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There are so many versions of the Bible it was written by men yrs after facts happened. If you sit 60 people in a circle whisper a sentence in one persons ear by the time it gets back around to you the story will have changed.
But these days people believe what was written in books written a thousand yrs ago.If there were a G-D why not make all of this bad cruel stuff stop and have a real peaceful world
If there were a G-D that is so powerful that can stop it Why Not?
Why dose one more innocent baby have to suffer ?
The men teaching the Book are getting caught Rapping our Children and the Church tries to hide it. The same kind of men wrote the book.There are shows that now disprove alot of the bible
But it still boils down to the same ?
If G-D can change things for the Better WHY NOT?
Why do you have to die and leave his paridise
Why dose one more innocent baby have to suffer ?
I am not a beliver you have to prove it to me now.

2006-06-12 07:09:26 · 11 answers · asked by AMERICA FIRST 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

11 answers

the bible was written by man. keep that in mind.

2006-06-12 07:15:29 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I think you sould have asked this as multiple questions, rather than one. Since you've asked all of these, please read the whole thing. It's going to get long, but that's your fault.

First, let's start with your objection: why does God allow bad things to happen to the innocent? In particular, why does he allow bad people to do bad things to the innocent. That's even easier than the further objection I will also answer. The reason is: free choice. God wants to allow people to make their own mistakes and give them the chance to do right or wrong. So if you choose to wrong, and you immediately get squished on the spot, that's not exactly much of a choice, is it? I mean, really, who chooses to jump in a garbage compactor? People may end up there on accedent, or be put there by other perople, but it's not their choice. If you squish people immediately, then you've taken away that choice. Or would you really rather not have choice? Would you really rather that you didn't have the choice to do what you wanted, and that you were just a robot? Oh, yes, I do mean you, personally: it's an all or nothing deal. You can't say only give the good people free choice, because then free choice is meaningless.

But the objection you didn't ask goes a little further: what about the random acts that also affect the innocent? Well, that's about fairness. If there are two people, and one of them is good, and the other is evil, the evil person can kill the good, but not vice versa. Without a random event that is equally likely to kill both of them, it's not fair. You throw in that random event, and it levels the playing field a lot.

As to the transmission of the Bible: it's not like the child's gane Telephone. It's not one person telling another, it's one persom telling a hundred. If I tell a classroom full of children something, and have every one of them write it down, and you take all of their written down versions, and you compare them, you can figure out what I originally said, even though some of them will have stuff missing, some of them will have the wrong thing, but over all, most of them will get most of it right. The same goes for the Biblical manusripts.

Also, you talk about the Church hiding the child molestors. Yet again, evil people choosing evil acts. But these were not the men who authored the Bible, nor were the men that aurhored the Bible like this. The men who authored the Bible were holy men who followed God, and more often than not they loved children, respected them, and protected them.

You ask why God doesn't fix everything: would you rather that God took away your free choice? That is what it would take. But in the next world, those who choose not to follow God will be put to Hell, and those who do choose to follow God will go to paradise.

You ask why do you have to die: death is the great equalizer, as I hinted at above. It makes everything fair.

As to the truth of the Bible, it is true. It is historically accurate. The New Testament was written by first and second hand witnesses to the life, ministry, death, and resurection of Jesus Christ. The Old Testament was written by prophets and scholars who studied history and God.

Jesus made a prophesy that the temple would fall. This prophesy is quoted by all the Gospels except John. And it did, just exactly as Jesus said it would. And who were the only Jewish people to head for the hills before the war started that destroyed it? Those who had followed Christ.

Daniel predicted the raise and fall of four nations before the comming of the Messiah, and gave attributes of these nations which were accurate. The Book of Daniel was quoted at least two hundred years before the founding of the Roman Empire, the last of the empires Daniel predicted. Is this chance, that he was correct that the empire would be divided east and west, and mixed blood? Of course not! It was given to him by God.

