE!!! We DO have computers and internet access in the THIRD WORLD!!! Why doesn everyone keep telling me to leave the States? I chose to live in a more moral nation.

2006-06-12 08:45:19 · update #2

All right all right, the World's SECOND world polluters. Happy? Now, Am I lying here? Other countries do worse things, ok. But they don't boast of being "the land of the free" and then invade you without anyone's permission (given of course you've got oil, if you don't have it, they don't just give a damn-Africa-)

2006-06-12 08:59:40 · update #3

56 answers

You have basically described the Republicon party.

2006-06-12 08:39:48 · answer #1 · answered by sassyk 5 · 0 3

Slavery- Yeah every country had slaves, it was accepted back then. Stop living in the year 1801

Minutemen- How are they not being free or brave? They are not relevent to anythign you say

Death penalty- Okay. So we should just let people stay and live their life after repeatedly raping a 12 year old. Yeah, thats a great idea. So according to your own ideaology, we shouldn't do bad things to anyone.

Iraq-- We freed the iraqi people from an evil islamic dictator. I think this represents our slogan (land of free) pretty well

KKK-- So we should get rid of ALL freedom of speech if its racist? Geez, you europeans are veyr messed up. So we should allow freedom of speech if it is with YOUR VIEWS! Okay i get it now.

Sing on restraunt doors-- God forbid people want immigrants to speak english. My ancestors came to new england and learned english. Its something we all do.

World 1 pollutes-- How about china? They are way worse than USA is when it comes to polluting.

Gas guzzlers-- until you find a way to use Hydrogen or Ethanol, what else are we to do?

TV byprodcut- okay what?

Afghanistan- A peice of land owned by the taliban, and NATO shouldn't have fought for the civilians there?

Minority president- so basically, you don't care how good a president is- but if hes a minority he should be automaticaly elected.

Nice way to edit your question to. "we don't serve ******** hotdogs. Your original one said "sings on windows" and you WERE REFERRING to illegall immigration, judging from the previous question. Nice way to try to make me look racist

language speakers- Yeah learn english. It would be great for us to have a second language too, but english s hould be learned.
Free and Brave yes.
-How about when USA saved Europe from Hitler when many european countries surrendered to him. That is very brave
-How about the USA rebelling from the #1 country at the time, that is very brave.

Now lets judge Mexico. A nation that is poor and corrupted by the government. Also a nation that in the past had a dictator santa anna.

"At least you are living in a part of Mexico that we DIDN'T steal!"

Mexico "stole" it from Spain. and Spain "stole" it from the natives.

And yes we have been free for a long time. I don't agree with those phone taping things either though.

black77, since when was marijuana legal? if it was I would be very happy since it is a safe drug. But please get some facts

America's culture. We are still relatively a new country. USA football Owns European Football (soccor) IMO.

2006-06-12 08:44:33 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Most of your references are way, way in the past. Salem and slavery? C'mon! Get real! The current Administration has more minorities in higher positions than any before. Hiroshima? Pearl Harbor and The Rape of Nanking!! Our Presidents? Vicente Fox - oh, yeah, he's a winner! Sheer racism? La Raza!! Gas Guzzlers? Because we can - Ha!! We were in Africa, ding dong - Somalia! Don't want our help? Bye! And when we do go in and stop a brutal dictator (Iraq), you scream illegal war! The 1 language English speaking Land of the Free and Home of the Brave! Freakin' A-Right it is! Stay in Mexico, but hey! Do us all a favor! Tell all of your cousins, and uncles, and aunts, and friends what a sh*tty country we have up here to the North. Bring 'em back home to Mexico - WHERE THEY BELONG!! After all - it's so much better than it is up here in gringoland! Have a nice day!

