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I once listened to a CD as part of a "wealth creation" set that totally focused on nothing but psychology and goal setting and achievement.
In short, there are 3 methods to get yourself to do things that most people don't want to do:
1) Think - Think about the positive results that will come as a result of your actions (i.e. If I get up right now and exercise for 30 minutes, I will feel better and will lose weight if I continue the pattern.) Or think about the negative results that will come as a result of your inactions (i.e. If I don't get up right now and exercise, I will feel lazy and will not only not lose weight as I want, but I will also gain weight.)
2) Don't Think - If you think about every step that you are going to have to take to do something, you put yourself through a psychological full body experience and eventually talk yourself out of it. This specific example was on the CD: You wake up early in the morning with the intent to go out for a jog. It's very cold and wet outside and you are inside in your nice warm cozy bed. If you begin to think about the actions, you start imagining yourself getting out of bed and putting your jogging clothes on. Then you imagine going outside and how cold and wet everything is. Your body experiences the same motions and eventually you will tell yourself that you'll do it later or another time because you don't feel like getting out of your warm comfy bed.
3) Just start - Humans have an intangible psychological momentum. Once we start on a course, we tend to stay on it rather than stop and change direction. You can use this to trick yourself into doing something you don't want to do. Just commit yourself to just starting for x amount of time and if you don't want to continue, you can stop. Example from CD: (Using the same bed/jogging example) Just tell yourself that you'll only start jogging and if you don't want to do it after 10 minutes, you'll just stop and come back home. In reality, it will be more effort psychologically to stop jogging once you've started. Even if you do stop after the 10 minutes, at least you got 10 minutes more exercise than you would have otherwise.

Think, Don't Think, and Just Start. 3 ways humans can psychologically deal with things they don't want to do. The best part is, you don't really have to learn anything new. These are already defense systems built into ourselves. If you think about it, you usually use 1 or 2 of these when you deal with things you don't want to (angry spouse, conflict at work, etc).

The CD helped me realize a lot about myself in that respect and has helped me immensely.

I hope the information can do the same for you.

2006-06-12 07:01:23 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


2016-08-16 03:26:38 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think the easiest way is to get into the habit of exercising. It takes a good month or two of consistent behavior before it turns into a habit.

One thing I find is exercising at the same time every day. For me, I am at the gym at the crack of dawn (5:45). I am not there for all that long ... probably a good 45 minutes, tops.

In the evening (5 times a week), I'll put in 30-45 minutes of running (after 30 minutes of walking the dog).

The bottom line is I am enjoying what I am doing. I see the results and it gives me a good start / end to my day. I don't look at it as a chore or something I do because I have to, it's part of my life. In fact, if I don't exercise I feel lazy and sluggish.

Find an activity(ies) that you enjoy and do them. Find a friend to help you as well, sometimes that helps. Make fitness, whether it be dancing, running, power walking, weight lifting, a part of your life. Also, a little bit of an elitist attitude helps -- become a bit smug because you work out... you'll be more likely to continue it to set an example to your less-fit associates.

Good luck.

2006-06-12 06:53:29 · answer #3 · answered by mchenryeddie 5 · 0 0

I found the book to be very informative and easy to read.

I've lost 17 pounds in 12 days, I'm just concerned that I'm losing too much weight, too quickly. I will admit I haven't followed the guide exactly. I'm not sticking perfectly to the listed foods and meal plans (but mostly) and doing very little exercise, but the weight keeps flying off.

It clearly works and if I'd followed it exactly I think it would scare the living daylights out of me because of the amount that I'd lose. So thanks again for the information. I've never purchased anything like this before because they are usually full of trash, but 3WD has been a pleasant surprise.

Get started today!

2016-05-14 17:58:18 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

big problem with me too. hard to make new habits when the old habits are so easy. if you can, try walking at lunch, walk fast - or when you get home - also places like curves motivate because everyone there has a problem like this - i know for me i forget i am not supposed to eat something but remember only after most of it is gone or later also i have found out that i don't care how fat i am while i am eating and only get more upset after i realize i ate so much - try going to bed earlier & staying off liquids & caffine at night - help you sleep better.

2006-06-12 06:47:14 · answer #5 · answered by AnaMay 2 · 0 0

The safest and sure fire way to loose weight and excessive fat is PHYTOLACCA BERRY Q(Mother Tincture) 20 drops in a sip of water half hour before or after meals will start showing results in 30 to 45 days of regular use and will cure flabby or sagging tummy and will make your skin look fresher and tighter and has no side effects and has no complications whatsoever !
Take Care and God Bless !

2006-06-17 22:55:14 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Try www.easywillpower.com Exercise every day, even if it's just a walk. Talk on your cell phone while you walk or go with a friend. Go on a high protein, low carbohydrate diet. Eat fish, eggs, chicken, occasional lean beef or pork, low fat cottage cheese. Stay away from regular cheese, no bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, peas, beans (except green beans). No fruit and no fruit juice (it's sugar water, my dr says). Cut down on carrots and tomatoes (included ketchup). Use mustard instead of mayonnaise in recipes. Eat lots of salads, green vegetables. Salads only have one tablespoon of dressing for the whole salad. No ice cream, or other desserts. 8 glasses of water a day. No caffeine

2006-06-18 03:51:48 · answer #7 · answered by kadel 7 · 0 0

Many times you will experience burn-out when you are exercising or trying to lose weight. Variety to your diet and exercising usually helps you to stay motivated. Doing the some old routines and eating the same foods over and over definitely get old. Find ways to keep it fun.

2006-06-12 06:50:40 · answer #8 · answered by Buff Is Gone 2 · 0 0

Hang up the thing you really want to fit into and some people have actually gone as fat as eating naked in front of the mirror. Not saying you should do that, but it would be a definite motivator.

2006-06-12 06:44:13 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Mirrors. Lots of mirrors. Take it slow, a little at a time. I lost 50 lbs. in 6 months just eliminating 1 item at a time from my daily meals. Whatever you crave remember...they won't stop making it ' cause you stop eating it.

2006-06-12 06:46:37 · answer #10 · answered by LUVHUBBY 2 · 0 0

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