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as a father i try to be there for him but he says he can handle it. if i talk to his teachers or principal, he says it will make things worse.
i know he hates going to p.e. class but it is required and they won't let him out of it.
we do things together outside, he eats like any other kid but he doesn't burn it off as quickly. he tells me he likes his size but other people have a problem with it.
he has friends that syick up for him but they aren't in his p.e. class.
i know he is hurt by the names but i will not push him to tell me because it may him feel worse.
he told me that when some girl tries to talk to him there is always some loud mouth kid saying no one wants a fatty or some nasty comment.
i encourage him to lose weight but he says he can handle it. i think he saying this for my benefit.
i need advice. anyone.
if anyone can tell me some of the terrible names or incidents you no about, please share.
share details with me, names, incidents, teasing, etc.

2006-06-12 08:12:58 · 36 answers · asked by gg 1 in Family & Relationships Family

36 answers

Get him into a sport outside of school. Try football.

2006-06-12 08:15:11 · answer #1 · answered by Simmy 5 · 0 0

I have an 8 year old son with the same problem. I started him a sport that he chose. If you offer that maybe that can get him motivated to do something. I try not to tell my son anything regarding his weight because it does make him feel self concious even though he says it doesn't bother him. I also limit his snacks. I give him more fresh fruits and veggies and I let him pick how he wants them. Smoothies are a great start. If you don't have a lot of income or can't afford any programs look into your local church they sometimes offer great programs for kids at no charge. Also your local parks and rec have programs that you can get a scholarship for. In the meantime just do your best and let him be. Let him know that you are available to talk to. Bring things up easily just kind of work into conversation. But either way at least he knows you are there for him. You can also talk to his teachers without hi or anyone knowing just so they can keep a watchful eye. this way you will feel better, but at least no one can say he told on them. It will save him face. Good luck.

2006-06-12 08:30:38 · answer #2 · answered by ghostlover 2 · 0 0

Kids are cruel at that age. (I told a boy I liked him and he called me fat) I was a bit heavy in elementary. My mom started to make me drink these really gross drinks before school. Soy milk, a heaping teaspoon of yeast, a fourth of a teaspoon or so of vitamin e oil, a tablespoon or so of bone meal powder, I'm not sure what else she put in the drinks. I hated the taste of the yeast. She wouldn't let me leave unless I drank it and I liked school. She then gave me two pieces of toast so I wouldn't have the taste in my mouth that I ate on my way to school. I lost weight. By the time I was 12 I was skinny and healthy. And maybe it's a problem that he eats like any other kid. There's an obesity problem in America. The school lunch isn't all that healthy. Pizza, chicken nuggets, hamburgers, ect. If he starts eating better like more fruit and vegatables and no soda and sugary stuff then he will lose weight. That's pretty much the only way to solve this problem. Also, maybe he could get involved in a sport. My mom would make us walk on the treadmill sometimes too. Or maybe you could go the gym together?

2016-03-27 01:50:55 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Here is what I think, and know.

Hes getting teased and many of the envents that will take place are things like kids crowding you in a circle and pushing you around, locker room crap like stealing your shoes, general teasing, just making fat comments, I mean imagine you calling a guy at work "hey lard butt whats up?" obviously you would be talking to the HRO department.

In school its just different and the kids can be really mean. Does your son cry at night? Have you seen him cry over this? most times kids will hold in the anger then just snap. Look out for that, you can help by giving them exercise instead of playstation breaks. Change their routine...

you didnt give his weight or height so I dont know if he is very overweight like a 200 lb 5 foot tall kid or moderatly 150, 160 to just big 130-140. This will play a big role if he is moderate or very then getting him to exercise, even if he doesnt know it... and controlling his eating, meaning asking yourself or the wife to start cooking healthy vice fatty. Change his diet, change him. No more McDumpsters and Buger Sling. You cant control what he will buy from the school vending machines, (candy, cookies, ect) but you can get him half-way there with exercise, and eating right.

Exercise can be something like taking walk to look at nice houses, or using bicycles, ect. Just walking around the city or town will burn off a lot of weight especially if he is very overweight.

Look what I am getting at here is that an accepted soceity is a skinny soceity and nice looking. Its the world and to make a child happier you should help them fit into the world. (I know we teach understanding but we know what we really see.) so help the guy out, buy him a bike, and ride or walk around this summer, weekend camping trips, (feed him only meat and no carbs, I lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks doing that...) and make him exercise.


lard as
any overweight person on television
fat albert
anything having to do with negativeity towards and overweight person.

Hope that helps. If you include his stats (height/weight) it would help.

