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Have you noticed how many people complain about Da Vinci Code being just a book of fiction, which it is, a good at that, but have you noticed? How many fact’s there are in the book, have you checked out the picture of the last supper, but thing is people get all worked up about this yet the Bible, and all the other holy books are written by man, and although I believe the Bible started out to hold the truth, it was changed, we have proof of that, in fact it’s been changed many times, now man can con people in the name of the bible, go to war in the name of God, rank in lot’s of money in the name of God, the Bible has in fact become a book of fiction, and there’s lots of proof within the pages, just read it.
Why has mankind put there faith in a book, why not have faith in God, and no it’s not the same thing, that’s why the church is getting worried because of the falling numbers, people are getting wise.
I have faith in God, and his Son Jesus Christ, not in some book, before all you bible lovers start having ago think about what I’ve said, why listen to a book, listen to God.

Love & Peace

2006-06-12 06:18:45 · 21 answers · asked by ringo711 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

21 answers

To answer your question, yes, I've noticed that. The Da Vinci Code IS a work of fiction; it even says so at the beginning of the book.

People put so much faith in the Bible instead of God, because they were forced to. In the past, corrupt leaders could change the Bible however they wanted (that's why there are so many versions), so they had religious leaders stress the importance of the Bible. That way, they could control the people through their religion, which they would be more loyal to than just their government.
People still questioned the church, which made other people question it (a lot like you are trying to do right now), so to stop that, church leaders just started killing anyone who disagreed with them or questioned them in any way, calling them heretics (The Spanish Inquisition is a great example of this). They also sent out missionairies to convert people and kill whomever refused to convert. Soon people feared the church and wouldn't dare question it out of fear of death of hell. They in turn taught this fear to their children and so on. A few generations later, no one questions the church, but have forgotten why. They fear the church even though it is no longer controlled by corrupt kings and it no longer kills "non-believers", and they hate anyone who questions them or their religion, because they are afraid of what will happen if they don't.
It's good to have faith. I know a lot of people who have been greatly helped by finding religion. Just about all religions and their books have something good to teach, but people need to remember that religious leaders are people justs like everyone else; sometimes they are corrupt; sometimes they lie, and sometimes they are just wrong. Everyone should be allowed to believe what they want, but they should be able to admit when they've been prooven wrong, and should definately be able to allow other people to possess contrary opinions without feeling threatened. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, so if someone disagrees with you, feel free to defend your position on the subject, just make sure you use logic and reason to do so and not hatred and violence.

2006-06-12 06:55:43 · answer #1 · answered by zquax 2 · 4 3

You are nearly there! although you have some CRAZY ideas! firstly Jesus Christ without the bible? There would be no Jesus without it, but there would be a God. I'm not saying that he didn't exist, and like the Da vinci code I'm not questioning if he was the son of God, but I'm questioning anyone that believes in Jesus without liking the bible. You wouldn't even know his name if it wasn't for that ridiculous book.

Anyway about the Da Vinci Code. I've seen a lot of postings on here that say that the Da Vinci Code is total fiction. this is not true. OK there wasn't a guy who worked in a museum etc etc... But the knights Templar's are real, and evident in parts of England. There are caves and stuff with their inscriptions of the wall.

The whole blood line of Christ wasn't made up by Dan brown, it can actually be traced to past French royalty apparently. All of the concepts in the book, Dan brown has researched and made into a story. Whether what he researched was fact or myth, is debatable. It just annoys me that so many Americans assume because it was a film, that it means that it is total fiction, when it clearly isn't. Also many people think Dan Brown is a plagiarist as he has stolen myths, other books and the truth to turn it into a best seller

2006-06-12 13:58:44 · answer #2 · answered by As You Like It 4 · 0 0

Wow, what a lot you want people to respond to...

I will start by saying that I have read the bible, all of it, more than once, and studied it at degree level, and have a totally different opinion of it than you have expressed. It is a big book, very complex, as well as beautiful; and it's size considered, it is amazing how well it hangs together, especially taking into account what a huge time it spans.
I completely disagree with the idea that the Bible 'has been changed many times'; this is an idea with no basis in fact. it was a popular academic idea in the late 60's, and 70's, but no serious scholar would accept that charge now. Basically, over the last 20 years, a lot of archealogical evidence has been found to back up varous things in the bible, which were previously doubted, or thought false. This evidence, supporting what we have in there now, shows clearly that it must be what was written originally-and the dead Sea scrolls are among them. these contain pieces of Biblical texts, among others, and have been dated to among the earliest that have been found; and the text is practically identical. This means one of 2 things- either the text was never changed, except in translating between languages; or it was at some point changed back. i know which I think more logical.
there are very few people who would go as far as putting their faith in a book, rather than god; most Christians respsect it, and look to it as providing a lot of info about God, his character, and plans, both past and present.
Finally, the reason that people go on about the 'facts' of the Da vinci code, is that there are very few actual facts. Dan Brown even got some of the layout of Paris wrong, and the French translators asked if they could rewrite it.
Hope this is useful, cheers.

2006-06-12 13:48:10 · answer #3 · answered by neil 4 · 0 0

Funny? No, but certainly ironic.

