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25 answers

If you had a young son who wanted to learn skateboarding, what would you do? You would teach him the basics, get him the equipment and send him off to try it. If he got it, you would be pleased and compliment him or reward him. If he fell off and bruised or scratched himself, you wouldn't baby him. You would tell him to brush it off, get back on his feet and go for it again.

In the same way, God taught us the basics by sending us messengers and books. He gave us the equipment by providing us with minds that we control. Now, if we are doing poorly, it is up to us to go back to Him and ask for forgiveness and then dive back into the world. If you expect Him to make the world a perfect place and to baby us, then what would we appreciate in this world?

We appreciate our freedom by looking at oppressed people. We appreciate our homes by looking at homeless people. We fear God and ask him for forgiveness by looking at people who are suffering. And besides, people who suffer in this world are rewarded heavily in the hereafter. We should not question His work. There are some things you don't have to know the answer to. Just let them be.

2006-06-12 06:52:08 · answer #1 · answered by sapphire 3 · 1 1

Your short-sightedness causes you to believe that these things are "bad". Simply because something causes pain doesn't mean it is a negative thing.

Take for example, when you are young, eating vegetables are horrible, but in the end, extremely good. Your attitude can make it even worse. What pain on this earth is truly long-lived? If one has faith, the terrorism, bomb explosions, etc. are not tragedies, if people believe in an afterlife. Then the supposedly "good" things are the tragedies, like unnaturally prolonged life through medicine.

It all depends on your conception of what is "good" and what is "bad." If you think you see something purely evil, I suggest you look closer.

2006-06-12 13:50:00 · answer #2 · answered by VanJimmy 2 · 0 0

Yes he was he is and will be everywhere and anywhere. But how he could be responsible for terrorism, cries, shootouts, bomb blasting, war, rapes, robberies and so on? Does God ask human to do such things? What religion and religious books teaches us? But people does not follows his teachings even they call themselves Christian, Muslim, Hindu etc. God always like good people. Even word good might be generate from word God or from God to good. God and good is similar. Where is bad means evil or devil. Bad people means devil's people and good people means god's people. The bad peoples do such type of bad things as you stated above. But God did not sleep he is always awake to protect his people(good people). He worn bad people not to do such types of bad deeds. If they would not obey him then he would punish them. And yet they would not improve themselves then he would angry with them and would finish them by the way of natural disaster or any other way.

2006-06-12 15:45:21 · answer #3 · answered by lover of beauty 2 · 0 0

Two words: Free will.

God allows us to choose good or evil (or none of the above). He wants us to make selections. You can take a hammer and build someone a house- or you can take the hammer, and hit someone in the head with it.

God will not interfere with free will. It would not make sense to punish the wicked and reward the just if we didn't have choices.

It's not God's fault. It is man's doing (all that you named- terror, explosions, wars, etc). Of course, the devil is involved, because he wants us to destroy ourselves- just as God wants us to be at peace...but in the end, we have to elect what we want to happen to ourselves.

2006-06-12 13:37:39 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We need to remember that we are humans of sin. It was our choice to either stay with the word of God or choose otherwise. When God flooded the earth to weed out the un-holy, for some reason it did not end the evil that was already fed into the human mind and soul. Therefore, God promised not to flood the earth ever again. The only second chance we have is to accept Jesus into our hearts for he is the only link to our desiny and that is heaven.

2006-06-12 13:55:40 · answer #5 · answered by DenMan 2 · 0 0

Because we do things that make Him want to hide his eyes.

"It is not God who kills the children. Not fate that butchers them or destiny that feeds them to the dogs. It's us. Only us."

These words, from Watchmen, are often taken to mean that there is no God; certainly the character believed that.

But it is more correct to say that even though there is a God, we cannot shuffle off our moral responsibility onto Him. God does not do evil. We do evil.

What you seem to be asking is why God allows evil to go on. None of the answers seem to satisfy those who do not believe in God. But you must surely agree that-- if there is a God-- He must be planning SOME kind of judgement or punishment on those who do wrong. (Which includes every one of us.)

If God can raise the dead and heal every wound and wipe away ever tear (which is no less than what is promised) then the only remaining thing to be resolved is people's selfishness and cruelty, whatever makes them want to be selfish and cruel. The Biblical call for repentance is to stop being selfish and cruel, and allow God to forgive us.

(Forgiveness would be of no use to society, if individuals kept on being selfish and cruel. However it is still important to give everybody every opportunity to repent. Some surprisingly stubborn individuals have still repented before it was too late.)

Some object to forgiveness on the basis that it lets the bad guys get away. The bad guys include all of us, and as mentioned earlier, if God is going to raise the dead, heal everybody and wipe away our tears, there is no longer any reason to withhold OUR forgiveness from the bad guys-- except for our own selfishness and cruelty.

I am amazed when I consider God's long-suffering patience. He has offered everything necessary for us to be restored to life and holiness. Yet we keep on killing the children and blame Him for it:

"Look what You made me do, God! Look what You made me do!"

Is that what we are trying to say, here...? Do we want to wear out His patience...? If we provoke Him to lash out as we do, who will survive hearing Him say, "Look what you made ME do, sinner!"..?

PS, for those who complain about free will, it isn't Atul's fault. He has no choice but to ask the question; that's just the kind of machine he is. Of course, I suppose that those who object to free will as an answer have no choice about objecting to free will either, because that's the kind of machines they are. And I suppose you could say that we who believe in free will have no choice but to believe in free will, because that's the kind of machines we are.

So, why do you blame us for believing in free will, if you think we don't have any?

2006-06-12 13:54:16 · answer #6 · answered by cdf-rom 7 · 0 0

I believe you are referring to God. The simple answer is free-will and sin. Since we have free-will, we have the right to do whatever we want, be it good or bad(sin). Some people choose exercise the bad and so we have terrorism, cries and all those other things you said. hope this helps and God bless you.

2006-06-12 13:35:32 · answer #7 · answered by 3 nails 3 · 0 0

Because it is his way of taking our test.We were sent in this world to spread love & peace.So if we succeed in doing this job then we pass the test.Are we not always told to face all probs without getting depressed.This is also one of those prob and if we contribute our part in solving it and dont give up then inshaallah we be also be rewarded beyound our dreams.It is just a matter of faith .The faith which u have in god which can be seen from this line of yours "HE is everywhere"

2006-06-12 13:47:04 · answer #8 · answered by intersecting_friendship 1 · 0 0

Most Christians will probably say it's because of "free-will" others may say it's His way of "testing our faith" but to me, it's just another example of how He isn't everywhere, and even if he exists, I wonder if I would really want to follow somebody who has the power to end all evil but does not do it.

"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?"
— Epicurus (ca. 341-270 B.C.E.) Greek philosopher, quoted from Erik Hoepfinger, personal note to Cliff Walker

2006-06-12 13:42:51 · answer #9 · answered by Joe Shmoe 4 · 0 0

Mankind is incharge of their own lives. We have choices to make and some are not good ones. Why everyone blames God for what they do is obserd. Would you rather God made you a robot? In God there is true freedom and with freedom comes liberty. Liberty is the mother of responsibility. Look into yourself and respect who God is.

2006-06-12 13:35:57 · answer #10 · answered by Lady Di-USA 4 · 0 0

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