2006-06-12 08:29:04 · answer #4 · answered by C J 1 · 0 0

Kids are cruel. In the case of kids your son's age, they have not been taught by their parents that it is wrong to insult others. They do it to make themselves seem better and tend to gang together when insulting others (they do this because none of them wants to become the target, so they join with the insulter). I would cut back on what he eats at home. Kill the snacks, increase the veggie and fruit intake, knock out the desserts, chips, junk food, etc.
Just be aware of one thing, this fat store may be for a reason. Within the next five years, the boy is likely to have a sudden growth spurt and shoot up as much as 6" in just a few months. Those fat reserves will be what fuels that growth. Once the growth spurt is done, he'll become a lean, mean, bottomless pit (like most teenage males)!

2006-06-12 08:20:36 · answer #5 · answered by zharantan 5 · 0 0

Kids are cruel, and nothing changes that...it will and always will be....but you are doing well by supporting him, however the teasing will probably not go away until the kids get much older.and teasing hurts, no matter how he tells you "its ok"..i encourage you to take an active approach at helping your child lose weight...summer is the perfect time...an overweight child grows into an overweight, unhealthy adult with a much lower life expectancy...his body is already under stress...losing weight is not only good for his self image, but for overall health...start planning healthy meals, and eliminate late night snacking...unless it is fruits and vegetables...and find activities that are enjoyable for both of you: sports, swimming, biking, hiking, jogging, rollerblading....as a child if you are active and eat at least moderately healthy there is no reason to be overweight unless there is a medical reason, which may need to be evaluated by a doctor....and your physican can also assist your son in losing weight safely....good luck...but most of all remember to tell your son how much you love him, and support him in maintaining a healthy level of self esteem

2006-06-12 08:21:05 · answer #6 · answered by dalilvr333 3 · 0 0

Wow..tough question. Basically, this stinks for him though I'm impressed with his brave front. Does he like sports? Maybe you can shoot hoops together or toss a baseball...just for fun but it would help him as well. You could walk places (if there are places closeby) or go for walks after dinner together. As for his teachers, gym is hard b/c teachers usually aren't in the locker room. As a teacher (not gym) I'm always aware of what kids are saying and I nip problems in the bud so that they aren't problems. Can he change PE classes to be with his friends? I know the year is almost over, but maybe next year you can have some input with the guidance counselor so that he ends up with nice kids (friends) in his gym class b/c no child should have to suffer.

2006-06-12 08:17:58 · answer #7 · answered by Dukie 5 · 0 0

,Please, limit all TV and video games away from this child. If he deals with limitations well, then great, if not remove the TV. Buy a bike, for yourself, and him. Do things. Keep him in motion. Never a dull moment. Maybe some bonding will occur, and some new things, that you never thought your son could even think of, could come out of his mouth. Be a friend. Don't baby him. Let him know that it's OK to have his feeling hurt but not to wallow in it. And yes he is glossing it over for you. Do something now!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's the child, your the adult. Be a leader. Put your *** in gear. You have all summer. Get him to be a doer.

2006-06-12 08:26:51 · answer #8 · answered by heels 1 · 0 0

Help your kid out and make him lose some weight!! Your kid obviously can't handle it b/c the problem is still there. He doesn't want you to try to get involved b/c he is embarrassed about his weight and doesn't want talk about it. Try to get him envolved in a sport or take him to the gym. Eat more healthy food. Try to eat whole grain foods (make your metabolism go faster and has more nutrients) and more fruits. Trust me, if your kid losses the weight he has less of a chance to grow up to be an obese and unhappy adult. He will have a burst of high self esteem and he will happier.

2006-06-12 08:25:11 · answer #9 · answered by Gunmetal Grey 3 · 0 0

OK when i was young it happen to me the same issues but it really didn't both me it was always there problem that i was over weight but when i went to middle school i wanted to lose weight but never till i started trying and it worked for a while people still teased me i was chubby but not fat not consider obese or nothing i think it was important for me when i was a kid to find out who i was cause all that teasing make me who i am today but its real important for him to control hes weight now that way he don't have to worry about it later when its extra harder to lose try putting him in sports like little league football baseball keep him involved with other kids and tell him not to shy to speak up he has an advantage with hes weight kids are just kids but he can intimidate them he need to learn how to stick up for him self not be a bully but defend himself and he needs Ur support

2006-06-12 08:22:16 · answer #10 · answered by yayo_upin_disbitch 2 · 0 0

One of my cousins was a little overweight when he was that age. He realized it and started eatnig healthy and exercising himself. I know it's horrible, but these days if you are overweight, you are more likely to get made fun of. If it really bothers him, tell him that you both should maybe go on a little diet. Eat healthy and take walks together. It can also improve your relationship. Take a walk to the park and play some basketball. With him being so young, don't be mean about it, just maybe bring up how nice it's getting outside and maybe you should get some exercise.....it's easier for younger kids to lose weight, too.

2006-06-12 08:17:13 · answer #11 · answered by Rebecca 4 · 0 0

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