People get all worked up about the Da Vinci code, practically screaming that it's a work of fiction (which it is).

Yet, the underlying premise is no less supported than any other claims about Jesus. That's not saying much. There is so little credible historical evidence of the man behind the mythical Bible Jesus that we can't even be certain such a person ever existed.

There simply is no information about him that isn't tighlty coupled to myth and legend, so we really know nothing whatsoever about the historical figure, including whether or not he was married.

Attempts have been made to deconstruct the historical figure from the Bible and gnostic works, but such an attempt amounts to nothing but plausible story making - which is exactly what the Da Vinci code is based from.

If we didn't know the history of the Santa myth, and attempted to deconstruct the historical figure from the modern Santa myth, how accurate would such a deconstruction be?

2006-06-12 13:30:04 · answer #4 · answered by lenny 7 · 0 0

Can I ask you why you think God would inspire men to write the Bible if He didn't think it was important. What God inspires, values and encourages us to treasure, I will also. Just one more thing.. the Bible does tell us that whoever will read Gods word and take it to heart, they will be blessed .... THIS IS TRUE - I'm not taking anyone elses word for it, not some book I read, - in my own experience it is true. The Bible is not fiction. It is NOT "just a book with good morals", it IS the living word of God. It does, can and will change peoples lives for the better.

In what way do you believe it has changed? Yes the translaters of certain versions couldn't face the truth and ommitted some parts of verses - but we are not talking about the whole Bible being re-written all topsy turvey - even in those versions there is still a lot of truth = most of it is just watered down. And please note that there are still very accurate versions of the Bible. I don't think you actually have a problem with the Bible - it seems that you don't want to recognise who God truely is, and what that means for you and how you live today -without the Bible you can happily play invent-a-God.

At the end of the day it's down to each of us to make our choices, because at the end of time we will all be accountable. I have good and bad news for you all... at the end of time we shall be brought before our maker and everyones ideas, hopes and doubts about God will be settled once and for all - there will be no more confusion - the bad news is just that at that point its too late if you're not in the boat.

Joshua 24v15:
And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. (King James Bible)

2006-06-12 14:36:33 · answer #5 · answered by M J H 3 · 0 0

it is true that there are lots of fictions in the bible, and it is impossible to sort the made-up from the fact- that is where faith comes in. That does not make the da vinci code real, however, because it is just one person's ideas- rather than a series of common beliefs held since time immemorial by vast numbers of people.
I am a catholic, we believe that scripture is the word of God but is open to interpretation by the magesterium of the church and not followed blindly without question.
When Christ left the church in our hands, he left us the holy spirit through which we communicate with God and each other. I don't think enough people listen to that spirit, or make room for it in their lives.
Keep on listening- there is someone there!

2006-06-12 13:27:41 · answer #6 · answered by loobyloo 5 · 0 0

The bible is true, its been on earth for generations. You have to read the bible to understand God. To understand Jesus. How would you know how you are going to go to heaven, when there is nobody that told you how? The bible tells you how, the bible shows you the right way, it answers your questions, the bible teaches you. It hasnt been rewritten, its just been translated into many different languages. The bible has been told by those people that who were there when Jesus Christ was there. And Jesus Christ tought them, Those ARE the words of Jesus Christ, GOD is the one that told Jesus what to tell his disciples, and he did.
Dont lose your faith in the bible, the Bible is holy, and sacred.
Read it to understand, read it and follow it, read it and you will know how to get to the Kingdom of Heaven.

2006-06-12 13:25:09 · answer #7 · answered by Happily Married 3 · 0 0

I believe in God and His son Jesus Christ.and i also have faith in them both.but how can you love and believe in some one you don't know.that is why their is the bible .if their were changes made in the bible that is wrong whoever made those changes will be in trouble by God.but come on now their is alot of main stuff in the bible that i know were not changed.those are Gods laws,story of Jesus Christ,all the things That God had the Prophets write for our sake to make into the new system of things,also I believe we are in the last days because all the signs that are written in the bible have happened and are happening now.you cannot just say i believe in God without knowing who he is,

2006-06-12 13:36:50 · answer #8 · answered by CHELA 3 · 0 0

Dan Brown did a lot of research into the Knights Templar and into Gnostic literature before writing any of his books. It isn't surprising that it is full of facts concerning the two. Any good book needs some amount of research into the topic it wishes to discuss, even if it's pure fantasy. Tolkien created a diverse language and studyed mythology to create the Lord of the Rings universe.

As to case of faith, it is up to each person whether or not to believe what Dan Brown tells them. What C.S. Lewis tells them. What George Stephanopolous tells them. What Oprah tells them. Believe what you will. Be what you want to be.

2006-06-12 13:32:25 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hello and thanks for this Question

But sir I figured out that you like to read...have you read any other Books other than the Bible ?? maybe you could find that not all of them are man made because you know the book that I believe in has Science in it too and it is the only holy book that has science it talks about scientific facts that are only revealed last 200 while the book is 1400 years ago please sir take a look at those (Western) scientists who confirm that.

and if you are more interested you could go to
http://islameveryday.blogspot.com to download this book if you liked :) Peace

2006-06-12 13:28:42 · answer #10 · answered by abouterachess 4 · 0 0

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