2006-06-12 07:33:25 · answer #2 · answered by Sifu Shaun 3 · 0 0

Have you read the Illiad or Paradise Lost, can you understand the world from them? No.
You have not studied the Bible critically. If you had, you would not make assumptions about the different Bible versions. No Book ever on this planet had withstood the criticism that the Bible has. You can not find even one discrepancy between all the legitimate versions. Different word choices are the editors and translators opinions, but no doctrine is changed. The KJV says the same thing as the CSB. You can not argue that, unless you just want to have an argument for arguments sake.

2006-06-12 07:22:17 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You are not a believer, and I don't think you are now looking for ways to become a believer, however, you can be an understandable person of how others, in this case Christians see the Bible. Many other take reference from the Bible, such as Muhammad. He had his first wife relative translate it to him, and he learned all about it from his relative.

Don't judge the Bible by what others who claim to be some Christians. If we are to judge religion by its' people, that would include all faith and all people, including the Muslims. Look at what they do. In Drafur, they have slaves, and they are raping and killing people by large numbers. Should we judge the Quran by what these people are doing! or is it, the people who chose to commit these crimes! The Bible is filled with parables, to teach us what to do in the event of these case. Also, stories of what did happened in other matters. You have to read it with an open mind, not necessarily to convert, but at the very least to understand, and stop judging all people by some of them. It can be easily done to anyone. I will try to answer some of your question at the best of my ability.

God gave us the free well and the wisdom to know what to do, and what not to do. If we are the one who is messing things up, then we are the one who should fix it, or even better not do it in the first place. God gave us the teaching, the manual how to do it, and it is up to us to make it right. That inculdes preventing babies, old or young people faithful or not from being harmed. To treat each others as we wish to be treated. Do you run to your parents everytime you need something. probably not. then why would you expect God to do everything for you.

Sorry, it is too long, I hope I helped. I don't want to convert you, only to get you see others, that we all the same, and we want the same.

Peace to All

2006-06-12 07:34:33 · answer #4 · answered by Sierra Leone 6 · 0 0

Back in the day, only 10% of the population of Rome knew how to read and write. Scribes were often hired to "write" down religious documentation. Some did not approve of what was being said and made it a point to edit the texts...others made honest mistakes rewriting the text due to translations differences or from just being tired from hours of scribing, etc. There's a great book called "Misquoting Jesus" by Bart Ehrman that explains how erroneous the Bible actually is.

As for God coming down and stopping all the horrors of this earth. It's not up to him to do so. It's our responsibility. We are responsible for our own actions. We all have lessons to learn here. We have to learn from pain and tragedies and from love and hope...otherwise, it's just a waste of time to be here.

2006-06-12 07:23:26 · answer #5 · answered by emmie8750 4 · 0 0

Read it again.If you had really read it you would know why.
As to the state of the Catholic Church it has always been corrupt.It has broken many of the laws of God.They are not the same kind of men who wrote the Bible.They only make their living from it.
I don't have to prove anything to you.It is your choice,all I am to do is tell you the truth the best I can.

2006-06-12 08:07:06 · answer #6 · answered by Tommy G. 5 · 0 0

The bible is a real book. But all the stories/thoughts/people in it are made up.

2006-06-12 07:13:58 · answer #7 · answered by Karen_momof4 3 · 0 0

The bible is a book of mythology.

If you were able to read the original version, it would still be mythology.

2006-06-12 07:15:11 · answer #8 · answered by Left the building 7 · 0 0

Gods are in the imagination of people. You can imagine anything you care to. If God to you is good, okay he's good. If you use the arguements above, and think God is bad, then he's bad.
You can go either way, it's all in the mind anyway.

2006-06-12 07:17:05 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

don't ask here... ask GOD if you die latter. it's true. nobody knows.... hei... mabye you could googling for "nick vujicic". maybe u are smart enough to find the answer from him.

2006-06-12 07:14:39 · answer #10 · answered by abimono 4 · 0 0

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