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8 answers

I know three people personally who have been possesed, and freed from it, and I have looked into the history of it a lot. It is very complex.

First of all, demon posession seems to come in three stages, that a friend once described to me as, "It follows you, it lives with you, it is you." Those terms are a little misleading, but they convey the basic idea. At the first level, you are completely in control of yourself, your actions, and your life. It's just around. At the second level, you can resist it, you are in control, but it can do more than just hint. At the third level, you've given your life over to it.

Each stage takes an invitation. It needs an invitation to follow you, it needs an invitaiton to live with you, and it needs an invitation to live with you. However, what IT calls an invitation might not be what YOU call an invitation. The best thing to avoid it is to take advice I read in one of the Harry Potter books: don't ever talk to anything that you can't see where it keeps its brain.

Once you've got it, there are a few different tactics to fight it. First, demons hate each other. If you can call on a larger demon, it will kick out a smaller demon. But then you've got a larger demon, so unless there's some trick about the larger demon that makes it easier to get rid of, it pretty much sucks to be you at this point. On the other end, if you summon another demon, and it turns out the one you already had was the bigger one, it might subdue the one you brought it, and use that power against you as well. All in all, not the best idea.

Another way to fight it is to try and figure out what it wants. If you can appease it, sometimes it will go away. Sometimes, however, it will get stronger, and then, yet again, it pretty much sucks to be you. You've played your hand, and lost. On the other end, if you can figure out what it wants, you can starve it: stop doing the things that feed it, and start doing the things that slow it down. I had a girl starve out a demon that had a second level hold on her simply by not invoking it, and saying the Nicene Creed twice a day (and she forgot at least four times a week to say the creed.)

Another way is to use a leader from a religoin that has a proven track record for exorcism. In my study, the only three religions that have a real proven track record for this are Christianity, Judism, and Budhism, although to be fair by the time Islam moves into an area it's usually been Christianized for a few centuries and there aren't a whole lot of demons left to exercize, so they may actually be good at it also. This is a variation on the call a bigger demon idea, except instead of calling a bigger demon, you call God. (Except, Budhists don't usually, they usually use one of the other methods.) Usually the Wiccans I've encountered treat them like ghosts from the old ghost stories and try to apease them, which has the dangers I described above.

I'd also like to say that, yes, I've known three people who were demon possesed, but I've known a number of others who thought they were, but it turned out to be some kind of psychological problem. If you think yourself or one of your friends might be demon possessed, start by seeing a coucelor, then if that's fruitless then try talking to a pastor or priest.

2006-06-12 03:59:48 · answer #1 · answered by Sifu Shaun 3 · 3 1

Some people become posessed by taking the spirit from another, one that they see posessed and while trying to free it it merely switches to them as a new host. Sometimes the spirit senses something it needs in the host. Sometimes the host is just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

As far as getting rid of it or fighting it. Most people would say call on Christ or seek help from a Catholic Priest for an exorcism. Specifically Catholic because alot of other forms of Christian don't regularly practice exorcisms where as with Catholic priest's it's part of their regular training. Honestly I have known this to work once. But I'm only 26 there are several documented cases. I have also known exorcism to fail. Personally what worked for me was having a wiccan, somebody so intouch with the other side talk to the spirit and see what she needed. Once we knew what she wanted it was easy to set her spirit at rest, to free her. But she wasn't a truely evil spirit just a lost one. Each spirit is different.

2006-06-12 10:07:57 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Spiritual, and or demonic possessions are forms of mental illness, and or poisonings of several types, most often something that's consumed, or various insect and reptilian bites, some last a very long time causing convulsions and sporadic outbursts of curse words, and in some cases other languages that the subconscious gathers during the education process of individuals without said individual being aware of it.

2006-06-12 10:11:18 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i believe that demons are all around us all the time. I believe that when he go into act of anger and hate that is an evil spirit that have taken over us. Envy, greed, lust and many of those feelings are feelings caused by evil spirits of the billions of fallen angels that are now under Satan power.

Prayer is the best way to get rid of evil spirits that cause us to act in ways we do not want. Constant prayer and having an humble heart before God when in prayer is one of the best ways that I know of.


2006-06-12 10:15:08 · answer #4 · answered by Marillita 3 · 0 0

THE INVISIBLE SPIRITUAL REALM around us is a very interesting place. You can't prove it to anybody(till they cross-over)and it's invisible!!! (I said that already)!!!
Spirits that live in that Realm can do some interesting things. Unlike physical objects obeying Physical LAW, Spirits can OCCUPY the SAME SPACE at the SAME TIME!!!!! Remember LEGION, who was cast out of that man????? hundreds and thousands of Spiritual Beings cast out. Then the man was in his right mind.
RESIST THE DEVIL AND HE WILL FLEE. That's about all you got to work with unless you have become a CHILD OF GOD, JESUS gives HIS KID's alot more weapons then that one.!!!!!
Thanky-JESUS!!!!!! p.s. even the devil and his angels have to obey you(leave) if you RESIST. It is a Spiritual LAW.

2006-06-12 10:11:59 · answer #5 · answered by maguyver727 7 · 0 0

how? by inviting the demon into your life thru witchcraft or worshipping false gods, or satan. casting spells, doing tarot, seeing fortune tellers regularly, being deep in sin and refusing to change, basically, meddling in evil of any kind, opens doors.

how do u fight it? well, when its not going mental in you and you have some control, cast the thing out in Jesus name! EASY! if u feel you cant, go to a Spirit filled pentecostal church (coz they know what there doing) and get a Christian to do it for you. Christians have total power over the devil and his demons.

then once your free, you CANNOT keep doing whatever it is you were doing before to let it in. you need to get rid of all your "spooky" rubbish (if u have any) so, tarot cards, astrology books, spells, voodoo equipment, idol statues, satanic symbols etc..and stop practicing whatever kind of evil you have been practicing. coz otherwise itll just come back.

if you think that you honestly have not been dabbling in any kind of evil, maybe its someone u hang out with. some spiritual person who follows evil rituals or habits, and is bringing it into your life by practicing it around you, or convincing you to join in. in this case, id ask ur mate to keep it to him/herself, or stop seeing him/her.

2006-06-12 10:09:16 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

ouija boards open you up to the spirit realm, as does readng horoscopes or playing with tarot cards. There are many ways to expose yourself to the spirit realm.

2006-06-12 10:12:26 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There's no such thing as actual possesion. It's psychological. Only the faithfull get posessed, so to fight it, ditch your faith.

2006-06-12 10:01:54 · answer #8 · answered by lenny 7 · 0 0

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