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2006-06-12 07:30:45 · 39 answers · asked by meimmoody 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

All Gods are real to those who warship them !

2006-06-12 08:13:52 · update #1

Just asking! Remember, God is an idea rather than a thing you can see or touch. Many prophets tried to explain that. Just don't try to read to much into the way thay tried to exolain it.

2006-06-12 08:42:47 · update #2

39 answers

Don't expect miracles.
The very first tenet of almost every religion is "We're the only right religion."
Religions exist like subscription services (whether magazines or cell phone systems or jellybean-of-the-month clubs), the more members they, the "better" they are. They exist by converting "heathen" (that's anyone not in the club) to "saved" (a percentage of the people in the club). How difficult it is to move from heathen to saved varies with the religion - Islam said "profess the faith" and, boom, you're saved, but some sects require lengthy rites and large financial investments to prove a former heathen "worthy" of becoming "saved."
Regardless of the mechanics, however, the goal of organized religions is like the goal of a bacteria culture -- to grow. They do this by keeping current members and recruiting new members.
Though there is a huge population on this old rock (topping six billion right now), it is still a comparatively finite population. So in order to grow infinitely, religions have collectively "realized" that they must be both exclusive and unique - different and distinct from other religions.
Thus when you get a fairly homgenous population (like, say, the American South) that has comparatively little theological diversity (Kin yew say Baptist?), in order to bid for power, there must be schism - Primitive Baptist, Fundamentalist Baptist, Reformed Baptist ... you name it. And each little section of them is the One and Only True Interpretation of the Word of God (just ask them).
You ask why people can't realize ... better to ask why people think that their omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent God can only hear them on Sunday mornings from 10:30 to 11:45?

2006-06-12 07:45:33 · answer #1 · answered by Grendle 6 · 2 4

Cause people arent that accepting. They have been raised under "this is what is right, all else is wrong" and so it is lodged in their brain for all their life. I try to be open minded and see things from all different views I wish others would do the same.

I mean everyone is shure their god is the god and everyone else is wrong and an idiot. Take the old mythology religions people had put their heart and soul into that their entire life believing that with every inch of their existance. And now we look back at them and think how dumb could they be?

Basicly it is a matter of a stubborn world.

2006-06-12 07:40:31 · answer #2 · answered by annikabaake 2 · 0 0

Why cant people realize that they dont practise tolerance??
Oh and one more thing, we dont have to always agree.
That is the true SPIRIT of tolerance, and if your calling for that then take a look at what you just wrote.
Professing to accept that there may be more than one God implies that religion is just a personal consumption choice that you pick like a shampoo because it suits your hair.
If you believe something, you believe something. I find it a bit ignorant hear it said that I need to do more (ie, accept, against your own religion, that there is more than one God) to be seen as "able" to be tolerant. I know how to be tolerant, I dont like other people defining it and saying I need to then do this to be "proved" as tolerant.
Such an attitude is deeply intolerant and ignorant in itself and fails to really allow people the freedom to express their views. Think about it; if you are asking someone to say against their religion that there is more than one God who is the oppressed one?

I love others to be tolerant and I am vey much in favour of being so. I know how to, and who is anyone to accuse me or even cliam that I'm not or I can't be based on one little belief or "test". What it actually is, is social conformity.
Im sure a person could indeed say there are many different gods and claim to hold that belief, but just saying it dosent make you tolerant, you could have all sorts of hidden beliefs and predjudices. If you dont make the effort to be tolerant in your daily life then you can profess to hold that one belief all day and it wont make you into a tolerant person.

2006-06-12 07:59:33 · answer #3 · answered by Zinc 6 · 0 0

Worship is from the heart just one way. If there was many gods how can that be truth. if god created the heaven and thy earth. who ever has ears let him heard. God keep on show you over and over that he is god, but do you listen. NO why because in your heart you know that there's a god, but you are scared to let him be god. I know your type who need to worship others gods that don't exist. Maybe you are really worshiping Satin. The moon god I laugh. I know if you have others chooses than you can lies and act like if you are in control of things. The sad truth is that you are not, therefore; so you need to believe in a lies that there's many gods. The bible is number one in history, to get a better understanding The Best Book Never Create. Just one god not many gods. Seek your ways and find death in it, but seek god and find peace.

2006-06-12 07:51:36 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

People will never realize this, since many intertwine their religion with their own personal identity. Plus, most people don't have the strength to question what they're taught, and really, most of the scarily devout, tunnel-visioned masses learn to feel the way they do at birth - to ask them to think in a new or different way would be like asking someone to change their accent or to just stop calling some familiar object, like an apple or even some french fries, by a different name. Just think, religious views and other beliefs, like nationalism, hell, even racism, are all very similar in their power to force someone to think just one way, even if they are very much wrong. And we all know that none of those people will be blessed with the ***** slap of realizatin anytime time soon, unfortunately. People need their crutch, people need to believe in something greater than themselves, and yes, most people need to feel better than others to feel better about themselves. Get accustomed to hearing the gentle sound of "baaaahhhh" as most people, sad to say, are sheep. Me personally? I would never, could never tell anyone anything what to think when it comes to that sort of thing - my theory - if I wasn't there, I don't know for certain what is correct, who was here first, what deity was here at all, who's the greatest, whether strawberries or mushrooms came first, etc. So it's all fair game to think and suppose as one will, you know?

2006-06-12 07:45:30 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There is no doubt that there is more than one God. God Himself acknowledges them in the 10 commandments: "Thou shalt not worship any other gods before me"

But it's not a question of there being other gods or variety of worship methods, the question is what is going to come out of worshipping and getting closer to which one? Jesus came to let us know that worshipping the other gods would lead to death and only believing on and worshipping the one true God of all, creator of all things will get you eternal life. No other god in the history of man has ever made that claim, and not one of them ever will.

2006-06-12 07:37:49 · answer #6 · answered by Assigned2Help 2 · 0 0

I'd agree that there is more than one way of worshiping. But, I'd have to say that there is only One God, but because there are so many languages in the world that not everyone can agree on the "name" of God.

Everybody has a different path to enlightenment.

2006-06-12 07:37:31 · answer #7 · answered by Kelly K 3 · 0 0

If you believe the Bible,which is God's Word,it plainly tells us there is only One God. He created the Heavens & the Earth,& the human race. He tells us there is no other God (spelled with a capital g ) besides Him. There are many gods (little g) in the world that are false gods.
They cannot give you "Eternal Life". Only God can do this by believing in Jesus Christ & re-
penting of your sins & accepting Jesus as your
Savior. Thats why He died on the cross,for you & me& whosoever believes.

2006-06-12 07:43:41 · answer #8 · answered by TinaE 2 · 0 0

Well, people that's one way of looking at it, that's why there are lots of religions. Polytheistic is more than one god see this site to learn more:
What you are saying is that most people believe in only one god. that is monotheistic. to learn more click here:

The major world religions are Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam.
Monotheistic Religions: Polytheistic Religions:
Judaism Hinduism
Christianity Buddhism
Again these are just major religions.
There are many ways of worshiping, and with many religions to choose from not everyone agrees with you.

2006-06-12 07:47:14 · answer #9 · answered by jopuppy 5 · 0 0

One God? Yes. One way of worshiping? No. And if you believe in multiple gods, try telling that to God when you meet Him face to face and see what He says.

2006-06-12 07:36:04 · answer #10 · answered by irishharpist 4 · 0 0

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