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I am not talking about demographic Muslims, I'm talking about Islam!

2006-06-12 05:07:30 · 21 answers · asked by carolinagrl 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

HAHAHAHAH!!!!!! Everyone look at "Sangre"s answer!!!

OMG!!! Go back to school!

2006-06-12 05:14:20 · update #1

Islam does not promote religion?? I guess it was just Muhammad then huh?!?

2006-06-12 05:16:20 · update #2

Islam does not promote religion?? I guess it was just Muhammad then huh?!?

2006-06-12 05:16:28 · update #3

Nice way to back-pedal!

2006-06-12 05:21:44 · update #4

"autumn"! First of all, I SAID THOSE WHO PRACTICE ISLAM! NOT MUSLIMS!! God people, read! Not all Muslims practice Islam! Also, what the hell do you know about Islam??!

2006-06-12 05:24:10 · update #5

"Autumn": "STUPIDER" is not a word. Its "more stupid".

2006-06-12 11:58:37 · update #6

21 answers

I read a similar question earlier and saw a very good answer by
crao-craz. I am going to copy and paste his anwer.

I'm an American. I think most Americans believe that Muslims are like people everywhere. Most of them are nice people, but a few are fanatics.

My personal belief is that, because of Islam's history of military conquest, kidnapping, and extreme punishment of criminals, Muslim fanatics are violent. If Islam is the "religion of peace," as we here in America are told by our President and others, then why haven't peaceful Muslims risen up against the terrorists who are defaming their religion? I don't understand that.

When American soldiers abused prisoners at Abu Gahrib, they were tried and convicted of crimes. Some of them are in jail now and others are waiting for trial.

I looks like American soldiers killed 24 civilians in Hadditha. This is heartbreaking for Americans! If the investigation shows that this is what happened, these soldiers will be tried and convicted. They will probably receive life sentences.

When Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini issued a fatwa to kill Salaman Rushdie for writing a novel, other Imams and Ayatollahs failed to denounce Khomeni. Why didn't the average Muslim oppose him? If they love peace, why didn't they fight Kohmeni's hatred?

Since fatwas to kill people are acceptable to Muslims, the terrorists could be eliminated by several prominent Imams and Ayatollahs issuing fatwas (1) telling Muslims that sheltering or otherwise aiding terrorists was a sin and (2) telling Muslims to kill terrorists and those who shelter or aid them.

If Muslims love peace, why do they allow hatred and terrorists to live among them?

2006-06-12 05:17:37 · answer #1 · answered by » mickdotcom « 5 · 3 2

Hi, I have Muslim friends. I can tell you frankly, Islam is not a violent religion as others believe. There are a lot of misunderstanding because of people being led astray by a small group of deviant Muslims who are using the religion to hide their main motive of spreading terror around the world. These people thrive on disorder and they are not for peace. Problem is they are hiding behind their religion, Islam , to do this and hence the misunderstanding by the rest of the world.

The true Islamic reliligious leaders had spoken to the whole world after the 9/11 incident. Their religion is for peace and they also condemn the terror acts by this group of people. Their problem is that these people had been working to gain the confidence of groups of Muslims and are using them to do the dirty deed for them. They actually twist the words in the Quran to their benefits. Dying for Islam is considered heroic, but it did not mean harming other innocents lives which these deviant Muslims conveniently left out and even glorify killing the innocents. This had been condemned by the proper religious leaders but they are unable to sway those already brain-washed by these militants.

So, it will be a good idea not to generalise Islam as promoting terrorism. This is the overall intention of these militants and by doing so, you are playing into these militants' hands.

2006-06-12 12:35:02 · answer #2 · answered by peanutz 7 · 0 0

The word "Islam" is an Arabic word which means "submission to the will of God". This word comes from the same root as the Arabic word "salam", which means "peace". Now do u think a religion whose meaning is peace promotes terrer?It's some black sheeps of this community on whom the media is focusing & distorting the image of Islam & Muslims.

Terrorist We Are Not

Terrorist we are not
The media has distorted our lot
Terrorist we are not
We work and pray for peace in every conceivable spot
Terrorist we are not
For human brotherhood we strive with all the strength we’ve got
The lies must end if the truth is to stand
And end, they will, by Allah’s command
Like every human creative it is justice that we seek and with our sights and aimed at excellence we strive to reach our peak
Love, not hate is the healing source and
Obedience to God Almighty, the only saving force
Terrorist we are not!
Let it clearly be understood
We aim not to harm or hurt, but to firmly establish Global human good.
Various elements of the press have told an erroneous story
But the truth shall be reveled and to God be the Glory
Extremist and terrorist they say we are
But these lies must be clearly addressed
When the beauty of Islam is rightfully seen
Truly will the world be blessed
By One great Creator we all were created
So brother and sister we are,
And we shame ourselves when we yield to hatred, fear, and illegitimate war.
Terrorist we are not, let this be known
An the one best to judge any of us is the Lord of the mighty throne
Like our first father Adam, fashioned by a gracious and loving creator
Let us worship our Lord and help human kind
And our world will be greater and greater
Terrorist we are not
We are people of submission and peace
And it’s only by extending our love to each other
That the madness can finally cease

2006-06-12 12:20:51 · answer #3 · answered by afiasan 3 · 0 0

Here's a test for Muslims living in the United States. We all know that when groups of people get together they do a lot of talking. I'm sure that in some groups some people say things that suggest wrong doing.
Does anyone in that group, mosque or club, ever alert the police that a certain person may be planing something illegal ?
To fail to report it means that the person who is protecting a potential criminal is a Muslim first and an American second.
Even in Muslim countries, terror planners are seldom reported. Until Muslims get together to clean up their own name, and work together to get rid of the trouble makers, there won't be any quality of life anywhere for Muslims.
They have to do it themselves. If they protect criminals just because they're fellow Muslims they will never know what it's like to have a normal, peaseful life again.

