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For example, do you ever hear an audible voice? Have dreams? Had someone else confirm that they also heard the same voice saying the same thing?
And how do you know that it's not just a dream, your own thoughts, or that you are just "hearing voices"?

Serious answers only please--I'm not here to scoff I just want to hear what people have to say.

2006-06-12 08:33:34 · 24 answers · asked by mikayla_starstuff 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

EDIT: I understand if you say it's something you can only know though experience, but if you do please give a specific example of your experience. Thanks

2006-06-12 08:42:34 · update #1

And don't give examples from the Bible--I've read it already. Give me your experience not something second-hand.

2006-06-12 08:43:34 · update #2

And don't give examples from the Bible--I've read it already. Give me your experience not something second-hand.

2006-06-12 08:44:04 · update #3

24 answers

god wont' bother talking 2 sinners like us(normal people).his voice can be heard only by priests .i am a christian i never had a god talking 2 me .i just follow my instincts.but definately i do pray daily for god 2 guide me in taking decisions in life ,and guide me
in my life.

2006-06-12 08:44:03 · answer #1 · answered by michele_miss2000 3 · 4 15

This Question will be answered best by you when you hear God . God talks to all Christians some just don't hear. I gave this example before. For instance,
You have a incidence where you think as hind sight " something told me I should not have done that," The something that told you that was God. Now this is only the be gaining, if you start to listen to what your inter Spirit says you will Begin to hear God , clearer as time goes by to the point it may seem audible to you when no one El's can hear, and yes in some instances the Confirmation on some things will come from some one El's. You first must realize God Dwells in you. If you have accepted The anointing of His Son Jesus with the Holy Spirit.

2006-06-12 08:44:31 · answer #2 · answered by kritikos43 5 · 0 0

I read a good book years back called "Conversations with God". It offered a great perspective on this matter and can be a life changing read. It points at the notion that God doesin fact talk to us to inspire. Artists, authors, activists, leaders, etc are guided by the inner voice which can be called God. or spirit and Go thru it. I'm 33, hold a degree, community activist and volunteer here in NYC for over 9 years, and a proud dad. I do believe God speaks to me at times. These are personal matters and for the most part I don;t discuss them, only with older folks of faith who've lived life enough to know there are things we cannot explain and bigger things at work in life. What some call schizophrenia another can call divine inspiration. But I'm sure there's a fine line there.

2016-03-13 14:27:58 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

In the Bible God gives us principles of life to live by. Over my life I have studied the Bible in great depth. When I face a situation in life I go to God in prayer and ask Him for wisdom. Often while I am praying God will bring into my memory scripture that gives me direction. When He does the situation becomes as plain as can be. Sometimes the answer doesn't come for some time. Sometimes it may be later when I am reading he Bible and I come across the answer. I don't remember a time when I genuinely sought to know a answer that God did not reveal it to me in one way or another. There is much more to it, you can read more about in on my web site at http://www.geocities.com/bwrobinsonca/personalperspective

2006-06-12 08:46:36 · answer #4 · answered by oldguy63 7 · 0 0

Well, I've been a Christian all my life, 17 years to be exact. And I honestly couldn't tell you how God speaks to me. I've never seen Him in a dream, I've never heard Him speaking out loud...all I can say is that it's something you feel. It's kinda like that little voice in the back of your head telling you whats right and whats wrong. Sometimes I think He speaks to me through other people. For example, when I'm really struggling with a decision I need to make, etc..and I pray about it, sometimes people will come to me at the most random times and give me advice. This advice always follows the Bible of course. That's how you can tell if God is speaking to you also, it agrees with the Bible. My mom as a matter of fact, has actually heard God speaking. She had been smoking for most of her life, and one day she began to throw up blood and black ash. (NO LIE!!) My mom actually said she felt as if she were going to die, when all of the sudden, she heard the voice of God. I'm not exactly sure what she heard, but from this day forward, she has never smoked, and she has no sign of smoking in her lungs. I would just suggest that you keep listening, pray about it too. Ask God to speak to you. I'm sure if you really need help, you'll know when God is speaking to you. I hope this helps at least a little bit. God bless you!

2006-06-12 08:44:40 · answer #5 · answered by Jacqui 5 · 3 0

Most Prophets have recorded their visions that we read in the Bible. Therefore, we must infer that God reaches us through our DREAMS ...depending on our level of 'connectivity' with our Heavenly Father. And accordingly, that can be accomplished through constant PRAYER AND FASTING --if we FOLLOW the advice of Jesus.

