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Well, so far I did not get to see a clear picture that can make trinity to me logical, Christiansclaim that trinity is a hard to understand thing, I say trinity is B.S. since it is nothing but a damn old mythology that has no base, for God is One and not three nor three in one... if you think otherwise, please explain your trinity and BACK UP YOUR CLAIMS WITH verses from any of today's Bibles available..

2006-06-12 02:57:27 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

13 answers

I'll make this simple and understandable for you. God is love. Love is nothing if it cannot be shared. God created his son in order to share his love. That allowed both God and Jesus his son to love, but only back and forth. The trinity was formed when God created the Holy Spirit, thus allowing Gods love and Jesus' love to flow with and through the Holy Spirit. You might notice that I said God created Jesus in order to share his love, yet Jesus came into a human form long after other humans had. That is because God has no beginning and no end. Since Jesus is the son of God, he too had no beginning and no end, save for his human existence.

I hope that explains it clearly.

2006-06-12 06:27:12 · answer #1 · answered by kathy059 6 · 2 0

I have to be brief. It is a long and involved question and I am going to give it to you without quoting a lot of Bible verses.
It is not a myth, as there is some historical fact to support it, ie the words of Jesus himself, whom muslims consider is a prophet, so they must presumably accept that he would not lie, nor deliberately mislead people. No He did not actually say the word 'Trinity" nor did he ever say " I am God." but he gave a lot to add to the other pointers in the Bible about the Trinity.
It is a mystery, which is beyond human explanation, ie how God can be made up of three seperate identities. There are many things in religions, even yours, which are beyond human comprehension. Which is why God gave us the gift of faith, and you should know all about faith if you can believe some of the stories about Mohammed.
In the first Chapter of the Bible it says, "...and the spirit of God was moving across the waters...." So we know that the spirit of God existed at the beginning.
There can be know doubt about The Father in heaven who is evident throughout the Bible.
Jesus said, of himself "....I came down from heaven...." So we know that he was there from the beginning too, especially as St Paul says, "...through Him (Jesus) all things were made..." and "....... He ( again Jesus) did not cling to His equality with God...." Jesus also said "....The Father and I are one...." Then on the occasion when he met his disciples before he ascended to heaven He had the power to breath the Holy Sprit into them.
In the new Testament letters, The Holy Sprit is referred to (twice I think) as the Spirit of Jesus. Which is why we can be sure that "the helper, advocate" that he had the authority to say that he would send was the Holy Spirit.
The fact that he said that his apostles/disciples should go and baptise "In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit " is just one verse to add to the many others which are the basis of opur belief in the Trinity.
What is a bigger mystery to me is why it should concern you so much, unless you are considering becoming a Christian. If so, stop trying to understand things which are beyond human understanding and just open yourself to the Holy Spirit and read the New Testament with an open mind.
I know this must be a difficult subject for you when everything is so clear cut and black/white in the Qur'an, but this apparent clarity, for me, only takes away from the authenticity of the Qur'an. I would far rather stick with the Bible , with its questionable verses, which could have been ironed out by the copyists over the centuries if they had not been so intensely concerned with the purity of the text.
Whatever you are and want to be, God bless you.

2006-06-12 13:50:39 · answer #2 · answered by Palamino 4 · 0 0

Considering that this is almost a sincere question, - I'll try to help.

the term, Trinity is not found in the Bible. It's the concept that states, the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit all are unique from one another, yet also are proper entities (not life forces or mystic smoke or whatever), with full being-ship apart from each other.

Since we also know that that there is only one God in principle, action, thought and mission, these 3 are totally in agreement with one another, - ie acting as one.

2006-06-12 10:04:57 · answer #3 · answered by MK6 7 · 0 0

As an athiest, I would like to see why proof that you religion exists. But guess what, you can't because it does not exist but only in your own mind. Talk about B.S., then you are refering to the whole Quran and the Bible and every other religious book ever written. Prove that a god of any kind exists. You can't. All religion is B.S. and you need religion to use as a crutch to get through life because that is how your muslim family brainwashed you when you were growing up.

