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no one can take your job .
by writing prejudiced laws and placing boarders up you close your mind and never get to learn what others are like once you do you will see they are very simialer to you and thats what scares you admit it .
YOU are scared and predjudice you think you are better then the guy next to you if he is not the same as you .if he goes to a different church he is wrong yours is the right beleif , or any number of things you feel in your mind are wrong .
The fences are in your tiny minds already ---now you just want to see them up in reality to reinforce your predjuidices and hate of all things you can not accept because your mind is indoctrinated , hate and mistrust of others put there by religion and politics instead of making the world better lets put up more fences .IGNORANT

2006-06-12 05:14:47 · 24 answers · asked by playtoofast 6 in Politics & Government Immigration

well is see by the first few answers my assesment was right legal illegal we can not house them all leads to more immigrants look at other countries and there laws on immigrants.the whole idea of boarders is wrong .the truth and ways that work will spread and soon enough we will all be living in harmony instead of having fences in our minds that close them to ways of handiling the problem like bulding more hospitals and schools in mexico and helping spread love and harmony in all directions fences keep people in as well as out and i do not like them at all.

2006-06-12 05:36:53 · update #1

so i still do not have an the answer i expect you to learn something but i guess we are not that smart as a pople yet still trapped in predjudice and the forces that drive it.fear and ignorance.

2006-06-12 06:23:04 · update #2

24 answers

I support law and order. It has a purpose.

2006-06-12 08:52:57 · answer #1 · answered by *** The Earth has Hadenough*** 7 · 0 0

I am not afraid of immigrants. However, I know what policies go into determining an appropriate rate of immigration, which you must not, or you would not speak of this as an issue of prejudice.

We can not take more than our schools and hospitals and programs are built and funded to handle, and we already have in excess of that amount. We need border security and interior visa tracking and enforceable employer sanctions to stem the flood, before we consider raising legal rates of immigration in the future. That having been said, if I had that I would scrap the guest worker program and legalize all but the undesirables, because I would rather spend enforcement funds tracking down and deporting M13 members and the like. I also think as a society we won't be able to continue mass deportations in the face of the human stories that will come up on a daily basis.

That being the case, I think we should legalize those here and not give them preferences to bring in more family. However, that is only if we get real border security and employer sanctions. Otherwise the amnesty would only bring in another, even bigger wave. We have created an underclass where it is considered 'ok' to break the law, and we have to put an end to that by assimilating the people here, in my opinion.

It is too simple and makes you look like you don't understand the issues for you to just try to characterize this as fear and prejudice, however.

2006-06-12 12:23:01 · answer #2 · answered by DAR 7 · 0 0

It is nice to see yet ANOTHER, "If you don't believe like I do, then you are a racist." argument thrown out.... I mean, God forbid, someone think differently than the all mighty playtoofast...

See I like to use my brain, to come to a rational conclusion to things, and tend not to use my morals and emotions, like you are. Nothing good ever comes from that.

Please do take a look at other countries border policies, and you will see we have one of the more liberal ones....

Hahaha! You are a hippie! Peace and Love brother.... To bad that does not work in the real world. Sorry.

Since you like to send messages, and not accept, here is my reply to your inane blather-

Horrible analogy! I am by no means racist, ignorant, or stupid. I do not agree with your view, that is all. Because people do not follow the law, does not mean it is a bad law! People still murder, steal, rape, etc. Laws are ignored because people want to, no other reason. You want a Utopian world, and I cannot fault you for that, but I base my decisions in reality, not dreams....

As the world is right now, this country needs to protect its borders. Until you give me some empirical evidence showing me how opening the borders is going to help me, and my fellow Americans, I will not agree with your opinion.

2006-06-12 12:40:22 · answer #3 · answered by Ricky 5 · 0 0

I love immigrants and think illegal immigrants should be brought to justice under the rule of the law. People who understand the difference between legal and illegal are not the IGNORANT and STUPID ones but rather those who pretend that there is no difference really are.

2006-06-12 19:46:51 · answer #4 · answered by remmo16 4 · 0 0

soon we will all be living in harmony ? lmao we wish preach it too mexico where they are very intolerant to other immigrants you know they can come legal and mexico is not a poor country and by just letting more pour in we are supporting mexico's corruption how is all this our fault and the real problem which is mexico!!!! they get to throw people away and no one says anything bad about mexico including mexicans now that's stupid !!!!! we wouldn't have to put up borders if people would respect other people and not abuse the system!

2006-06-12 13:35:53 · answer #5 · answered by hayleylov 6 · 0 0

Let me see here, illegal immigration is a drain on our society. Several emergency rooms in L.A. have closed down because they can't afford to stay open because the illegals don't pay their bills. Go into almost any health department in the U.S and you'll see an over abundance of illegals just eating up our tax dollars.

2006-06-12 14:48:36 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I agree. and the church thing bothers me too! Why people think that their religious beliefs are the ONLY ones that could possibly be true, when NO ONE really knows! I for one, am not scared of immigrants and I know that our society needs them. Not to say that we would die without them, but they are an asset at very least. I am glad to hear that I am not the only one that feels this way!

2006-06-12 14:54:51 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

NOBODY is "fearful" of "immigrants"!! Immigrants come here LEGALLY,so they are CHECKED for any communicable diseases,and CRIMINAL backgrounds!!!

ILLEGALS are ALREADY classified as criminals,the MINUTE they SNEAK into this country!!! Are we "afraid" of them??HELL NO!!! We just do NOT want ANY MORE criminals in this country!!!! We have ENOUGH of our OWN to deal with!!!!!!

And YOU are the "ignorant and STUPID" one!!!! Either YOU or your family are illegals,or you have NO CLUE what the IMPACT of all these foreigners is going to have on our ECONOMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No one can "take our job"??? What a LIE that is!!!!!! I bet you are not even OLD ENOUGH to work yet,so where do you get off, even SAYING that@@@!!!!!!!

2006-06-12 12:27:26 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

How about I load up about 500,000 illegals and dump them in your community? Just because people want to stop illegal immigration does not mean they are racist. You obviously do not live in a border town or anywhere near a place that is financially being ruined by people who don't care how destructive they are. All people are asking is that the influx stop and we enforce our immigration laws. That's not being racist dear.

2006-06-12 12:23:04 · answer #9 · answered by kathy059 6 · 0 0

Grow up please and get an education. We are not fearful of immigrants. We have the RIGHT to enforce our laws and we have the RIGHT to control our borders. You keep buying into the liberal lies and it's shows. Why don't you do a little research into how other countries enforce their immigration and border crossing laws before you demonstrate your lack of knowledge again.

2006-06-12 12:26:20 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Unfortunately your in the 3% of the educated in America the rest is educated by Zionist Jews or KKK , Most people are uninformed uneducated and full of hate, not to mention they no nothing about facts or economics....

2006-06-17 23:39:11 · answer #11 · answered by joeblack605 2 · 0 0

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