2006-06-12 14:23:57 · answer #3 · answered by Mr. Boof 6 · 0 0

Maybe we should invade your country next. You think your safe?
THAT IS TRULY SAD! Land of the free -dom to kick your A$$. Home of the people brave enough to do it and not just sit there like some pu$$y and talk about it on some chat site. The people are not the ones responsible for the things you mentioned. It is big business you should be pointing your views at. Secondly, I guess your country is a utopia with a spotless history. He who is without sin should cast the first stone. No government is perfect. Get down off your high and mighty soap box becuuse you might get a nose bleed up there, Sister! Your so focused on what is wrong that you have failed to see everything that is right! Close minded idiots like you are what is wong with this entire world.

2006-06-12 08:50:37 · answer #4 · answered by Michael J 2 · 0 0

What do those have to do with freedom or bravery?

You really need to formulate a cogent and coherent question, instead of some endless irrational rant about what you see as America's flaws.

But the US is a free country, until the socialists take that all away, and the people are brave, well, except for the panty-waisted leftists, who want the benefits without paying a price.

Blah, blah, blah. Go to Cuba, I hear it's a paradise.

2006-06-12 08:46:40 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Freedom comes with responsibility. The problem lay in that most people want freedom for free and are unwilling to accept any responsibility. The don't care about the rights of others as long as they have their rights (rights have to be EARNED, by the way, not just given).

PS: You have issues!! Maybe you should try living in Pakistan or Iraq and then see what you think of America.

PSS: China is the #1 polluter at the moment.

2006-06-12 08:41:35 · answer #6 · answered by zharantan 5 · 0 0

"land of the free, home of the brave" is just another slogan made up for the cowardly slaves in the US to say to themseves.

It is nonsense and one need look no further than the history of the US to see it.

If we were free we would be allowed to be a lot smarter and could face our past. But we aren't so we can't.

If we were brave we would stop attacking weak and defenseless countries for thier oil and we would stop manipulating economies through trade agreements that kill people.

If we were brave we would have stood up and replaced this government as the Declaration of Independence mandates we should have... but we didn't we are not brave enough.

Enjoy Mexico City, listen to the EZLN, and forget us, we are the ones you will need to liberate.

help us, big brother is watching us...

2006-06-12 09:24:07 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If Mexico is so great why the hell are all the Mexicans coming here, come and get your people and take them back to the drug cartel loving government you live in, back to the government that hates their own people, and exports their poor instead of helping their poor, and to a country that has in their constitution that they will never raise wages for their people, and their children will not be educated unless you pay for it, that's why so many illegal are illiterate, because your government is so oppressive, what a sad future for your kids, and they will grow up knowing they have no future in Mexico its sad. You had better put the word out how great Mexico is before they loose their whole population. A two class society rich and poor no middle class, because Mexico won't allow it. And the people are to afraid to stand up to the Mexican government. Mexico home of oppression, and land of the cowards!!!!!!!!

2006-06-12 09:15:23 · answer #8 · answered by hexa 6 · 0 0

Your not in mexico city. If you were a real Mexican citizen you would be complaining about your government, because the list is long. And since when did Mexicans care about space travel? Your probably some 14 year old kid who watches Stargate all day. You probably got picked on a lot so you get your kicks in a passive aggressive way that keeps you from any real human interaction. I feel sorry for you and your parents.

2006-06-12 08:53:12 · answer #9 · answered by The Angry Stick Man 6 · 0 0

Boohoo! You are free to leave at anytime and find that one land that is totally without blemish. Not sure where you'd find it, but you can roam around and look. Do you even have a clue as to what brave is? Or integrity? Nope, didn't think so. At least you're in a land that allows you to whine about this stuff on line. Gee, people in North Korea aren't even allowed to have the Internet. But that's OK, they're busy trying to stay alive.

2006-06-12 08:44:39 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am surprised you stopped! You could write a book!

Land of the Free! Don't make ne laugh! We haven't been free in a long time and now we have Bush reading our e-mails, see where we surf, go into any records we have and not tell us or get a warrant, and listening to our telephone conversations!

At least you are living in a part of Mexico that we DIDN'T steal!

2006-06-12 09:00:33 · answer #11 · answered by cantcu 7 · 0 0

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