2006-06-12 10:02:55 · answer #4 · answered by skifaster6 3 · 0 0

You call yourself a "Thoughtful Muslim", is it thoughtful of you to claim to want to learn and understand when you already decided the Trinity is a "myth" and "BS"? Are these the comments of an open minded person?

Would it be open minded of me to say: prove to me that deluted false prophet Mohammed was a man sent from God! If in my inquiry I already concluded something about my subject then I'm not truly seeking with an open mind.

I'd love to share what I know but I don't waste my time with people who just want to offend for the sake of offending.

2006-06-12 10:14:41 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

"It is customary in scientific research to look for the presence of water as a prerequisite sign of biological life. Our faith teaches us that God, the Father, is the source of life. What is interesting is that the water molecule can exist simultaneously in three different forms: solid (ice), liquid (water) and vapor (steam). If water, an element made by God, can have a such a characteristic, then it should not be difficult for God, who is the most awesome power in the universe, to have the same characteristic."

You should try to discover the relationship between science and faith. Science does not detract from mystery, but finds mystery in common, everyday occurrences.

2006-06-12 10:08:46 · answer #6 · answered by Tiffany5 4 · 0 0

If your initial position, and approach to be open minded, as to realize and understand the Trinity doesn't changes , you may continue calling the Trinity a myth?, and also a B.S?. of Christianity. Base in what I don't think anyone will be able to complitly convince you of the thrut, and in oposit to what you think. Although The Trinity is the convination of Three different thinks, in this case The first and only superior Trinity is achieved Through the Father God, been HIM self one, and in command, Two, The Son becomes the other person necessary to continue development and making of what the Trinity is, and what purpouses will serve. Basically, to put the world in motion, and to allow Jesus Christ the Son, to become and accomplish God, and/or his holly Father's desires for him to achieve and become. third The Holly Spirit, become the last portion of this superior Trinity which will be achieve to valance between God, needs, dreams desires and ideas for the world to become. with the needs of the Son and of the Holly Spirit as well to achieved, to accomplish and become, according to the needs of the world, base in the standars of Humanity. Been such standars of course pre-set by God the Father. Three diferent entities together as one, to deal with the affears of the material world. LIfe and the Life existence of the matters in question. Though the Holly Spirit is base in the essences of God, and the Son is a complit different, separate and unique entity to the Father, this isn't difficult at all to understand, if you realize that the World, was create due to the needs of God to experience the right elements which he will use to create a material and/or phisical existence and/or a vessel in which the Living energy would and could spend some time in the material World, to experience and Learn of the Substances molecules and the different matters, concern whith the existence,concervation and protection of matter, and of HIM self, jesus and the Holly spirit energies. as well of the positive energies of matter, and of the elements of Matter'. Basically to lift the matter Elements substances cells and molecules into Living.conditions. God that is and was the creator of Life, plans that included as well, the return of matter to its originality, and/or original state of the matter's. Life that doesn't exist within the matter's, but allows matter to only exist, will seas to be went God will deam it necessary. According to the accomplishments of our Phisicsl body, that been experience in our own Living energies will Learn of its phisical forms and the molecular structure necessary to create such vessel, for our self in the heavens and in the essences in an effor to stay out way from the desires of matter to continue achieving and accomplish chainges by mutation. You and I are also Trinities although inferior Trinities, we are, Body Spirit and Mind, which if we get to line-up, in perfect order we can get to become, achieved and acomplish some of "God desires for mans to achieved and accomplish to become" one more perfect Trinity. That is why there is a believed that in the beginning God geometrise to create the World.

2006-06-12 10:54:32 · answer #7 · answered by paradiseemperatorbluepinguin 5 · 0 0

all religions believe in the concept of more than 1 god. islam too has a trinity. read sura 53, it says how allah had 3 daughters
and mohomed believed in so many gods, jinn and even witch doctors

2006-06-12 10:04:09 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I will not insult your religious beliefs, kindly have the courtesy to do likewise for mine. The Trinity is a belief and if you believe in an Almighty God, All Powerful you have to agree that He is capable of doing anything. God bless.................

2006-06-12 10:19:43 · answer #9 · answered by thomasrobinsonantonio 7 · 0 0

it's the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
and because I have faith I believe.

2006-06-12 10:04:38 · answer #10 · answered by Andrea 5 · 0 0

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