2006-06-12 12:33:33 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This is what pisses me off-Christians don't want to be grouped together and judged as a whole, yet it's okay for you to group together all Muslims and call them terrorists?? Do you realize how many Muslims there are in the world?? It is a HUGE religion. Iraq just happens to be a Muslim country. If it was Christians, would we all be saying "Oh my god all Christians are terrorist!!" No, I don't think so. Get your head out of the clouds and actually LEARN about Islam instead of generalizing.

EDIT: You are even stupider than I thought: A Muslim (Arabic: مسلم, Turkish:Müslüman, Persian:مسلمان) is an adherent of Islam. Literally, the word means "one who submits to God". There are approximately 1.2-1.3 billion Muslims worldwide. [1] [2]
Not all muslims practice Islam, huh? Yeah I believe it when you say you know about it.

2006-06-12 12:15:10 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Of course not. There have so many misconceptions about Islam, really. It might sound surprising, but 'Islam' actually means peace. Of course, it's not a religion that asks you to be all zen if someone's attacking your people, your property ot your belief for that matter. Allah is merciful but he is also just. People have this warped idea about 'Jehad' too. Jehad does not necessarily mean 'Holy War' like the Western media so fondly calls it. It means 'struggle'. It could include the struggle you face in taking care of your aging parents, or when keeping your temper under control or in moderating your inappropriate instincts.
During one of the wars during the Prophet Muhammed's time, a youngster came to be recruited for it. The Prophet asked him if he had parents that he had to take care of. When he replied in the affirmative, the Prophet sent him back saying that the care of his parents was just as big a Jehad for him. (Probably a bigger one.)
Don't take my word for it. Read some of the (authentic) translations of the Quran. It's so simple and yet people would rather believe what everybody says than just find out what Islam really says. It's the fastest growing religion today. Surely, voluntary allegiance to a religion in such large numbers cannot be based on just on concepts of terrorism, can it? I am no scholar on religion but still, tell me what you think.

2006-06-12 12:19:18 · answer #6 · answered by reallyposh 1 · 0 0

I'm confused, not all muslims practice Islam? What other religion are these muslims practicing? Maybe you mean extremist muslims, but not all not all muslims?

As for an answer, did christians enjoy promoting torture and slaughter during the inquisition? how about the crusades? How about the witch burnings in the early USA? Or I suppose I should say those who practice christianity but not christians.

2006-06-12 12:42:37 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well the straightforward answer is No its not like that!
Islam does not promote terrorism .It is the media that is depicting things like that .
For example , Take a person belonging to any religion , who commits such terrorist activities -Those activities which are causing harm to not just people of His own religion , but to Mankind overall ----Would you say that "THIS PERSON "S RELIGION PROMOTES TERRORISM THAT IS WHY HE IS LIKE THAT?"
There is NO religion in the world which promotes Terrorism .This needs to be understood not from the eyes of media or just one person's opinion , but in a broader perspective .
Muslims who commit such activities themselves do not understand Islam .Islam is a religion of peace .
and People who practice Islamic religion , do not enjoy promoting terrorism .And why do people start pointing out religion of a terrorist ?
At one hand you are calling them Terrorists and on the other hand relating a Religion's teaching to them which they never understood ?
Terrorists have no religion .Their religion is terror itself !
I am a Muslim , and therefor wanted to clarify , What Islam really is !
Best Regards,

2006-06-12 12:27:18 · answer #8 · answered by Sidra T 3 · 0 0

You make a crazy and stupid generalization that doesn't make any sense.

And the word is not 'demographic' but 'Democratic'. And English is not even my native language!

Democratic Muslims are also a part of Islam.
Most Muslims don't want to have anything to do with terrorism.

Okay, I might have misunderstood the word demographic. As I said, I am not native English speaking. But girl, I think you are a lot more narrowminded then I am.
With your added comment you make yourself look even more stupid. Thanks for that.

2006-06-12 12:12:46 · answer #9 · answered by Bloed 6 · 0 0

No, Ma'am, Islam teaches against violence, and terrorism. To insinuate that Muslims who practice Islamic beliefs,& encourage terrorism is wrong, and shows an utter lack of information on your behalf. Please understand that there is a gross misconception about Islam, and Muslims, bourne out of fear, and sheer ignorance. I have not in any way ment to disrespect you, and mean no offense. I just get tired of the religion , and ethnic bashing here in Yahoo Answers.

2006-06-12 12:25:25 · answer #10 · answered by Battlerattle06 6 · 0 0

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