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A sinner does not have eternal life through Jesus Christ. A sinner goes to hell. He/she is punished there eternally. Therefore, the sinner has eternal life. Is there more than one kind of eternal life?Or is it the usual contradiction and illogicalness of bible at work? Don't tell me that I don't understand.

2006-06-12 06:30:09 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

19 answers

I think you have bring up some very good point...maybe you are right eh? both also got eternal life, except one is in heaven and another will be in hell & both are forever...OR maybe this is just matter of limitation in word or translation issue again?

I never think about this you know? you are very good ;)

2006-06-12 06:41:56 · answer #1 · answered by DarkVader 3 · 1 0

It depends on what you mean? Is the punishment eternal or is the place? Hell is eternal, but the punishment depends on your religious persuasion. Some say that the punishment too is eternal, others say that a prescribed time for the sins will be assigned and then you will progress. A sinner can be forgiven. That is the glory of the Judeo/Christian/Islamic God. is that there is forgiveness. The Abrahamic faiths are only harsh against the unrepentant sinner who harms and has no remorse and does not care who he's hurting. Religions that believe in Karma and Reincarnation see a back step in your progression.

But, eternal punishment is a debate. Hell is eternal, but are the sinners there eternally. Only God knows.

2006-06-12 06:48:40 · answer #2 · answered by Angie1977 1 · 0 0

Good question. The death that the Bible speaks of is the separation from God. Being conscience without the presence of God would be spiritual death. That is why the Bible says, "For it is appointed unto man to live and then the judgment." If the man is born-again then he will live with God in heaven. If the man is NOT born-again he will spend eternity in hell-hell being the complete separation from God. However, the word hell is really translated from the Greek word "AEON" which means an incredibly long amount of time. Notice that AEON is NOT forever, but a very long time. At the end of the AEON God will destroy all those that denied Him including Satan and his demons. So no, there is NO eternal life for sinners. They will spend an AEON in hell and then be destroyed by God Himself. On the other hand, those that are born-again WILL LIVE FOREVER with God in heaven.

2006-06-12 06:42:24 · answer #3 · answered by divprod 3 · 1 0

You're listening to others and NOT reading the Bible yourself. I mean.., you cant always quote one scripture to itself and come up with a proper meaning - and thats not a cop out by the way. Its a matter of context.

The Bible does NOT SAY that Hell is Eternal. HOWEVER - the "LAKE OF FIRE" is. Hell is a holding cell so to speak, very uncomfortable to say the least - but on judgment day, those workers of iniquity will be cast into the lake of fire.

Rest assured there is a trial before that final judgment. The record of one's life will stand as his own witness for or against the sinner. No one will be cast in the lake of fire undeservedly and when I say undeservedly I mean my God's scales of justice - NOT mans.

Men would and have falsely put men into prison based on little more than suspicion. With God - that kind of screw up will not be a possibility. Even false accusers will be swimming with the sunfish (so to speak).

2006-06-12 06:46:06 · answer #4 · answered by Victor ious 6 · 0 0

Man was created by God in his image. He was "breathed" upon by God and given a spirit and a body. The human spirit being "in God's image" cannot die but can be condemned with the body to an eternal hell. The body can and will die and will be resurrected to rejoin the soul on the last day. Thus, all humans will meet the same fate of a final judgment and sentence by God to live with him forever or to go to eternal damnation. Read Matthews account Chapter 25? of the final judgment and also the story of the beggar and the rich man and their fate. The Catholic Church believes that Maccabees 4 and other explains a state of correction (purgatory) for those whose sin is not deadly.

2006-06-12 06:52:20 · answer #5 · answered by Patrick 1 · 0 0

I don't believe in hell. Why would a loving Deity condemn innocents to a place of eternal torment just for not believing in a certain thing? It's ludicrous. God made so many different people but only one way to follow him? I don't think so. That's fear at work...do this or else. All creatures go Home when they die.

2006-06-12 06:38:33 · answer #6 · answered by Mama Otter 7 · 0 0

Matthew 25:46 says: "Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life."
People who talk about Biblical contradictions, usually have not read the whole book.

2006-06-12 06:35:56 · answer #7 · answered by Deborah 3 · 0 0

According to the bible, no. In Revelation it states that hell and death would be thrown in the Lake of Fire, which is what is represented as lasting for eternity.
Obviously, in the Christian religion, EVERYONE gets eternal life, just one is heaven and the other hell. *You would think sooner or later God would get tired of using his energy to torment people forever and move on.*

2006-06-12 08:29:00 · answer #8 · answered by Kithy 6 · 0 0

The modern concept of hell originates in Dante's Inferno, based primarily off of mistranslations of the KJV. It isn't a real place. No-one goes there eternally, or even momentarily for that matter.

2006-06-12 06:34:43 · answer #9 · answered by lenny 7 · 0 0

I think it's supposed to be like they are put into the book of death, then if they still don't accept god by a certain point they are taken out of the book of death and cease to exist/die or something along those lines. I can't remember for sure, but if you accept God by a certain point you may get out of Hell even after you get in. Purgatory is basically Hell for a while, but not forever.

2006-06-12 06:45:35 · answer #10 · answered by Joe Shmoe 4 · 0 0

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