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My dog is nervous of people so she barks at everyone any ideas how to stop her doing this?

2006-06-12 01:42:37 · 21 answers · asked by MoJoJoJo 4 in Pets Dogs

21 answers

If your dog is barking through nerves, then she feels that the people are too close for comfort. While you are dealing with the problem I recommend you take the pressure off and try to keep people further away from her; far enough that she doesn't feel the need to bark.
Make this a pleasurable experience for her. If you can make some rewards come from the people, thats great; maybe try in your back garden with a trustworthy friend, who can put some biscuits into a bowl and keep her distance.
Your dog is ok with you, so she can learn that other people are ok to be around. Be really strict with your visitors and don't let them approach your dog. She doesn't want to be petted. People should respect your rules in your home and not try to prove they know better with your dog.
In the house it will help if she has a safe place to go when you have visitors. It must be an absolute rule that they must never approach her basket.
Training discs might work if you use them proplerly; but you don't just pick them up and use them straight away. She has to be conditioned to the noise. Go to a trainer who can help you with them as your timing is critical.
I'm confident that htis problem is fixable as your dog is ok with you, but I think you need more direct help. Good luck and be patient with her; she's doing out of fear.
Please note that they water pistol trick is not suitable for your dog as it would add to her distress. There must be no punishment from you as you are her safety zone.

2006-06-12 13:09:34 · answer #1 · answered by sarah c 7 · 2 0

Socialisation and at least basic obedience training solve 80% of behavioural problems, so start with that.

The problem with aversion training such as anti bark collars/noisy cans is that if the dog associates the moment of the unpleasant experience/sound with you there is a chance he will respond aggressively.
If you use a citronella collar, make sure you know exactly how to use it first to avoid creating more problems, NEVER use an electric collar on your dog please there is really no need for anything that drastic. If you use a can or anything like that hide it from you dogs view when you use it so he doesnt realize where it has come from. I personally dont advocate using punishment but its your choice :)

Often the best way to eliminate unnecessary barking is to teach it to bark on command. Once he realizes that barking is only fruitful when you ask him to do it first you can train him to the 'quiet' command.

when you ask him to bark, wait til he has barked once and then hold your hands out palm down in a sweeping movement (not over his head and not in a threatening way). Because he will not be expecting he should stop barking, reward with a treat straight away and he should respond the same way next time. Timing is crucial :). repeat 10 times.

If he has got that then next time you repeat add a command such as 'quiet' (in a normal tone of voice) make sure you say it after the hands out cue and reward straight away if he is obedient. repeat 10 more times.

Last step is to just use the vocal command, remember to reward straight away and repeat a furthur 10 times.

Dogs differ so he may need more repetitions for each step. If he suddenly fails at one step go back to the beginning of the step before. He will get it eventually.

Good luck with whichever method you choose :)

2006-06-13 13:56:52 · answer #2 · answered by Kat 2 · 0 0

I had a Similar problem with my dog, she is a rescue dog.
I had the local dog whisperer round and he suggests taking responsibility from the dog and demoting it, to do this you separate them when people visit if it barks, don't let him/her sleep on your bed(as this makes them feel like part of the leadership of your pack) you can also try putting a few small stones in a tin can covering the hole and if your dog doesn't stop barking on the first quiet command then shake the can, your dog should learn to associate the unpleasant noise of the can shaking with your final quiet command and that he/she will be put out/in another room if he/she barks again.
also it is best not to shout too loud or get stressed as the dog apparently reads this as you barking along with it and the stress means the intruding person must be bad!
its a good idea to carry treats when you are out to distract and reward your dogs good behaviour with.
all these things had positive effects with my dog, however she will all ways have that 5% of nervousness and a tendency to bark at people she doesn't know, its hard work but with perseverance , love and age they do calm considerably!
good luck!

2006-06-12 01:56:13 · answer #3 · answered by Flinge 1 · 0 0

I've got a Jack Russell and she used to bark like crazy. So I filled a water pistol and every time she barked I squirted her and said 'No Barking'. It clicked with her in a couple of squirts that she got wet if she barked and then I only used to have to show her the pistol and say 'No Barking' and she stopped. Now I only have to tell her and bingo! She stops barking, I don't even need to show her the water pistol anymore. It only took a few days to work.

2006-06-12 01:57:26 · answer #4 · answered by iloveF1 3 · 0 0

The water pistol answer is excellent. If I weren't a cartoon drawing, I'd take my stetson off to that answer.

However I can go one better. I used exactly the same approach with my dog except I used a real pistol. I tell you I only had to shoot the little fella the once ..... he never barked again.

2006-06-12 02:51:04 · answer #5 · answered by Alex 3 · 0 0

I'd try to walk her more often giving her the chance to be among other people and pets. It'd be great if you had a SAFE place to unleash her once in a while and let her play free, if she doesn't. I'd also find a place for her to run and play until she got exhausted. Physical exercises are great for people and pets. If she's younger than 3 y.o. you may have good chances. Good luck.

2006-06-12 01:51:11 · answer #6 · answered by funtooabc 2 · 0 0

Take her to obedience training. It helps a lot. See, I had a dog who would bark at people, even bight because he was just so scared of them. I took him to obeidence training and I was so thankful to the person who trained him because in no time, he was the best dog. His bad habits had been clamed down A TON! Try obedeince...it really helps! :)

2006-06-12 03:19:02 · answer #7 · answered by animalgirltoo 2 · 0 0

most pet shops can order a special collar which stops dogs from barking, costs around 60 quid but remember it does not stop wining!

2006-06-12 07:20:12 · answer #8 · answered by vicky l 6 · 0 0

beat yo dogs when they start barking at people that you know and they will learn to only bark at people that dont belong.

2006-06-12 01:45:41 · answer #9 · answered by gurutu32 1 · 0 0

Give the dog a bone.

Agrophobia? Get her to meet lots and lots of people..might ressolve it..there are a number of things.

My dog is almost the same, but he hates little black children =X he chased one the other day..heh

2006-06-12 01:48:31 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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