If you ever get into the discipline of FASTING --which is excellent for self-healing among others-- and gradually grow into it from a one-day fast, then to two days, then to three days, etc. in each attempt say, every other week or so... imagine what those Prophets went through with their 40-day fasts! No wonder they could heal the sick, part the waters, walk on water, and even raise the dead!!

Personally, I have only accomplished up to a seven-day fast since I got into the practice and I'll honestly say that by the third day you will be feeling light headed somewhat as in getting 'high' when you hit that first wall and move forward with your second wind...

Btw, my version of fasting is staying on a liquid diet [water, soda, tea, coffee, etc. But NO booze of course! LOL.] Read up on the Nazarite's Vow to get some background.

Peace be with you!

2006-06-12 08:48:20 · answer #6 · answered by Arf Bee 6 · 0 0

Well, for sure God talks to us using His Word (the Bible).

But there are times, God uses other people, such as the prophets, the teachers, the pastors, or even ordinary person like your friends, your parents, your teachers to talk to you.

God can even use the unbelievers to send a message to us.

I am reading the portion of the Bible now where God was raising opposing nation to go against Israel and Judah because of their rebellion against Him.

Let's look from our real life as an example. Suppose you want to know what your parent are saying to you. What do you do? I would say, listen.

Same thing with God. We need to listen to Him everyday and excercise our spiritual ear (our heart and our spirit) to be in tuned with His Spirit.

I hope this one helps. God bless you!

2006-06-12 08:49:52 · answer #7 · answered by tp 3 · 0 0

This Site Might Help You.

(Christians only please) How does God talk to you and how do you know.?
For example, do you ever hear an audible voice? Have dreams? Had someone else confirm that they also heard the same voice saying the same thing?
And how do you know that it's not just a dream, your own thoughts, or that you are just "hearing voices"?

Serious answers only...

2015-08-13 04:08:52 · answer #8 · answered by Boycie 1 · 0 0

There is no audible voice, or dreams or visions; all you have to do is open and read your bible. That's God's letter to all of us telling us everything we need to know. When we get to know God by studying our bible and applying what we learn then we train our "ear" to follow His direction. We can mentally recall scriptures that apply to whatever situation we may be involved in by the help of God's Holy Spirit to help us and give us direction. Since we have the entire Holy Scriptures it's unnecessary for God to talk to us as he did with those mentioned in the bible long ago. People that hear an audible voice talking to them in this time and age are most likely mentally ill or hearing the voices of demons.

2006-06-12 08:56:55 · answer #9 · answered by passerby 2 · 0 1

YOU are in an AREA that is VERY TRICKY!!!!!!!
Secret no. 4----do you know why GOD just dosen't tell us every-thing we need to know all at ONCE???? Most of us would forget half of it, and all of us would end up MESSING it UP, befor it could HAPPEN!!!!!! GOD love's us so HE has to tell us a little at a time, it is the ONLY WAY we'll have a chance to FULLFILL it!!!!!
GOD can talk to YOU in any way HE WANT's to. Listening for HIM, HEARING HIM and discerning that it WAS HIM is the HARD PART!!!! If you have experienced any of the things you said(dreams, own thoughts, voices) go to the BIBLE and if what you HEARD through these means is in there, it PROBABLY was GOD!!!! Other-wise, if your looking for EXACT information from GOD-------it's very very tricky---but over time, you get better better at discerning HIS VOICE. Prophets are given to us to help us in ALL stages of GROWTH in Walking with GOD.

2006-06-12 08:46:35 · answer #10 · answered by maguyver727 7 · 0 1

Let me give you one sure-fire way to know God is talking to you .... it is always, ALWAYS in the form of scripture. This is God's Word, it is how He communicates with us. In order to hear His voice, you have to, HAVE to, know scripture.

Oh sure, you might hear it in the form of your own voice, or the voice of someone you recognize but have never met, but it is always scripturally sound. You might be traveling in your car and the guy in the next lane cuts you off and you are offended ... but you hear a little voice inside you that says "turn the other cheek". God just spoke to you.

Or you may see a vision; this happened to my husband. Back when he wasn't really a true man of God, just sort of claimed Christianity in general, I would sometimes read a bit from the Bible. Just stuff that I thought was interesting, never really trying to bore him. One day I read to him "But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man" and at that moment he had a vision of Jesus returning after being on earth, triumphant. He saw a semi-circle of perhaps millions of angels cheering as Jesus walked in their midst, and the joy of it was so great that my husband couldn't speak. Although it was over a week before he could even speak of it, that vision changed his life and he has never been the same.

Do you see now how God speaks to you? It's always through the Scripture, and if it's from Him, it is totally and completely scripturally true too.

2006-06-12 08:47:14 · answer #11 · answered by arewethereyet 7 · 1 1

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